Soul Stalkers - 01

Soul Stalkers - 01 By Arthur Griffin The lean months of summer are finally at an end. The school year is next week. The campus is alive with prey. Girls are just becoming young women, and moving into the dorms. Parents let their baby girls...

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Witch Blood 14

Rhea opened her eyes and found herself back in her bedroom. Everything was sore ... and she was sweltering. Though her body complained terribly, she stumbled herself upright, wobbled across the room, and threw open the shutters. Sunlight stabbed into...

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Journey of a Succubus - 06

Last Edit: 04 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 06 Elora laid on her side as the life essence of her former servant seeped into her veins. Seven hundred years of memories and emotions rushed through her. For a time it felt as if she...

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Journey of a Succubus - 05

Last Edit: 04 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 05 Subuta ran a wide bristled brush gently through Elora's wet hair. Her eyes were half-closed as his careful attention massaged her to the roots. Subuta had used some sort of special...

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Journey of a Succubus - 04

Last Edit: 03 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 04 All of the baths Elora had taken in her life were in private tubs with a servant or two and occasionally a doctor there to check her body. She had never bathed with her husband, but...

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Journey of a Succubus - 03

Last Edit: 13 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 03 Five erect towers pointed toward the swirling vortex that passed as the sky of the netherworld. In the center there was a castle keep and within these towers and walls were the...

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Journey of a Succubus - 02

Last Edit: 03 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 02 Time passed relatively quickly and Elora's body grew. Her limbs were in pain a great deal of the time but the doctors assured her that it was a natural process for a young woman to...

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Journey of a Succubus - 01

Last Edit: 03 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 01 In the highest towers of the lands of Traloria there lived a collection of princesses. As was the custom in their land, the princesses were schooled only in how to please their future...

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Earth Force Diplomacy

WARNING #1 - Sex and swearing are in this story, along with a great deal of military humor. If you were ever in the service, you should laugh a little harder than the rest. You should also be able to figure out that I was not an officer. If you did not...

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Moth to a Flame

Lunar Blood Feud - 07 - Moth to a Flame "You're engaged!?" Sara shouted, drawing stares and smiles from other patrons in the dinner. Jennifer fanned out her fingers to show off the ring, causing her friends to whistle. "I know it's a little sudden......

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Why We Fight

06 - Why We Fight "So, you wanna tell me what this is all about?" Mulda sat comfortably in her easy chair. It had taken two young werewolves an hour to get it through the front door and into position. Every time she sat in it she smiled, appreciated...

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Soul Stalkers - 05

Soul Stalkers - 05 Tammy nearly threw Angela through the front door, of their house, before she slammed it shut and slotted the bolt in place. The affect of the goth-girl... Abigail... had not left her a moment of peace as they ran...

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