Illian: Bound

Hey there, chapter 14 of the Illian tales is coming at you now. Since I've been drilling you with warning for the past few chapters, I'm pretty sure we all get the deal. I (and probably some of you) have noticed that the past few chapters...

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Illian: Crown of Darkness

The 13th chapter of the Illian series is here at last. Warning: This chapter has some extreme violence, so prepare yourself if needed. If you happen to be under 18 and you are reading this....uhh...good luck explaining this to your...

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Illian: Return

Knowing he was just joking, she gave him a playful smile and replied "you know I would never hurt you on purpose Markus." At this, he just laughed, turned around, and replied in an unusually cold voice "you never know, my little kitten, I may just end...

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Illian: Dreams of a Shattered Soul

Through his dreams, Markus had come to learn that this enchantment in his soul had the power to destroy everything, even the goddess Izilan herself. Yet, one dream shook Markus to his very core; one that appeared countless times and always...

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Illian: Red Twilight

With his mind set on using the Thrall form to get to Arcanus, Markus decided it would be in his best interest to persuade Kia to come with him. Since he needed to do nothing else for the time being, he opened the tent flap and gazed at the arriving...


Illian: Domination

For the most part, all she had to do was keep low and make as little sound as possible, which was considerably easy with her being a natural hunter. As she combed her way through the tents, Kia was forced to stop every now and then...

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Illian: Captured!

Once again, I'm here with another tale of the Illian story. Not sure what to say for this chapter except hope for another chapter sometime soon. Sorry if the font and size for the tale are off, but somethings might have gotten...

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Illian: Silver and Gold

Hey guys, Markus here once again with another chapter of the Illian tales. This chapter is going to be more like Heart of a Human, Shell of a Dragon, except hopefully much better done in terms of grammar and pace. If any of you find that this chapter...

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Illian: Heart of a Human, Shell of a Dragon

Hey guys, i lied a little when i said it was going to be this weekend, sorry bout that. Anyway, this is a first for the Illian series: this tale will contain more story and then some yiff at the end. This is a major step for me, so please be supportive...

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Illian: Revelations

Hey guys, just so everyone knows, this is another no-yiffer, so please, please hold on till next week for some new material. This tale is basically an overview of the story so far, and of what is to come (some of this may be changed as I see fit when...


Illian: Wings of Blood

Note: The following tale is based around a rape, but this said this does not mean I support, or even like, rape in any shape or form. This tale is in the persepective of the Races of Darkness, so I found it appropriate to display their sex...

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Illian: Of Wolves and Cats

This one is comming out of the doors pretty soon after the first real tale in the Illian story, sorry if that complicates things, but this story was suppose to be the first, but some things got in the way, and so now it is the second true part of the...

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