Day 1: Different start

Dear Diary, Today was a fine day. The school just started and the ceremony of welcome went great and I did meet some nice and friendly people even though I can't remember their names yet. I guess there's so much information to register when you meet...

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He felt the butterflies moving in his stomach and therefore held the android closer towards his chest, sighed deeply and closed his eyes. As he closed his eyes he hoped for the best as if it was the last wish he ever could have and sighed again. He...

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Dean was glad to no end even though it had been a long day at school with lessons he didn't enjoy so much as his favorites. In all the lessons he had he was grouped up with Ken and some others. They were both huskies where the difference was the color;...

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Chapter 4: Sweetness

He sat there on the bed and felt a bit nervous, took his time waking up from a confusing dream. After he rubbed his eyes with both of his hands and sighed he stood up and went to the bathroom where there was a bowl of cold water which he filled the day...

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Seeing Things

I guess... I just want to see things with him. Like, maybe see a zoo or an amusement park, fireworks or a circus. I want to see something fun or beautiful with him, just knowing that he sees what I see is... it gives me warmth to me. Often when I see...

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The Third Birthday

It was Oliver's birthday, March the 3rd, and Elijah intended to give him the gift this time directly even though they weren't that close to each other. Elijah did give him gifts the last two birthdays but was done anonymously and didn't tell anyone but...

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Chapter 3: The Two Weeks

The two weeks of work routine had passed and for Alfred it passed quite fast, perhaps too fast. In the middle of the routine Alfred found out that he was in love with Arthur and tried to handle this truth about himself that he was in love with same...

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Chapter 2: New Beginning

Alfred felt quite anxious to meet his parents after his first day at Arthur's place. Though he is allowed to visit different furs and other species he was not allowed to stay and visit for long and he certainly know his approximate time he could use to...

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Chapter 1: The Project

The school had already started about two months ago and the class had at that time experienced both really good and less good situations which ultimately made them closer to each other. Some of the good situations were pulled off by the open-minded and...

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Chapter 7: Stars to Watch

_"Alfred, you have nearly begun to live" it was a soft and caring voice that went through Alfred's mind._ _"Who is it?" he asked confused and a bit scared but the voice was so familiar and yet so strange._ _"Don't be there where you are or you'll...

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Lucky and Amos

"Would you please... stop it, Amos?" whispered Lucky even though he wanted Amos to continue his doing even though it was a bit embarrassing to his pride. "What did you say, hun?" said Amos and lowered his head so it was the same height as Lucky's and...

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One action, thousand words

Sad I am, hard to deny As the Life passes by Everyone has fun and do not see that I am upon my knee First when I cry and fall They begin to make call Giving advice, no action It turns me into fraction Only my shadow feel That I begin to keel...

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