Kearyn: Gone Male Chpt2

After the Doctors I headed home, nothing too interesting happened until I got home. Considering I was now male, not female. I had completely forgotten that. As I headed into the house, she was there.. my sister. Her eyes wide with fear as this random...

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Darkest Lust - Chapter 1

She sees his eyes looking at her through the darkness.. so dark.. those golden eyes watching, staring. He pads around her.. sniffing her, exploring her with his eyes. She is bound.. bound to a chair, its hard.. with thick gripping vines holding her,...

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Darkest Lust - Chapter 3

"Urrrhhhhggg, I cant walk anymore! Can we please stoooop?" Naomi groaned. Tony looked back and laughed. "I thought you like walking? Never complain before!" Mica ran forward as they talked, to see how far it was yet to the village. "I know, but you...

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Darkest Lust - Chapter 2

The sun began to shine into the hut where Tony had lay Briahna with the herbs burning. The sweet smelling aroma of certain herbs he used beginning to take over the hut. Myth poked his head in, only to wrinkle his nose at the smell. He pulled his head...

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Kaeryn: Gone Male Chpt 4

~ _"Hello?" There was no caller ID on the phone, so I was curious as to who it was. "Tom my boy!" It was my doctor. "Two things, first.. you are stuck, we apologize. Second, we called your parents and told them that Kaeryn got into a car accident...

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A New Life

_I am not sure how it had happened, but it did. I have a tail! My brother and I had gone on this trip to see a friend of his. He told me that this friend was a doctor, but what kind of Doctor he never said. All I remember, is going up to his house,...

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It was eerie silent walking through the underground stockades. I heard voices, soft noises coming from one of the stalls, the rooms all high enough for one to stand in, to touch the ceiling. I was on guard in Stormwind, just recently recruited. As a...

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Big Rig Truckin': Kimi

"You want me to do what?" I looked over at my boss, wide eyed. "I want you to take this here, pull it back there.. load up and take 'em out." I scanned the opened trailer. It was a trailer that would normally hold livestock, such as pigs,...

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Big Rig Truckin': Zemar

"Are your lights on?" "Are they on? Uh, yeah.. they are the 'don't crash into me I am stuck' lights." I sighed. Second time this week that my truck has given me issues, maybe this time my boss will think in giving me a new one! Chewing and mumbles...

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Tugan Tails: Tugan Lake

They used to say, that whenever someone got their animal, they were complete. That their life could or would not be any better without the animal that had chosen them. These are the four legged. They come in many shapes and sizes, species and colours.....

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The leader took one look at Adahey before turning to his mate. Her eyes were on the bull and never leaving. The leader grunted and pointed out of the tent. The general looked to Adahey, and motioned with his head to get out. The moment they were...

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To Taanan

"Tanaan" The Commander said again. "We will be going to Tanaan." Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, the thing that they had been after was apparently not in Nagrand as they had thought it would be, it had been moved to Tanaan. The place where...

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