The Tales of Sorath (part six)

"Here." said Delilah while holding a Model SP66 Mauser to Veronica. "What do you want me to do with this?" she asked while grabbing it. "Hit those three cans over there. You get three shots." she said while pointing to three soda cans full of sand...

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The Tales of Sorath (part five)

As Sorath woke up he realized that he was in an interrogation room with a door to his right and an observation window to his left. When the door to his right opened he also realized that they must not have finished emptying the weapons out of his...

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The Tales of Sorath (part four)

"While we are heading to our destination lets divide the grenades by type and give them to the people who could get the most use out of them." Sorath said opening his pack. "How would we know who gets which ones?" Asked Jack with a puzzled look on his...

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The Tales of Sorath (part four)

"While we are heading to our destination lets divide the grenades by type and give them to the people who could get the most use out of them." Sorath said opening his pack. "How would we know who gets which ones?" Asked Jack with a puzzled look on his...

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The Tales of Sorath (chapter three)

"Have you figured out who this person is yet Lieutenant?" "Great timing Sergeant, we just ran the DNA through the most recent database. Civilians and convicts have already been ruled out so now we are running it through military personnel." He is...

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The Tales of Sorath (chapter two)

"What was that thing?" yelled Sgt. Johnson at his team once they were back at the base. "That. . . that. . . **thing** couldn't have been human, but there must be some way to explain why he looked like that. He must have been wearing a mask." Even if...

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The Tales of Sorath (chapter one)

As the lights flashed outside of the house the two occupants paid no mind to them. One was to preoccupied with running as fast as he could away from his follower. The second was simply walking as if nothing was happening until he heard the second wave...


Sealing the Gate

"Hello, this is The Sinners Haven how may I help you?" "Forget about the good boy act Mike I've got a job for you." "What does the great and powerful Robert need help with today? Finding his slacker employees?" "Very funny. Look, I just need you to...

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The Dangers of Fur

As Stephanie closed her door she pondered what she was going to wear to the party tonight. "I didn't hear her say if it was a costume party or not. Still, I should probably wear something other than my casual clothes." she said as she dug through her...

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