fox test chapter one

disclaimer, I do not own the rabbit test story dasher cheetah owns that story and this story is mine done with his permission. Long ago a fox family lived in a valley with others who are not human yet wanted peace between humans and non human. One day...

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temple goddess

pre-story long ago when the temple was young a goddess granted wishes to those who would kill themselves if there wish was not granted then and there. Chapter one goddess of the temple The goddess granted wishes to those who needed the help. One...

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magic laws

pre-story The law of magic is simple all magic creatures use there magic wisely to hide from humans who would misuse the magic for there own gain at the cost of that being's life. This story is about a human who lives alone trying to find a way to...

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Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one

Pre-story Long ago when the building's of triangle origin where young the wishing dragon made wishes come true for those who deserved it the unlucky one's who made fun of the lucky one's where changed by there deed into a baby infant to be raised on...

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moonless night

richard the wolf pup was born on a moonless night his dad said that's a sign that he will be great at protection magic. His mom said let us hope so he will need it when where gone as we need to be home soon when the pup can walk is when we go okay its...

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magic planet

long ago when the planet called magic was young a boy dragon was born from a mother dragon and a human mage there love for there child was greater than life the child had shield powers any time someone new tryed to to see him they fell asleep at the...

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four children

Once upon a time there where four babies born two boys and two girls all born from the elements. Chapter one birth of babies made from elements. Once upon a time elemental babies made from the elements they where born from.air, earth,fire,water, the...

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heart power

long ago before the balance was messed with the land was full of food and clean water all the people where weak of body but there soul was stronger than steal could ever be. There soul was where there real power was and could be brought out by the...

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magic blade

Once there was a land free of pain as the blade's made sure that all male babies where protected at birth so they could remain intact until adult hood came on there adult day they could choose to keep there foreskin without fail all said they where...

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vampire blood

long ago there was a vampire who fought in the great war to bring peace between humans and vampires this vampire name is drake and he lives to this day walking the street without fear as sun light is harmless to a full pure blood as he's the one who...

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baby land

in this land there are no grown ups just babies enjoying themselves being what they want to be the only grown up there was more of a baby than the rest he never let anyone change his diaper but his brother or his mom. Funny enough both loved changing...

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infant dragon

The mommy and her son drane are older in mind than in body. Mommy is in her teen years drane is an infant still as he was born on a moonless night mommy cared for drane more than her parents knew as when they said he had to go she said fine I'll stay...
