The Time of the Prophecy (Ch.5)

The Time of the Prophecy (Ch. 5) _\*\*\*Author's note: My deepest apologies for the extended wait for this chapter. Bullshit, drama, and business, 3 things I strive to avoid, all came together to keep me from doing any work. Due to recent changes in...

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Curse of the (part 2)

**Curse of the (part 2)** _I'd like to apologize to everyone, especially Narse, for how long this story took to write. My life has been insanely busy lately. Now that my schedule has cleared up, I'm hoping to clear out my cache of...

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Of Dragons, Demons, and Forbidden Places.

_My part of a trade done for Jerivinn over a year ago._ Of Dragons, Demons, and Forbidden Places It was a warm day in the forest. There were birds singing in the trees, small animals scurrying through the brush, and slight rustlings as the wind blew...

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What to Goo, What to Goo

What to Goo, What to Goo... It was the end of a beautiful spring day and the sun was just dipping below the horizon. Kon was on his way home after...

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All For a Milkshake (Part. 3)

**All for a Milkshake** _(Part 3)_ \*\*\*\*\* My half of a trade with []( Part 1 is here:...

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Unexpected Bonding

_I'm very sorry about the long delay since the last story. I've been having a lot of health issues over the past few months. Hopefully the worst is behind me and I can start working again. That being said, I am in school, so story-writing will be...

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Twincest is Best-cest

_ This is a request for_ **Erebus86** _on SoFurry. As a reminder, I am open for requests for the moment. It took me longer than expected to get this done, but then again, I haven't had the time at work to quietly sit and write. Oh well, better late...

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