A volley of c.h.a.o.s spears thinned the ranks of green suited divers as well, one poor cheetah taking a sticky-tipped harpoon right to the throat.
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 35: Camp, Interrupted
diver importuning him for a suck of his thumb. the rab was having a hard time getting to sleep, despite the grooming by his brother and now swimmer's quiet snoring next to him.
Why Me?
The two divers looked at him, as rubicant's ears laid back and it looked as if he lowered himself to hide. the lead diver stepped up. "ok that's enough!
Beyond the Deep - Spooktober Horror Story
If things went well, they both considered taking the last step and become professional divers, preferably rescue divers.
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 33: Departure
He knew diver would love the carrots, and maybe their sugars would help keep the rabs awake. "of course, of course!" the rab nodded and started to turn to go. jeff quickly put down the basket. "just a minute."
That Special Bond
"she's...she's a really good diver. she has a business i think, called perierre salvage?" the bear snorted again. "don't know her. you want cab or not?"
Voretober 7th - "Tour"
After all, the divers would be getting intimately familiar with their guests in some fashion.
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 20: Sleeping Arrangements
Standing next to the bed, sky punctuated each sentence with a clawed forefinger, poking diver repeatedly. he was obviously exasperated. "ouch! ok, ok, i'm going. you don't have to keep poking."
Shark Weak
The pressure of the deep squeezed the diver like a second lover, sharing her with the shark. little currents ran through her fur like fingers and made her skin tingle.
The Institute: Collaboration
If there were divers out there who cavorted as satyrs and dragons and writhing masses of tentacles, it was certainly possible, and existing, for some divers to experiment with gender identities that were as fluid as they wished, seeing as any sexual interaction
An Account of the Accession of Queen Mary IV to the Imperial Throne
I stepped forward with grace and assisted her with divers makeup to highlight her natural beauty.
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 23: Bath
Sky's probably lecturing diver. that could take the rest of the day, maybe. diver can be pretty dense sometimes. when he wants to be." but he still just stood there, looking at his feet. was it just that he was too shy?