Pokemon: Domestic to Feral: Heart part 3

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon story

Oh god, finally done. 27k words and 44 pages.

Insane is how I feel now.

So last, final, total, ending to Domestic to Feral.

Hope you can read it, yiff ahoy but also a good story I think too. I had a hard time finishing this especially the editing so please be easy if you find more than a few mistakes since the first full read through with corrections took me over four hours. Enjoy I hope.

Thank or blame Foxohki foxohki for telling me to try and write a pokemon story to begin with.

Tavi woke in the morning with an ear covering one eye and his brother pressing tight to his neck. It felt somehow right to have his brother next to him especially since they would now be sharing the same den together. His first movements woke Eevee who squeezed tighter for a moment before letting go and standing up.

They ate a short breakfast before starting their day together from dawn till night. They spent the next two weeks together spending no more than a few moments out of each others sight both feeling better with the other close by. Tavi even allowed the Eevee to follow on all the patrols even when humans showed up having him hide in the brush and watch as he worked.

For the most part Tavi was more aggressive with the humans by chasing hikers down trails and having several sprinting away at a run fearing for their safety. Others he tore through their campsites ruining equipment and giving short bursts of Flamethrower or pouncing on unprepared pokemon who were let out in defense. He even started using agility to catch unsuspecting trainers by surprise when they reached for pokeballs.

For the humans who chose to throw their pokeballs out, instead of holding them in hand, had a big surprise as he swatted them in the air. This caused several bewildered pokemon to appear in the brush or sideways in the air dropping a foot or two to the ground. Once he even had smacked a ball and the spin caused an Oshawatt to end up in a tree scrambling to keep on the branch it landed on. Tavi hoped that by the end of the summer humans would be to worried about their equipment, pokemon, and even personal safety to bother coming back.

The two brothers also spent quite a bit of time in between practicing even having short fights which had Eevee slightly limping and worn out at night when they returned to the den. They still spent hours of the day visiting other dens allowing the Eevee and usually now his brother to play with the cubs and visit other families. At night they ate together from their now expanding food pile and talked before going to sleep. Tavi had grown used to his brother creeping next to him after the first few nights and finally allowed him a spot next to him always waking up to find himself cuddled in some fashion when he tried to get up.

Everything seemed to be going fine for the brothers until the morning Tavi caught his brother nosing his crotch. The pair had been out very late the evening before forcing half a dozen drunk males back to their trucks. Tavi knew first hand how mean drunk humans could get and all of them had been at least buzzed when he found their camp in the afternoon. He had spent hours harassing them even torching two of the sleeping bags but then had to call Eevee for help and a sand attack as the humans only made the fire worse. He was sure one of the males had a good burn on the arm and hand from its own stupidity.

At the time he had almost felt bad for the four different pokemon called out. Eevee had popped out of the brush tackling the first one as Tavi easily took out the three others. The two trainers had issued the wrong commands or none at all to one of them. Although they tossed out balls like a coordinated team everything from there on had been completely fumbled. In the end the brothers had returned home well after dark. Eevee had fallen right asleep while Tavi had spent a night of interrupted sleep and growing pain from his leg and back. Near the end one of the males had hurled a camping stove out into the night. Tavi had no clue what was coming till the lucky toss smashed into his rear and knocked him down. At one point near morning the Flareon had rolled away and on to his side stretched his back leg out trying to ease the throbbing pain.

He had dozed for a little while and woke to find his brothers muzzle rubbing against his sheath. "Eevee!" his bark was a combination of surprise and shock but came out sounding angry. The young pokemon looked at his brother ears pressed firmly to his head and his nose almost in the dirt. He couldn't stand the way he was just being stared at and finally after several moments of silence dashed for the exit crawling right over his brother who gave a small yip of pain at the paws that dug into his side. Everything about the moment felt awful to Eevee who could only remember what his father had told him about his urges and feeling which were only made worse by his brother who didn't seem to understand or care.

Tavi had to take his time getting up and stretching before he felt he could walk straight. He skipped the morning patrol and picked a few Oran berries and slowly walked out the pain in his hind leg looking for his brother. He wasn't really worried when he didn't find him by the time he decided to start an afternoon patrol. His feelings turned to disgust when he went back by the campsite from the day before.

Although there had been some trash and things left behind someone or someones had returned. The entire area was littered with trash and the half burnt sleeping bags had been shredded and tossed about. Even the vegetation of the area had been ruined it was ripped apart or torn entirely free of its roots and several of the local trees had their branches broken or yanked off.

