Mid-Day Mannequin

Rapping her fingers on the desk idly, Sabrina was glaring at her computer clock with each passing minute just crawling by. It was 4:56, and she wanted to go home! All the next few houses to be put up for sale already had the pictures taken and touched...

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(Escape) The Hospital

'Darkness; a friend to some, and an enemy to others. It could bring comfort as easily as it could fear, or worse yet, pain. Pain, why pain? Something was hurting, and it was black all around, but there seems to be a noise...Just can't quite make it...

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Spray Paint Roommate

Spray on suit Rachael hummed quietly in the dead of night, paintbrushes and cans of spray-paint whirling around her madly in a rather chaotic scene, and her hands were swaying semi-rhythmically to make them all go around in the air - Quite...

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The Tour

"Come in, come in! You chose a good day to come! Oh~ the exciting things we will see!" Chuckled a ghostly white man - Just under six foot, messy brown hair, and jittery blue eyes. He wore simple clothes - Loose black pants, a black button down shirt,...

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Heather's Wild Vacation

"Have a kinky friend who needs a nice, long, SURPRISE vacation? Sure, they may not be willing at first, but they'll be begging to stay once we're done with them! We offer personalised escapes, for a multitude of fetishes - For a wide variety of...

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Heather's Pick-Up Service WIP

"Have a kinky friend who needs a nice, long, SURPRISE vacation? Sure, they may not be willing at first, but they'll be begging to stay once we're done with them! We offer personalised escapes, for a multitude of fetishes - For a wide variety of...

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