The Rabbit and the Tiger

The mountain cottontail makes his way up the steep, snow covered path. It's not winter, but it's always cold up this far up. He'll soon make the plateau, and then, his destination. He wears a long coat knitted from shed husky fur, and over that a...

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Losing Sight 1

The red panda comes out of the deed's office and looks around. There aren't any houses available, and the one he was promised still hasn't been vacated, and from the looks of it, may never be. Now, he needs to figure out where he and his companions...

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A Fallen Bird

Hearing a loud commotion outside, the snow leopard chakat slides out of bed.. Still in bed, one of his mates stirs. "Tyrin, what was that?" she sleepily asks. "I don't know, but I want you and Sessa to go back to the harem, just in case." She nods,...

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The Merrin, part 28

The outside temperature seems to have stabilized at 143 below. Inside the cave, it's holding around 95 below. Not cold enough for cryo, but too cold to spend much time outside. Avy, having wrapped herself around Key, sleeps. Key, on the other hand,...

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The Merrin, part 27

Key sits in the com shelter, trying to warm himself. It's nearing cryo temp outside, and the limit for his suit. He's managed to setup a second wind generator, but the available wind is nearly half of what it was. "All right, Drudge. New message for...

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Relieving Stress

_Cloudflare Error: 522 Connection timed out._ "Still? Sure, right when I need to find references the site goes down." With nothing else to do, I lean back in my chair and growl at my computer. "Mike, ease up. You're awfully tense for a snow," my...

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The Merrin, part 17

Avy has taken to typing rather well and has spent most of the morning telling Key all she knows about her species. She started with the larva he found near the lake. That's essentially their first form after hatching from eggs. It looked like it had...

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The Merrin, part 16

Having not seen Avy since giving her the larva a local day ago, Key tracks her using the tracking signal from the tag. As he nears her location, he realizes that he's in the same area where he had originally landed. Realizing her knows where she's at,...

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The Merrin, part 13

Working on the pod's transceiver, Key sits on top the pod, working through an open panel. As he works, he splits his attention between it and Drudge's findings about Avy. Since she's been inactive the last few days, it's given him time to do an...

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The Merrin, part 12

It's been eighteen local days since he landed. With local days being almost 40 standard hours long, it's been a standard month. In this time he's reinforced the walls of the shelter with the plating from the pods and piled dirt against those for added...

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The Merrin, part 8

Barely conscious, Key hangs from the straps of his seat. The pod's nose down, wedged between two large rocks, the window isn't broke. Below him, Alice lays across the window lays. She's still breathing, and that's all he knows. Drudge has his nanites...

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The Merrin, part 7

Alice fidgets in her seat. She's been cooped up in the pod for nearly 54 hours, and would kill for a shower and a bed. Glancing over at Key, she sighs. He's been asleep most of the time she's been awake. No, not asleep, more like comatose. Those damn...

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