Dining In

A bead of sweat trickled slowly down Lex's neck disappearing underneath his taut shirt, as the heat of the day pounded his bruin body in his office cubicle. '20 more minutes and its time to get outta here!' he thought, relishing the straying chill of...

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Filling the Gap Year

All through his life up until he had finished University Max had worked hard to gain what he wanted and now that it was all over and done with, he had decided to go on a gap year in the forests of Brazil to shake off his life and start anew ready to...

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Stuffed Toys

Den had always been a bit on the scrawny side even for being a rabbit. All through elementary and junior high it didn't matter so much as he was still about the same as the rest but it wasn't until high school that he began to notice just how different...

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Saving on Utilities Pt2

The water danced over both fur's muscular bodies, tricking down over their pulsing torsos. Each heavy with lust as the tension between them rose to fever pitch. Art with his hands on his boyfriend's hips and tongue gently invading his pucker had been...

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