Dragon's Heart Ch. 5
Latias recognized the disguised legendary almost instantly, shocked that kyogre, of the many legendaries that she knew, was even on the mountain. the elderly couple stopped talking to kyogre as soon as they saw laura. mrs.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Granite Cave
"i've heard that rayquaza, descends to earth, to stop kyogre and groudon whenever they begin to fight." steven agreed, "that's what happened, when primal kyogre and groudon clashed.
Pokemon Dark Generation Episode 8: Der Traum
So erwachten groudon und kyogre und machten sich gleich ans werk. groudon erschuf das land neu, in der form wie wir es heute kennen während kyogre das wasser zurück an die oberfläche brachte.
The Fire...
Jason heard kyogre mutter. "putting it a little better, we are going to infuse our knowledge into your mind. that way, it won't take several centuries to learn like we had to."
Dragon's Heart Ch.1
Humans in general fascinated him to no end, which was why he spent most of his time not dedicated to keeping groudon and kyogre from ripping each other throats out watching humans.
After the Storm - Part 22 [The Interview - Part 2]
Anyway, based on the legends that you were taught, you'd know that groudon and kyogre were once locked in a world-ending grudge match that was ended with the interference of rayquaza.
Dragon's Heart Prologue
Groudon and kyogre going at it again? because if so, take me with you," ray looked at her alarmed, "because i want to knock some sense into them myself, and arceus help you if you try to convince me otherwise."
Pokemorph Virus: Village
"what are we going to do if it is a kyogre?" she asked him. if it was a kyogre morph and was on team aqua's side, she doubted they could just ask it nicely to stop. even a wild one they had been enraged would be very hard to calm without fighting.
Pokemorph Virus: Sootopolis
" * * * a/n: and here my creativity ran dry again as i failed to remember the intense bit of discussion that occurred between the kyogre morph and kat. and so begins my overview.
Dragon's Heart Ch. 7
Those two," she pointed towards the unconscious form of grant and the groaning one of kyogre, "have helped ruin my life so far.
Legend High-Chapter 18
** **donny anderson-kyogre(mine since he's a drama factor)** * * * _last time on "legend high"..._ _tanner stared at peter, expression stoic and unnerving but it didn't faze the determined lugia.
Legend High Chapter 15
** **aurora(ro)-mew(koraru kinomoto's oc)** **kevin enderson-dialga(mine but someone can have him)** **jackson hellinger-palkia(mine but someone can have him)** **gaius-groudon(chronossplicer's oc)** **mia anderson-kyogre(also mine!)