First Loss ~Chapter 6 Heart of a Lion~

"...Fine!" Devon agreed. "Yes! You won't regret it!" James exclaimed as he pulled out his cell and began dialing someone's number. "Hello?" A voice asked. "Hey! Oscar it's me, James." "Oh hey James. What do you want?" Oscar asked,...


First Impressions ~Chapter 5 Heart of a Lion~

Dusk took off, Danny was quiet the whole way, strangely. Dusk started to wonder what had been going on with the wolf in front of Danny's apartment. He wanted to know what Danny was thinking. Dusk was not bringing Danny back to his house,...

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First Tears ~Chapter 4 Heart of a Lion~

Danny sat down on the curb. He was once more waiting for Dusk to pick him up. Tonight Danny was wearing something a bit less revealing, a pair of baggy pants and a casual dress shirt. The pants were faded carpenters, and the dress shirt had brown and...

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First Love ~Chapter 3 Heart of a Lion~

And they kissed. The kiss seemed to last forever. It was clean, for a kiss, no tongue or movement. They both seemed shocked the kiss was occuring. Finally, Devon pulled away. Both of the boys' minds had gone blank. Devon's mind click back on, like...

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First Thoughts ~Chapter 2 Heart of a Lion~

Devon laid on his bed, stroking his mane. His mane was now completely grown in, framing his face. Devon was thinking about a night four years prior. The night which first pointed out to him that he was not straight. Now he knew he was bi. For the...

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All-nighter ~Chapter 1 of Heart of a Lion~

It was another hot sticky summer day. A lone lion sat on the edge of a half-finished tree house. He ran his fingers through his mane slowly, it was still small, but he didn't care since it had just started growing in. The young lion was still cublike....

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