Tavi realized it wasn't just humans but pokemon that had joined in the destruction as well seeing teeth marks and claw scratches around the area. He would need to watch the next couple of days and see if the rangers showed up soon so they could help clean up. He spent the rest of the afternoon and entire evening gathering together beer cans, garbage, and bits of sleeping bag fluff which he placed between several of the torn branches and bushes in the hope that they would stop the wind from scattering them again.

He was rather upset when he limped into the den to find his brother wasn't there but there was little he could do but lay down and rest. The Flareon spent a second sleepless night worried and alone wishing for the warm fur of his brother to comfort him and the knowledge that he was okay. Tavi was up before dawn already out searching for his brother trying to find a trace of where he might be. He woke several of his neighbors at dawn and began an extensive search checking every home and hiding place he could think of getting the exact same response from every pokemon that none of them had seen the Eevee yesterday.

It was in the afternoon after he was returning from the pond after checking with Politoed with no success. "We saw him, We saw him." Four Bellossom chimed as they ran up to spin circles in front of Tavi. After a few moments he felt like pouncing on each Bellossom and driving it into the ground to stop their movement but at least he left with a general direction to where the Eevee was spotted.

Searching he found a Seedot who told him he had told Eevee to go home that his brother was looking for him. "He seemed a little upset!" The pokemon called after Tavi who was now sprinting home.

"I guess he has a mind of his own." A voice echoed from the trees as Tavi crawled back out of his empty den.

"Leave me alone!" He shouted back searching for the Rattata's form. Movement caught his eye as the spotted the rodents shape hugging a trunk over his head.

"He's been having a pretty hard time I thought you would have understood." Rattata told him.

"What do you know." Tavi retorted irritated.

He watched as the shape scooted down far enough to get to a branch and stare down at the Flareon. "I would have helped him if he asked but I'm not about to take advantage of him. My advice, if you want it, is to listen to him and encourage him. There is nothing wrong with who he is." Tavi took a deep breath and put his distaste aside hoping for something useful he could understand.

"What are you talking about and why would Eevee think there is something wrong?" He asked.

"If you don't know then you need to go talk with him." Rattata replied.

"I would if I could find him. Will you please tell me where he is at?" He had a hard time stopping the urge scream and rip the ground apart as he watched the rodent spin flicking its tail before it raced back up the tree and out a branch that connected to a neighboring tree. He did let out a growl of frustration, where could his brother be.

As he took his first step the answer hit him. He cursed himself as a moron for not checking the first place he should have checked. In a short time he stood outside the brush that surrounded his families den sniffing the fresh scent of Eevee. Sticking his head down to the tunnel he could see two brown paws and legs shift back. "Eevee may I come in?" Tavi asked.

He waited over a minute hearing his brother shuffle his paws and was about to ask again when he heard a quiet, "Alright."

Tavi looked around the clearing quickly before focusing on his brother. The fur was a bit ruffled and his expression was a tight lipped, large eyed, and near the verge of exploding tears. He leaned forward and licked the Eevee's muzzle several times before the eyes closed. Tavi moved forward and sat down pulling his brother into a close embrace as the young pokemon began to silently cry. He did nothing more than wait for his brother to finish and regain a bit of stability before talking.

"Eevee I want you to come home."

His brother shivered head still buried in a wet salt stained mane. "H..homme?"

"Yes home." Tavi answered, "My home is your home, it always will be no matter where I am." It took several minutes before Eevee was ready to go. Once outside the clearing he kept right at his younger brothers side and just a bit behind often rubbing Eevee's shoulder as they walked but allowing him to set the pace forward.

At the den he moved Eevee into the nest before he picked out several fruits and berries pulling them close to be eaten later before he curled next to his brother, again drawing him into an embrace. He thought back trying to figure out why his brother had fled in the first place. "I am sorry I yelled at you."

"I, I understand. You think it's wrong and you, you don't like it and you..." Tavi reached a paw up to press the whimpering Eevee's mouth shut. He pulled his brother as close as possible pressing there heads close and pushed his muzzle next to his brothers.

"I was only surprised. All you had to do was ask." He had no idea what the mumbled words his brother spoke were but he told him it was alright and everything would be okay as the Eevee squirmed and used its claws to hook his mane and shove its face and muzzle under his chin.

Tavi awoke in darkness with a rather loud grumble from his stomach, he had eaten nothing that day and only a small meal the day before. He slowly rocked the Eevee awake since it was unlikely he would be able to get out from under his brother otherwise. Nothing was said as he pulled the food closer and the two sibling ate. When they were done Tavi nosed his brother onto his side before scooting in behind to hug him. He used his fluffy yellow tail to cover the Eevee saying. "Tomorrow I want to hear everything. You'll tell me exactly how you feel and why you ran away. How can I be the big strong older brother if you won't tell me what's wrong."

