Misty's Trip
As she does, a floette, a jigglypuff, and a hoppip bounce happily behind her. misty rises and rushes on over to follow erika, only to feel the wind on her bare skin.
New Beginnings Ch 17
Some hoppip noticed this and also wanted to get in to her comfort zone.
Red and Gold
A timidly whimpering red clung to his charizard's neck like a fragile hoppip while the bipedal fire-type beast thoroughly and furiously bred him in a chain of brisk and forceful jabs, clutching him around his waist as it hissed and snarled, ejecting angry
Sonata's Story - Chapter Six
A series of images filled my head, and i recognized the move - i had used it on occasion before to knock berries out of taller bushes, when i didn't want to bother kirii or a hoppip. it hurt a little, but nothing too bad.
Chapter 4: Glorified Bastards
After our meals, we all went to the small grave that rodger had dug for hoppip, it was a stone placed in the ground under a palm tree by the small park near the beach that had been carved with, 'hear lies cheer, loved daughter and sister,' marked on the front
Chapter One
"amanda's allergic to pollen, mainly from grass pokã©mon like hoppip and oddish, though she's okay with the bulbasaur she got from professor oak.