Those Forgotten IV: Awake [edited]

_ ~~~~~~~ **Those Forgotten - Awake** ~~~~~~~ Notes: Notes: This is the 4th installment of 'Those Forgotten,' it contains no yiff but is very emotional so don't put up the tissues just yet. Umm, this chapter is quite short but I felt it needed...

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Those Forgotten III: Calling All Angels [edited]

_ ~~~~~~ _ _ **Those Forgotten - Calling All Angels** _ _ ~~~~~~~ _ _notes: Okay, this one is quite the shocker so read though and tell me how evil I am. Also, I added a song in this one too so click [here](%5C) to go listen to it on youtube. ...

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Those Forgotten II: A Rought Night [edited]

_ ~~~~~~ **Those Forgotten - A Rough Night** ~~~~~~ Notes: Okay, so I lied, this one has sex as well and you cannot possible understand how unbearable horny writing the sex scene over the last two days has made me! The re-edited first...

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Those Forgotten I: He's the One [edited]

_ ~~~~~~~ **Those Forgotten - He's the one ~~~~~~~ Notes: Well, the here's the twice re-edited version. I fixed what I think to all of the problems, I could have missed a few. There are a few things that people were questioning and they'll all...

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Roses II: Privacy Screens

~~~~~~~ Roses - Privacy Screens ~~~~~~~ **I'm posting un-edited, I've no response from my editor so far. Chapter 3 will be up when chapter 4 is done, and like wise with chapter 5.** Notes: Here's Chapter two of my newest series Roses....

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Roses I: Welcome to the Neighborhood

~~~~~~~ Roses - Welcome to the Neighborhood ~~~~~~~ This is my new series, yes a new one, and it's based on a real dog that I once knew, though highly anthropomorphized for story purposes. This is for BoBo, my neighbors husky of whom I fell...

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Chapter 4 - Uncharted Waters

\*\*\*\*\*\* Chapter 4 - Uncharted Waters \*\*\*\*\*\* "Nice length," Aaron murmured. Harley slid a hand between them and gave Aaron a stroke from base to tip. "Not to bad yourself, spots," he replied with a smirk. The locked lips...

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Chapter 3 -Virgin Territory

\*\*\*\*\*\* Chapter 3 - Virgin Territory \*\*\*\*\*\* As Aaron followed Harley up the stairs to his apartment, he was suddenly very aware of how little possessions he had. Even the little bit of clothing, fur wash, and toothbrush the Doberman...

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Chapter 2 - Hero

\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Chapter 2 - Hero \*\*\*\*\*\*\* Aaron woke to the sound of a constant beeping, the sharp scent of chemical cleansers, and annoying influx of oxygen being forced into his nostrils. The Dalmatian coughed and gagged, his nose and...

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Chapter 1 - Heat

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Chapter 1 -Heat \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I started this story well over two years ago. I started many stories well over two years ago. I never finished them; life happened and kept me at bay. I've been through many ups and downs since...

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