After several moments of silence Eevee spoke. "Do you love me?"

Tavi didn't bother to think of an answer he just let the words come out. "I would never have come back if you weren't here. You are very special and important to me." He could feel the Eevee squirm and squeezed tighter preventing him from rolling over.

"But do you love me?" Eevee asked again.

"Yes. Of course." Tavi breathed into his brothers ear.

The next morning Tavi woke up just after sunrise in the exact same position as he fell asleep in. He waited and a little while later Eevee woke too. Tavi gave his brothers ears long licks for several minutes before saying, "Well?"

Eevee started slow going over the time they had been together sexually then focused on the time Leafeon had mounted Tavi. He told his brother that he had asked his father to do the same and he refused instead mounting his head and stuffing his muzzle after his brother had passed out. Ever since then he had wanted to try it. Eevee even confessed having dreams about it, some included his brother. The young pokemon paused after that worried over what his brother was going to say.

Tavi who had been grooming and re-grooming his brother head and stopped long enough to simply say. "Go on."

Relieved Eevee continued trying to explain how he had carefully talked to other males but never really getting the point across except with one and the Kricketot had threatened to bite him until its jaw broke if he didn't stay away. He quietly admitted that he had rubbed against the backs of Zigzagoon as they ran underneath him.

Tavi finally spoke when his brother finished. "I don't care what Dad says. I enjoyed our time together and if you want to have some fun you just need to ask. But I think you should try to find a female and..."

"It wasn't that much fun." Eevee stopped his brother words with the admission.

Tavi had to push the Eevee away trying to roll his brother over so he could get a good look at him. "What wasn't much fun?" He nearly demanded not believing what his brother was saying. Watching his brother look away was a real shock. "Who?" he asked quietly suddenly thinking of Umbreon.

Eevee looked back for a moment before looking down, "Politoed."

Tavi was only able to stifle half of the short bark of laughter, "You, you mated with Politoed?!!" With a blush of pure embarrassment Eevee slowly told his brother that she had tried to cheer him up after they left.

"It did feel good only I donthink Ilyedremlater." The young pokemon mumbled quietly.

Trying to put together the half heard bits Tavi asked, "What exactly did you say Eevee. Dreamed, of me?"

"I dreamed of you that night after we were done. That you were over me, mating with me." He wasn't given much of a chance to think as Eevee continued. "Please Tavi will you mate with me?" The pause was far to long for Eevee, "You said you loved me. I know Dad says it wrong, and everyone says males don't do that but PLEASE. If you love me than mate with me." As Eevee spoke he struggled up and turned around lifting his tail as high as possible taking several steps backward towards his brother.

"If you EVER want me to do that you had best lower your tail, turn around, and listen!" The one thing Tavi had remembered right then was how much it had hurt when his father rode him. "Now come here and lay down." He waited as his brother slowly crept back to him in a rather dejected state. "I don't mind playing around Eevee but before I do anything like that I want you to hear what I say. When you dream of me is it always me?"

"No." Eevee answered quietly, "Lynoone, Kecleon, Chikorita, sometimes others."

"When you play with yourself do you always think of me?" Tavi asked. No, was the quiet answer. "You are still young bro and you have time to grow and find a mate, even a male one. But listen to me please. I think of Leafeon, NOT DAD!" He suddenly interjected. "She was kind and helpful and... and she asked me to come back. When I dream I dream of her, when I pleasure myself I think of her. When I am around another female, even Umbreon, it's her I see. She will be my mate Eevee, she is the one I want to be with." Tavi leaned over to give his brother a little lick on the cheek. "I don't mind playing around but I am really not sure I want to mate with you."

Actually Tavi had already pictured himself half a dozen times mounting the Eevee while they had been talking but he was still worried about hurting his brother. He was again surprised by the seeming maturity when Eevee said, "I can wait if you promise me you'll think about it and I want to talk more."

"I am done talking." Tavi told his brother grinning as he stood up. He pushed Eevee over on to his back and stood over him squatting slightly to rub his privets against his brother's sniffing nose.

