Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 118 and 119

Another bug maniac then challenged me with a masquerain and i sent out my torkoal having him use flamethrower defeating masquerian. the second pokemon sent out was a ninjask and i substituted for my nosepass having him use rock tomb defeating ninjask.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

masquerain had been quiet as off late, simply because of the same reason as beautifly and dustox, that the location wasn't helpful for bug types.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Preparing For Wallace

masquerain likely couldn't battle against wallace, but he had improving in his offence as well. breloom had a good type advantage and could easily defeat water types, thanks to his experiences.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave

masquerain was much like dustox and beautifly being a bug type it was much too dangerous to battle against rock pokemon.

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Poke-U Chapter 1 The Swim Coach

For a split second i thought i was going to fall to the bottom of the pool and drown, my heart racing and fluttering faster than a masquerain's wings.

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Pokemon: Domestic to Feral: Heart part 3

Her words caused the three pokemon to turn and face him emolga, masquerain, and snorunt. tavi listened to their shouts telling him to go and leave their trainer alone.

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