Guro Challenge #14: Self-Harm

Fermald hadn't wanted to agree with him, but she had no choice; Graylunk knew he was insane, but he was not stupid, and he knew there was nothing more the infirmary could do. It was time. In the night he slipped away, taking no food or blanket - why...

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Guro Challenge #9: Skeleton/Bones

Her belly was softer than it should be, and she noticed the bitter iron smell before the surprisingly mild cramp. She put a paw to her thigh, found it wet, and screamed. Buckler came running, and found Clarinna sitting on her bed, clutching something,...

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Mossflower After Midnight: Vizka/Codj

Codj groaned and braced himself against the captain's desk, knees wedged against the arms of the chair. He pushed his hips up and rolled back down, as close as he could manage to the rhythm of the waves gently rocking the ship. Vizka lounged in the...

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A Curious Fleet: Shard/Freeta

Promotion was not living up to Shard's expectations. Angrily, he wiped droplets of water from his headfur and let his tongue hang out, hoping to ease the discomfort of the sticky-hot room, and hacked with more force than necessary at the carrots...

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A Curious Fleet: Piknim/Craklyn

The mist was thick, and the moisture made her old bones ache. She had thought that would stop now. Perhaps she had to get past the gate first. She hoped she could find it soon. The path beneath her footpaws was smooth going, broad enough to admit an...

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Guro Challenge #16: Bondage

Lask Frildur was a fine specimen of a Monitor, but still very young, and was ashamed to realise it had taken only forty rats to bring him down. Ten were dead and three more soon would be, and more would likely follow. Monitor bites festered, and the...

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Guro Challenge #12: Parasite

"I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this."...

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Guro Challenge #6: Surgery

Romsca, stripped to the fur, sat back on the table in the smoky, smelly apothecary's shop, and eyed the grog bottle in the paw of the bent old fox. "Gonna pass that over 'ere, mate?" "This? This is for me," said the crone, shaking it disapprovingly....

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Guro Challenge #15: Insects

"So, liddle Skiv, heard the tale o' the scorpion an' the frog?" Mariel remained silent, walking down the nearly dark stairs one pace ahead of the jovial searat, concentrating on putting one paw in front of the other on the slippery stone. She grunted...

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Guro Challenge #3: Vore/Cannibalism

Filorn walked into the infirmary, saw the mouse's head poking out of her son's mouth, and almost had a heart attack before Nimbalo waved a paw from behind Deyna's lips and grinned at her. "'Ello, miz Deyna's mum!" "Good grief, lads, what are you...

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Guro Challenge #8: Undead/Zombie

Y'know, we might not be so different. Well, we are one way. You squeakers taste better. Nah, fer serious, I mean it. Why'd you go a-wanderin'? No matter, 'twoulda turned out far better fer both of us if we'd stayed home. I see all yer scars, that mean...

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Guro Challenge #21: Breathplay

"N-no, please... aaccck..." "Head up!" Dotti grabbed the stoat's whiskers and yanked up, pointing his snout at the sky. The captives had been lined up by height, kneeling on the sand, each at the footpaws of a hare holding a length of rope. Brocktree...

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