A short while later Tavi panted as he relaxed on his side regaining his energy. He was content to let Eevee continue his licking long after he was clean. The Eevee had made several passes over the slowly shrinking shaft, knot, and sheath before bathing the entire lower underside with moist tongue rubs. When he felt the sheath had been given enough attention the young pokemon moved on giving all his energy to the spent nut sack before moving even further back. Now with his nose pressed against this brother's tail he was working the back hole much to the pleasure and embarrassment of the Flareon. After several moist wriggling penetrations Tavi pushed his tail down and moved his hind paws trying to draw away.

He could already feel a full return to his energy and a growing sensation of pleasure that was quickly going to head to a second round of oral pleasure if he let it. "Come on we should get up and going." After a few berries and a quick groom the two were out on a long patrol that took the rest of the day because the Flareon wanted to make up for the previous day. That evening Tavi took his brother back to the training spot where he had first seen him and worked with him till dark.

The next morning he found Eevee awake and nursing on the end of his peaking shaft. After another round of brotherly pleasure the two were out again hiking around the mountain and ending back at the training spot. However Tavi was the first to wake the next morning pulling himself away from his brother and grabbing a few berries before heading outside where his brother joined him a bit later. They visited with several of the neighbors till late morning before Tavi started a patrol with his brother that ended in the early evening after chasing off a few humans. He chose this evening to be a physical one as he carefully attacked his brother but still kept things strong enough to leave him limping and bruised.

The Flareon was surprised in the morning to find himself hard and throbbing when he awoke with Eevee gripping him tightly grinding their cocks together. It didn't take long for them to create a mess which Eevee cleaned up leading to a second round of brotherly fun. By the time the week ended they had fallen into a routine, when Tavi woke first they visited and played with the neighbors. When Eevee woke first they were quickly aroused and spent the morning enjoying some private time.

The Eevee never questioned or asked his brother about mating although he had asked a few times for his brother to lick his rear. Tavi had refused each time sure that it would quickly lead to something more than he wanted to do. He was more than happy to play with every other part but always avoided that one spot.

Tavi did spend more time thinking about leaving and how much he would be able to accomplish before then. As summer progressed he continued to train Eevee and the young pokemon began to grow strong. Several times the Flareon allowed his brother to help chase off humans and he even carefully allowed him to battle some pokemon to help him gain some experience. They made quite an imposing pair together and Tavi hoped that word would get out that the guardian now had help. He was also sure to introduce Eevee to the rangers that showed up every few weeks. Although each time one came Tavi was reminded that time was quickly passing and his time to leave had jumped closer.

As the summer started to fade he suddenly came up with an idea and acted on it. They had spent the morning wandering around and had come across Rattata. Tavi had first moved off allowing his brother to continue his conversation before he came back.

"I need to ask you a favor." He stated to the rodent. "I want you to keep Eevee company when he's lonely until he is able to find his own mate." As the young pokemon's jaw dropped down to shocked to make words as his brother continued, "I want to make sure he has a few special close friends after I have left."

"It's not.. I mean, I don't..." As Eevee stammered Rattata cut in.

"I said before all he would have to do was ask." Once again the Eevee was left stunned trying to come up with something. 'You.' Was all that squeaked out. "I see a lot more than most think. Especially how you play around." He nodded at the Eevee. "Hey wait. WAIT!" Rattata shouted after the Flareon running up the tree and out over a a branch when Tavi had started to walk away. "What do you mean, After you have left? What's going on?"

Tavi looked up at the Rattata slowly swaying on the branch. "I will be leaving after Umbreon comes back. I'm sure she'll stay for a little while but I have somewhere else to be. There is no need for a guardian here. Even you can see it's still wonderful summer weather and hardly any humans show up anymore. By fall and winter they will be gone except for the rangers. Eevee knows enough to keep everyone safe. He can keep an eye on them and warn everyone if there is trouble. He won't even need to fight anymore."

"What are you planning to make him grow up like you?" The rodent challenged.

"Grow up? He's already grown up but if you mean evolve that is something he need to work at. And I don't want anyone to be like me or live the life I have. Also there is no other Flareon my size to take my place. No when I leave there will be no more Guardian." Tavi could see the little pokemon's tail bristle as it gave a few huffing growls.

"Let him be." Eevee called walking up beside his brother. "He made a promise to Dad, I wouldn't want or ask him to break it. There are less and less humans and it won't ever be like before. If humans like that return we could all fight together no more running and hiding."

Rattata looked between the siblings considering. "Maybe." was his answer. Tavi watched as the rodent moved back to the trunk and climbed out of site. He noticed his younger brother still staring into the trees for several extra seconds after the pokemon had vanished.

