Witch Blood - 01
"Hey, Lyle, you ever notice how people don't always get what they want, but then when they get what they need, they turn their noses up at it?" The question had been an idle one, but the youth knew his role and fed her the straight line. "What do you...
Watching Your Language
**Vulgarity** Sex is a very dirty thing (especially when done right) but it does not need to be crude. While some people are into that sort of thing, the truth is that the language of regular story telling applies here. **Death to...
Romance vs Porn
Romance ... sex ... porn ... they are all related. While they may have different methods of getting there, in the end, any type of romantic literature is all about people coming together, emotionally and physically, in one of the most emotionally...
On My Honor - 03
There was no frivolity within the carriage as the caravan resumed its journey. All of the ladies had made it back without harm, but nearly every knight and soldier now nursed some part of his body. For Captain William, it was his left shoulder. The axe...
On My Honor - 02
Chapter 02 No journey could be completely safe, and the Trotting Road was a common enough route for travelers in these parts. If a bandit wanted to find prey, all they would need to do was lay in wait until something rich and looking vulnerable came...
On My Honor - 01
The beast with two backs writhed once more ... and this time, the princess had chosen a stable boy. The youth was strong, virile, and far too excited to stop and think about the danger he was in. The princess had chosen him ... _him ..._ and that was...
Have you ever said something and realized it sounded way better in your head? Have you ever thought of an awesome comeback long after it was way too late to do anything about it? Have you ever written something on Facebook and then read it and...
10 - Reflection
The sun peered in through the east facing window and caused Blue Shield's eyes to flick wide open. Without moving his head, he rotated his eyes in his sockets and gathered the information he needed about his surroundings. _I'm in a bed._ _We're in...
09 - Tumble Weeds
The heat of the volcanic craters lessened as they plodded wearily through the night, and the darkness was too thick for any of the dragons to find them. No ponies spoke as they cantered uneasily through the dusty oblivion of the Badlands. The stone...
08 - Mask of Courage
"Is that him?" Blue Shield asked as he laid flat on his stomach upon the too warm stone. "Oh yeah," Green River whispered softly, "that's him." "How can you tell?" Tick asked. "Looks a lot like the other red dragons," Tock echoed. "It's him,"...
07 - Between Heaven and Equestria
The world was on fire. The stone burned like a forest and but instead of ashes and dust it went molten and spread along the ground. Lava pooled in craters only to boil over and rush down the mountains toward a village of uncaring ponies. The grass...
06 - Observations
The train out of Canterlot chugged quickly through the starlit night with a different type of cargo than typical. A dozen sleepy pony soldiers sat in silence in various stages of unrest, some snoozing, some staring out the window, and all were...