Day 21 - Skull

Lucian Basken stood among the misty fields, his long black coat blowing with the cold winds. The lanky hyena-like man stared into the mist, dozens of battles dancing before his silver eyes while the souls of fallen warriors claimed for mercy. A growl...

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One Step at a Time

**One Step at a Time** By Odlan Solaz The door closed with a click, sending shivers down my spine. Beyond the ivory spire of my horn was his large furred form, made more imposing by the dim light of the room. I gulped when his coal black eyes fell...

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Forever by your side

**Forever by your Side** By Odlan Solaz * * * My hand clenches tightly around my pencil, a soft curse passing through my lips. My eyes glare at the numbers on my paper, its black lines thick with my failure. My eraser, furious and unforgiving,...

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Monster May 2020 Stories: Days 17-31

# Day 17 and Day 18: Vampire and Ghoul Sir Risker looked down at the village before him, the flames still burning bright hours after the attack. The pale man adjusted his fine clothes, more fitting for a lord holding court than for a person walking in...

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Monster May 2020 Stories: Days 1-16

# Day 1: Orc I have heard many stories of first times that were filled with happiness and a sense of accomplishment, I have seen my share of trideos following that trope too, perhaps that's why I thought that was the way it would go with me too, that...

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Monster May Day 5 and 6: Kobold and Dragonborn

Draken breathed a ring of fire to the air as he read the letter once more, anger made his blood boil while his claws scratched the wood of his desk. Smoke shot out of his nose as he bit back a growl but he was too late to stop his tail from beating the...

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Daniel looked over his work for the hundredth time that day, the numbers all blurring together in front of his eyes. The big rhino sighed and rubbed his eyes, the beginnings of a head ache were making themselves known after hours of staring at the...

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Day 13 - Hobby

Green fingers danced upon the black surface, pushing down the strings of the large mandolin. Melancholic notes filled the air around the orc, his other hand striking the cords with controlled strength. Alone in the forest clearing, with no one around...

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Day 12: Weapon

The clack of wood rang in my ears, the shock traveling through my arms up to my shoulders. A grunt left my mouth as I pushed more of my weight on my stick. Impassive green eyes met mine, judging me with coldness. I jumped back, tusks bared. Blood...


Day 11 - Hair

The cream brush parted the red mane with ease, the smell of coconut and roses clinging to it. Each pass of the brush smoothing out the mess of curls for only a few moments. Since she was a child, Elena had thought these brushing sessions were a lost...


Day 10 - Storm

Wumanok grunted in his hammock in his hammock when he a cold emptiness settled in his old wounds. For the old orc, the moods of his wounds were like family to him, inconvenient but helpful at times. The sigh of relief that left him a few seconds later...


Day 9 - Ghost

Lucian Basken glanced across the room, his dark gray eyes judging the orc before him. She had broad shoulders and wide hips, skin the color of desert's in the morning and hair the color of oil. Her dress, once surely a thing of marvel, was worn and...

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