The Chase

The hyena ran across the sand. The jackal watched her, the sun tinting his black fur with gold, naked but for a pair of dark green shorts compared to the hyena that was fully nude. He nodded to the hyena as she passed. "Howdy," he said. The...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Six

There was blood everywhere, blood on the walls, the floors, the ceiling, and the furniture. Josh lay on the floor, shaking. I pulled the needle from his neck. He looked up at me. "You..." he hissed. His body was covered in bloody holes. I...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Five

His paw traveled up my thigh. His nose was dangerously close to mine. Just a little closer. My brain urged. I felt his warm breath on my face, it smelled of tobacco and mint. His lips were just inches from mine, then I turned my head and his...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Four

The water was boiling. The corset left deep welts in my skin and lying in the hot bath made them burn. I started to cry, mostly from my wounds being burned. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain. Then- "Camile hurry up and get dressed!"...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Two

Miss Bailie didn't tell Mammy and Daddy about my bloody skirt. She asked me why I didn't tell her I'd started bleeding. I asked her what she meant by it but she said it was just something all girls went through once a month when they got older. I...

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Run Away

Her body ached all over. Her fur was matted with blood and sweat. Her hair was tangled and fell over her face. It was the same thing every night. If he wanted to go to bed he'd get his way no matter what. Zoe shut her eyes...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Thirteen

"What are you doing?" Mr. Bridshaw asked. I put his robe over my shoulder and pulled back the curtains to let some sunlight in. It was a beautiful day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I crossed the room to Mr. Bridshaw's bed and tucked the...

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Untitled Love

I finished cleaning the house. I vacuumed the carpet and fixed the cushions on the couch. I did the laundry and folded the clothes and put them back in the dresser. I'd just taken the chicken out of the oven and set the table when I heard his car pull...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Twelve

"What happened to your sister?" I asked him. He lifted his head and looked at me. It was the same look from earlier at the beach, but much darker. "I'm sorry, but..." I began. I bit my lip. "They... The maids mentioned that... That...

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The Slave's Punishment

"Lily dear, wake up," Grigory said. No response. The hyena was asleep on her belly, her cheek to the pillow and her sable locks partly strewn about the pillow and partly covering her face. Grigory lay on his side, almost face to face with the...

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A Father's Love, Chapter Eleven

My awakening was less than kind. A maid shook me awake to tell me Mr. Bridshaw had invited me to breakfast. I sat up. She was skinny as a rail. She was young but looked old. "What is it?" I groaned. "Mr. Bridshaw has invited you to...

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