DSM - 64

Sie schüttelte sich und schaute zu ikara runter "verbrenne die wunde wenn ich dir das zeichen geben an der stelle wo meine kralle ist." sie beobachtete wie ikara einen spitzen gegenstand aus ihrer flügeltasche holte und zuckte jedes mal zusammen wenn sie damit

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.5

" ikara..." the little girl smiled. " i can't hide anything from you can i?" the girl lifted the umbrella, revealing a strikingly beautiful cheetah. her hair was white with a blue-ish tinge. her eyes were blue as well, but somehow, lifeless.

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DSM - 73

ikara seufzte leise. ~stimmt, dass hatte er schon gesagt, da habe ich mich wohl mitreisen lassen.~ sie grinste leicht und schaute sich dann um. ~alles für mich alleine ... wo ist eigentlich pharalax ?

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This is another fine kettle of fish Pt1

Shara zebrenes ikara hai drevi!" i shouted, holding my rocket launcher protectively. "he doesn't seem to want to let go of his stuff.

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The First Penitatas - Broken Trust

Most had come from ikara as part of the war effort, working as soldiers or in support roles for soldiers, and when off duty they seemed quite happy to go without clothing, letting their thick scales and sharp claws show to the world.

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