Scavengers pt 2

Sal was woken by something clicking on the counter. He got up and saw that Michael was already up, and was tapping his claws on the counter impatiently. "Sal. Can I stay with you?" Sal rubbed his eyes and shook himself awake before looking at the...

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Scavengers pt 1

Yus! A new story which I've had saved up for a while. I might as well post it. Enjoy! ============ He crouched down, tasting the scarred surface of the road. Someone had been here before him, and he wanted to know who. They had been following his...

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Dream Come True 2

This is one I gave to my boyfriend as a Christmas present. He loved it and I hope you guys will like it too. ======== It had been a year since Michael had visited Nieragon, and Nier was still happy to be with his Sophie. He had new friends, all who...

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Scavengers - Preview

Here is my new story series, Scavengers. Will be released after Bellmare High has finished. If there is porn ot not, you'll have to wait and find out: ============ He crouched down, tasting the scarred surface of the road. Someone had been here...

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Dragons Lair pt 27

\*is on time\* :o unbelievable. I spent the last hour revising this, taking out bits i didnt like and even deleting a blowjob because i thought it didnt work with what i wanted to do. I have to plan some more about what happens to Michael and his gang...

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Dragons Lair pt 25

Yes. The story is currently at 38.570 words. This is nearing my target of 50.000. Thanks to all of you guys, who i write to please. This one is clean, mainly because I havent been in a very yiffy-writey mood lately. Anyways, enjoy! ============= Myra...

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Dragons Lair pt 26

Wow. Long time no see. Real life took over as practically everything fell apart at work. I havent even touched my stories for weeks. But now that my holidays are over and its back to work, i intend to set up a shedule for my writing. Wish my creative...

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The Reptile

This was a writing excercise, to see if I can describe it well enough. Do leave your thoughts in a comment and enjoy! ============= The reptile touched the soft skin on her neck and she moaned. Its hard and rough scales felt so good against her skin....

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Dragons Lair pt 10

Michael woke up in a bed, with many Dragons surrounding him. He was still in Dragon form but didn't care. Myra, who was sitting down next to Michael's bed, stood up and called for a doctor. She kissed Michael and said, "Welcome back, Scales." A doctor...

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Dragons Lair pt 9

Michael looked round the corner into the bridge. "Yes Myra. Me. I take it I didn't impregnate you the last time." "I was in between cycles." "Well I intend to this time." "You!" Michael screamed as he went round the corner. "Who are you?" Sam...

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Dragons Lair pt 8

Sorry. Only a short part today. I'm working on the scene immidately after it so I'll post on the 10th of April. ================ Saiu was waiting for them in the teleportation room. "What happened down there?" "We were caught by my parents and 2...

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Dragons Lair pt 7

Myra followed Michael, still getting used to her new body. "So this is London?" "Yes. Their house is the one on the end." Michael said as he took her hand. They rang the doorbell and Michael's dad answered, "Where the fuck have you been? And who's...

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