"You should ask him tomorrow." He told his brother. As they started out again he couldn't help but ask a question knowing that the two pokemon shared a different sort of relationship. "Ever have a dream with Rattata?" The Eevee shook it's head as they kept walking.

The siblings continued their routine as the hot days of summer slowly passed. Eevee began to gain not only strength but speed and a new technique Quick Attack. Tavi had seared off most of the vegetation and ground surrounding their training site forcing Eevee to accept a few burns during their training. He was also able to teach his brother several stances and stalking walks that removed most of the cute fluffy look leaving behind a more menacing presence.

He felt very proud when he let his brother out on the path with a trainer. Eevee's growl along with its slow advance caused the Sunflora to take several steps back and leaving the trainer with a little less confidence about the battle. When Tavi backed him up with a growl and a body that finished filling the trail the young female recalled her pokemon and fled back out of site.

Tavi was also now beginning to spend a few hours alone or with pokemon other than Eevee allowing his brother a little space which he was reasonably sure were spent with Rattata although one time he had seen the two of them with one Zigzagoon and a Shinx. As summer approached its final days they did end up spending every moment together including time in the mornings and evenings collecting and storing some of the summer fruits and berries. The Flareon spent most mornings playing with his brother no matter who woke first but their time always seemed short. In fact the days seemed to slide by no matter how hard they tried to hold on to them.

The afternoon that Umbreon found them had the Eevee happier than Tavi had ever seen him tearing circles several times before he tore away running off some excitement. For Tavi though it felt like he had swallowed a few rocks which settled in his stomach and weighed his body down. He motioned for Doom to step aside and the two males backed off a bit allowing the two sibling to catch up.

"So your fully healed?" Tavi asked when they were private.

"Nearly. With all this walking and climbing I am a little sore." The canine answered.

"And Umbreon?" Tavi asked.

"Well let's just say I want to thank you. I have never seen anyone so caring and the fact that she's so..., attached to me makes me feel very lucky. I can't even get upset if she goes off for a day or two to check on her dad." He continued seeing the Flareon's ears perk when the Leafeon was mentioned. "He's fine. Umbre can't stand the fact he is with humans but your father seems to be enjoying himself. How did she put it 'Laying on a cushion, eating soft delicate food, and taking human pets is disgusting.' Apparently all the humans help him out. They will carry his cushion outside if he's dragging it and will open doors when he calls. Sometimes I wonder if getting caught would be so bad."

Tavi gave a little head shake at that comment. "Only if you're willing to take a big risk."

The Houndoom stared at him for several moments. "That is exactly what Umbre said."

Tavi looked at Doom and said, "You would be in many battles and probably end up training everyday. I doubt you would get a cushion or nice food even if you were well cared for."

"What about her?" Doom questioned. Before he could consider that Tavi heard his name called by both his siblings. The Houndoom just nodded and the two went back.

That night found the four of them sleeping inside Tavi's den although Doom had a difficult time getting in and settled but they would have had to tear apart the tunnel to get him in to the old families den. The Flareon woke immediately when he felt a paw rubbing on his sheath and had to use his own hind paws to push the Eevee away who was hugging his neck and licking his chin.

Eevee gave a little gruff as his brother pushed him away. There was just enough light for the two shadowed forms to stare at each other. Tavi reached out a paw watching the head twist. He hissed out in pain realizing his brother had bitten hard sinking two fangs into the top of his foot and almost puncturing the pad with the other set. He gave a half muffled yelp as he yanked his paw away waking the other two in the den as the brothers scuffled until the Eevee pulled away and dashed out with his brother steps behind.

"Your not running away!" Tavi barked half tackling Eevee who struggled out from under the Flareon facing off.

"No you are!!" Eevee barked back, "You promised! You promised we'd talk!"

"What is going on?" Umbreon asked pulling herself from the den to stare at her brothers in the morning light. Tavi was completely taken off guard when he looked back to his sister. The Flareon was sent back several feet from the Eevee's tackle but his stumbling feet kept him upright. He looked back to see his brother crouched and growling before the young pokemon bolted off into the forest.

"What is going on!?" Umbreon said again this time she seemed worried more than surprised. Tavi jumped out in front of his sister when she took a few steps following the Eevee.

"Don't! I need to handle this." He looked off in the direction his brother went trying to guess where he might go. "I sorta made him a promise that I didn't keep. So just stay here and let me talk with him." Doom had worked his way out by this time and moved to stand next to Umbreon as her brother gave their muzzles a little bump before he dashed into the undergrowth to follow his brother.

