True Monster

**True Monster** Winter, a time of bitter cold on the Titanian plains when all beings tended to stay in doors as much as possible other than the chores that kept life moving through those icy months. Shelby Robinson always thought of the winter as a...

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Curse of the Heart Ch: 1

** Curse of the Heart** **Ch. 1 : Shadows; past, present, future** ** ** Jake Kreitz was a happy child, despite growing up during a terrible war, his family lived far enough into their territories that they never felt the threat of Mishaka's...

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Prodigy: Reana's Tale

** Prodigy: Reana's Tale** **Ch1. Birth** Darkness and warmth, it was everywhere in the beginning for the unborn gryphlet who only knew what those two sensations were. But that all changed in an instant as something completely new happened. A...

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