Quit Acting Like a Baby! [Scat/WS]

irma walked up and took her fingers on the dog baby's small feet, careful not to harm him. the baby giggled with a big smile as irma touched him. irma and ava shared a big smile themselves.

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A New Purpose Part 2

Keep them away from yourselves and irma for as long as you can. lock them in the loft if you have to. i will leave the iv solution for irma and yourselves. tom... i'm... i'm... sorry."

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A New Purpose Part 5

"aaahhh, irma! let go, you python!" irma made a weird ululating noise, she was laughing.

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Learning To Fall Part 1

I am kim, thatsss tom on his side, and thatsss irma. jesse, that's my daughter, and your fiancée."

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The Complexities of Thumper Part 2

In its discordant seizures it slapped irma's snout with its tail. irma snorted and cracked her eye open to look at the alien in irritation.

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Learning To Fall Part 5

She smellsss different from irma. could beee that they are just two different individualsss, but both irma and i agree on one thing. weee get protective and ssssnappy around new people when kim isss around."

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Embrace Animality: Be Gay 2

irma looked another glance at ava and saw the rabbit looking sad and lonely. irma got up and walked over. as ava saw irma approached, panic sparked in her heart. was this it? was irma going to out ava in front of the whole class?

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A New Purpose Part 4

If we are changing already, just think what irma may act like." "what she was, is, and will be, is irma." was her resolute response.

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