A Lead Crown Contribution: Foul Attitude
"If you keep using wide swings like that, Inigo, you're going to get yourself killed," Faula explained as she effortlessly sidestepped Inigo's overextended horizontal strike. Today was knife training, Faula's favorite, and Alarice was kind enough to...
Sexah Tiemz
When Daren came back to the room all cleaned up and ready (and I finally figured out how the fuck to put a condom on...) we decided on doing it on top of his bed doggie style, well, not because Daren's a dog or anything, we just kind of uh... I'm not...
Get Ready!
After we got out of the movie theater, Daren asked me if I wanted to go back to his place, to which I immediately responded "hell yes". We didn't talk much during the ride back, probably because we both knew what was on the other's mind. And during the...
Just F*ck Already!
"I can't believe you convinced me to do this..." "Well, you did say you'd do anything." "Yeah, I did, and I'm sticking to what I said, even if I'm not ready for something like this..." "You scared?" "Kind of... I just hope there won't be any...
A Nice Guy
"So this is what sushi restaurants are like? Damn, why ain't I been to one of these before?" Daren said, seated at our table as he was soaking in the restaurant's Japanese style wall scrolls, paintings and other décor. Aoi Hana was the name of the...
Babby's First Date!
Valleyview Apartments was only about a ten minute drive away from my house, but that was still enough time for me to start daydreaming about my date with Daren (not that you should be daydreaming while you're driving, kids, you could run somebody...
Space Cadet
After Daren asked me out that Wednesday, the rest of the week started to feel unbearably slow. Whether it was during class, while I was doing homework after school, or even during Friday's game, all I could think about was my upcoming date with that...
It's Not Like I Like You or Anything!
For the rest of the school day Daren was nowhere to be seen. He must have had a different lunch hour than me because he wasn't anywhere in the cafeteria, and I knew I didn't have any classes with him. I was expecting to maybe bump into him again in the...
Das Racist!
Have you ever made a first impression so bad with somebody that every time you'd see them afterwards you'd do nothing but try to make up for it? Yeah, that happened to me once. It happened in the school hallway during my first semester of my junior...
Voodoo is not a joke, kids
OH MY GOD I didn't actually die. But by the time Chris and Jayce were dropped off I probably had close to three heart attacks, not to mention I think I wet myself a little... When we finally got to the cul-de-sac where I lived, Scott was driving at...
Shadows of Our Kind
**Prologue: A World at War.** I am Perseus Shadowclaw, a winged wolf/fox hybrid. Before I begin the story of my life, let me explain the world I live in. I live in the world of Zenith, which is composed of one continent containing six countries,...
Guy Talk
So... Friday... the day that nobody could take seriously after Raybecca Black released that horrible titular song that shat on the internet. That considered, I suppose Friday was a fitting day for my life to end up shitting itself so hard its bowels...