Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 9

Gurak woke up first, which wasn't common. The sun was already peaking through the tree line. Gurak looked around and didn't see Rulu, or Zamdor. The pair were missing, he got up out of his undamaged bedroll and looked around. The sounds of the city...

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 8

The trio started their journey southward. First passing close by the orc village, but not going inside. They had more than enough supplies for the several days it would take to go southward, and even if they didn't, Gurak was an accomplished hunter and...

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 10

The trio watched the last of the fireworks, before coming down the building. They went back to the restaurant and picked up the extra potions, making sure the dwarven children drank theirs before thanking them and heading out. Despite having the extra...

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 12

The fire burned a bit longer as the four of them spoke. The decision to go west, to the goblin port city was made, they'd head into the city in the morning, try to catch the first boat they could. Which meant getting up earlier than usual. They...

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 4

The dungeon was quite different from the one he'd been through before. The walkway went from stone to an open forest, he could swear he heard birds chirping and other animals moving through the forest. It didn't seem likely, but who knew how dungeons...

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 3

The warrior barked out orders, much like he had in the dungeon. The ranger was the fastest of them, she was to grab Gurak and run. The others were going to hold the line as long as they could. Giving Gurak and the ranger as much time to escape as they...

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 2

The first few years of his life were strange compared to life as a human on Earth. Orcish was a more aggressive language, reminiscent of how Russian or German sounded. He had to actively remind himself to try not to speak because whenever he tried, it...

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Fallen Angel - Remastered

It was getting close to midnight when a lone figure slowly made his way down the boulevard. Anael was the angel of love and he felt his job was boring anymore. He yearned for something exciting in his life. He spent most his time playing cupid and...

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