He knew their training area was ahead and wonder if he wouldn't have a real fight with his brother before he left. He was grateful but not relieved when he didn't find the Eevee there. A few sniffs later he was quickly back on the trail realizing there was another place that would have more meaning as his paws took him back to the small brush hollow where he had his first encounter with his brother.

Tavi crept up on the spot quietly. He knew without a doubt Eevee waited for him inside the small area that was surrounded by bushes had grown even thicker over the summer and more secluded. He could vividly remember catching the younger Eevee trying to pleasure itself and the events that followed. It had been the first time Tavi had done anything sexual with another pokemon after Leafeon had taught him about real pleasure. The problem was that part of him was scared to face his younger brother since he knew what the Eevee was going to ask. He was trying to be rational as he crept closer to the brush. If Eevee wanted him to mate then that should make it alright. But for some reason he held back knowing this would be entirely different from all their previous play. This time it would be true mating and the main thing that held him back was he worried it would hurt his brother after all the one time with his father had not been that pleasant.

His heart pounding in the background and his active mind had hidden what his ears had picked up but now that he was right outside the entrance he couldn't ignore it. Soft suckling sounds like a cub on a teat rolled out from behind the brush. Tavi slipped in through the torn entrance as his brother stopped sucking on his own member and gave several long licks cleaning up before turning his head towards his brother. He couldn't help but look over his brother who proudly displayed his privates with slick cock throbbing. He watched as it flexed slightly as Eevee shifted. The Flareon had taken three steps forward at the invitation before stopping himself.

Tavi sat down with a sigh and pushed his attention to the upper side of his brothers body. "I'm sorry. Please understand I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" Eevee said puzzled. "I know you have to go. And I know you might not come back. I will miss you but you won't hurt me."

"No Eevee. I mean I don't want to mate you. Listen it hurt when Dad did it, you were there remember!?" He was nearly shouting at his brother trying to explain.

"But it's not the same if you go slow and we work together." The words jolted Tavi in a way he hadn't expected. 'I am asking you Tavi and its so much different that way.' Leafeon's voice echoed in his mind while his brother kept talking. "I know Rattata is small but he stuck his whole hand inside and it fit. That didn't hurt much."

"HE WHAT?!!" Tavi shouted out in shock as he stared at his brother. The Flareon watched the slight change on Eevee's face as the more mature and serious side showed.

"I let him slide his hand and arm inside because he told me it would make it easier to mate with you. Everyone keep saying how someday I'll find a mate but I don't want to wait forever. Please Tavi I know you do love me so please, please let me feel what it's really like. Even if it is just this once." He added.

Tavi realized his body had already made a decision that he accepted as his feet moved forward and his tongue flicked out licking his brother chin. "Leafeon is my dream and my mate but how could I say no little bro. Especially when I have had a few dreams about you." He realized that admitting that had pleased the Eevee far more than is agreement did.

Tavi took several moments to stare at his brother as the Eevee looked up at him. He had seen lovydovy looks before and the happy joy on other faces at seeing someone who was missed. Never before though had the Flareon seem someone look at him with such love and happiness. Somehow, he promised himself, he would come back and visit his brother, it was something he was going to do now just to return the feeling he was receiving now.

As Eevee rolled to his stomach readying to stand Tavi's paw on his shoulder stopped him and forced his brother back onto his side. He kept his paw planted on the shoulder and began licking up the side of his brothers face. His tongue stopped and head hopped over the cream chest tuft and nose shoved between his brothers forelegs nuzzling the chest before the tongue worked out long licks slowly working its way to the still firm shaft half hidden by the sheath.

If he was going to do this he was going to make sure to give his brother all the attention and pleasure he could, besides it had been a while since he had just focused solely on Eevee and not both of them. When his muzzle and tongue began catching the tip of the member he went to the side covering the skin and hairs with his saliva. Eevee gave a slight jerk each time Tavi's tongue made a solid connection with his shaft. He pulled and rolled the Eevee using both paws to put him on his back and dove back in licking and slobbering all over the skin on other side of his brothers shaft carefully swiping a few times under the rod getting the skin and light fur there wet as well.

Pleased with his work be started with several long laps coating the shaft and wetting the dry sensitive skin. Tavi had the perfect little smirk on his face when he moved to half straddle his brother pressing his chest against Eevee's stomach almost laying on him. Not losing his grin he blew out the softest of breaths running it up one side of the damp privates before slowly angling the breeze across the shaft and over to the other side. Eevee squealed out kicking his hind legs as his brother pressed down harder pinning him but the action had stopped the tickling breeze or so the younger brother thought as soon as he stopped moving it was back dancing across his private area bringing forth another shriek and muscle twitches. This time the breeze didn't stop till nearly a minute later when Tavi allowed his crying panting brother a rest, besides he could tell the area was now dry and the effect was not the same.

