Phoenix Coven - Chapter 1
"so yes: i will keep you, galen, and allow you to serve me." nob then covered galen's mouth and nose with the rag. galen let out a loud moan of surprise, which quickly faded as he inhaled the fumes of the chloroform.
Galen Revenge
In the dungeon" galen: "shit.
Galen's Rondezvous
Sander was gentle, though, his soft lips gently wrestling galen's until he pulled back. "you're thick, aren't ya?" he growled sweetly in galen's ear. galen wasn't sure how to answer.
Chapter Ten: Lessons
galen shook his head. "not at all.
Galen's Story Part One: Sinnoh ; Chapter One: Small Beginnings
" name is galen." "well galen, i feel it would be somewhat irresponsible if i didn't ask why you seem so hell bent on getting to sandgem." galen hesitated for the briefest of moments to think about exactly what he wanted to say.
Chapter 18: A Fight Against Fate
He then bolted, trying to run straight past galen to the entrance. he made it only a step past where galen stood when he was stopped by galen taking his left shoulder in an iron grip. galen smiled darkly.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 8
Uniko had to slide between galen's legs to get to that circle, making it appear almost like unkio and galen were in a riding position, with galen being the rider.
A Helping Paw
galen gasped, as finley began thrusting galen's head forwards and back, the fox quickly submitting, as the stag started face humping him, his paws trembling. "mmmmph!" galen murmured, his brush of a tail flagging from side to side. "oh my..."
Magick Happens
galen could only lie on his back, gasping and moaning, as the unicorn took a step away from him, turning away. "no - please - " galen croaked.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 6
galen said, his arms open and welcoming. "it's good to see both of you again." "galen!" uniko and zhal ran forward, both ensnaring the lion in a loving and relieving embrace which galen returned in kind. "it's so good to see you again, my friend."
Chapter One: Forbiden Love
galen replied. "but enough of this. you have pokémon in need of a pokémon center, and it's getting late." galen placed his hand on valor's shoulder. "good luck, to both of you." "thanks, galen." valor and tamash?
Chapter 14: The World is Changing
galen nodded. "that's right.