Eevee was giving quiet little whimpers between pants which turned to a sudden gasp and a moan as the tip of his member was treated to a wet sloppy tongue kiss then a sweet suckling embrace. Tavi had been grinning the entire time as he went down further bobbing his head up and down listening to each of the Eevee's gasps and quiet moans. The loud grunt accompanied by the hip thrust let the Flareon know his brother was getting close. He pulled all the way off feeling a large shot of pre land in his still open mouth. He shifted leaning fully on his brother and pulled his paws up using one to lightly grip the swelling knot while the other steadied the throbbing red member. Again he blew a soft breath up and down the shaft causing Eevee to yip out several complaints and press his fore paws against his brothers back trying somehow to shove the Flareon back into his previous position. Tavi shifted his other paw now to fully capture his brothers knot squeezing it between his pads and feeling it throb and fully fill in response.

His brother was still insistently pushing on his back as he let out his tongue swiping one long lick from bottom to top where he played with the tip for a moment before dragging his tongue back down. As the knot bulged to its fullest and the member grew filling out a deep shade of red Tavi continued licking up and down the shaft. He also started to squeeze and relax against the knot between his paws making the Eevee yip each time he applied pressure wondering why his brother hadn't exploded yet. It took only a few more seconds before Eevee erupted shooting out the first stream like jet over the Flareon's head as he howled out. By the third gush Tavi had wrapped his tongue around the tip and drew in the shaft his mouth receiving a full splatter of semen across his face in the process.

In his mouth he still felt a forth and fifth throb that plastered the back of his mouth before the pressure seemed to ease of to the normal squirts that Tavi swallowed down. By the time he let the softening shaft slide from his mouth he had thought Eevee had passed out but a small breath of air across the very sensitive skin released a small cry from his brother.

"Please don't" Eevee asked at a near beg. Tavi had a grin back on his face as he stopped at his brother's request. The Flareon stood up and moved around so that he was almost sitting on the Eevee's tail head once again between the hind legs of his brother this time gently lapping at his nuts. He slowly bathed the area keeping one fore arm against his brothers hind leg making sure he couldn't roll onto his side. He waited until the knot had deflated and the member had started retracting before he gently blew across the nut sack continuing on to the sheath.

"Taavviiii.." Eevee whined struggling weakly with the little energy he had.

"Oh Quiet!" He told his brother, "I know your enjoying this." Eevee raised his head enough to look at his brother wondering exactly what that grin on his muzzle meant and if he could handle it. His eyes opened wide when he saw Tavi draw back and his nose lower down chin rubbing against his tail as he felt a warm wetness press against his back hole.

"You didn't, you wouldn't, you.." Eevee stopped and squirmed as the tongue made several firm swipes against his pucker.

Tavi stopped standing up and staring over his brother. "I never did because I knew where it would lead. Now stand up." He barely waited for the Eevee to gain its feet before he shoved the tail aside and attacked the tight hole. He lashed his tongue all aver nearly drooling over his brothers rear realizing how little he could taste. It was obvious that the Eevee was extra clean even when his tongue tip began poking in against the circle of muscles.

The Flareon was a little surprised by how his tongue suddenly invaded the hole when Eevee dropped his front slightly and pressed back. With a little help his licker was embedded in full causing his brother to moan loudly and make Tavi begin to wonder for the first time if this couldn't be an enjoyable experience for both of them. With his tongue plugging the back hole and wriggling inside he could barely focus beyond the throbbing of his own shaft which was driving his lust, fueled by the thoughts of his first true mating.

Tavi yanked back withdrawing and trying to gain a few clear thoughts which were instantly converted when Eevee looked over his shoulder, raised his fluffy tail high, and wiggled his butt at his older brother. He was up and mounted without even thinking ramming his dick against his brother's rear with near painful stabs from the force. The young pokemon tried to make a few adjustments under his brother but the Flareon was moving so erratically he couldn't even guess where the next sharp poke would land.

Tavi snarled leaning further over the pokemon below and grabbing the Eevee's scruff and neck fur in his teeth. His hip thrusts became more powerful causing more than a little pain to both but the new angle made the shaft jabs nearly the same point each time and with a slight shift the third poke hit the correct area straining against the edge of the tail hole. One more forceful push forward combined with the strong yank on the Eevee's neck caused the tip to slide then penetrate more than half the shaft inside. The tight ring clenched closed squeezing the Flareon's meat in a death grip causing the best pleasure he had felt so far adding in the hot warmth that now surrounded more than half of what he had the flame pokemon could only make him throb hard and yearn for more.

His seconds of pause were not to savor the feeling but a preparation to drive what remained outside in.

"Owww." Eevee spoke in a quiet whimper.

That quiet whine smashed Tavi's lust and drown it in concern. "Eevee?" he asked pulling back.

"WAIT!" He stopped with his brother's cry. "Just, just give me a second." Upset Tavi tried pulling back again only to have his brother yell at him again. "Just stop moving." He stayed still arms locked around his brother's hips and a few inches still inside which he desperately wanted to remove. He was actually starting to shrink when Eevee told him to keep going.

"What?" He asked not believing his brother wanted to continue.

"It was to much to fast, you have to go slower. Don't you dare STOP!" Eevee barked struggling to push back against his brother as he felt the arms loosen against his waist and sensing the reluctance.

"Eevee we don't have.." "Please Tavi." The young pokemon interrupted with a whine. "I want this, just push a little more in." After several seconds he did finally giving a little push keeping all his attention trained on his brother. "More." Tavi gave another nudge forward. "Keep going, slowly."

At his brother's request he continued feeding his shaft into the hole feeling the warmth strengthening his erection and start it swelling again. By the time he had the small bulge that would grow into his knot pressed slightly inside the anal ring he had to ask. "Eevee are you okay?"

"It hurts more than I thought. We were supposed to go slow at first." His brother responded.

"Does it still hurt?" Eevee gave a little shuddering breath.

"It stings some but it feels good now too. So full." Tavi could feel a strong squeeze as his brother spoke drawing a groan from him before the ring relaxed. "Keep going it will be better for both of us now." He did allowing his body to instruct him on the motion but kept a firm check on his speed with his mind. Eevee shifted his hips slightly almost as a counter action to his brother's slow tug and gentle push back inside.

A good part of the Eevee's mind was fixed on the thought of Tavi pounding him till they were tied together. He so wanted his brother locked inside but they had to get there first. He got the angle right and softly moaned as the Flareon's member began pressing across that special place inside that Rattata had shown him. He flexed against his brother and moaned out loud causing the Flareon to stop. "NO! Tavi keep going." He almost shouted at his brother.

"Your okay?" "Yes GO!" he quickly answered his brother growling lightly and shoving back against him. Tavi started again only to his shock his brother growled louder. "Faster!" He started to slowly gain speed which caused the Eevee to growl at him again. Feeling he had a nice steady rhythm going he had to ask.

"Are you sure?" The Eevee clenched hard enough to interrupt his brother's rhythm as he growled even louder.

"Just do it I'll tell you if you need to stop!" Tavi picked up the pace a little more, enough to cause a light slapping sound when they met and several new grunts of pleasure from the Eevee. He couldn't help but wonder where this dominate little Eevee had come from as his own needs began to rise forcing him to lose a lot of the control he had kept on his actions.

"Tavi," Eevee grunted out, "When, when it's time, tie me." Tavi heard his brother request and wondered if he could even as he sped up. True this was beyond any pleasure he had before and the warmth he was plunging into he had nothing to compare with but that small part of him still worried over his little brother. He could feel how much he was already leaking out making squishy noises as he pounded against his brother. Unable to control his body it pushed a little harder and he felt the firm resistance to the growing ball at the base. A few more tests told him a great deal of force would be needed.

"Don't hold Back!" Eevee demanded thrusting back a hard counterpoint to his shove. Tavi felt the warmth kiss more of his knot and pressed harder with a sudden need to feel it again. What felt like the work of minutes as time stretched out was nothing more than four powerful slams that pried open the anal ring and allowed the ball of flesh access sliding closed behind it. The Flareon went wild franticly humping against his brother's rear with short jabs that drove him over his peak. The new experience of the hot warmth fully encasing his knot engorged it to the full size and was far greater than he could have dreamed as he howled out over his brother rocking the form below him as he injected his seed in heavy spurts that was quickly filling the passageway and driving it deeper.

Eevee panted as he clenched down feeling the hard knot locked inside while his brother filled him with warmth "ip, ip, ip, ip." The small noises were filled with need, he was so close the throbbing in his rear and the pulse against his prostate were holding him just before the edge of release. He gave a short hump forward trying to help his body along only to give a small cry of pain at the sudden jerk on his insides.

Tavi nearly collapsed on his brother leaning heavily on his back while dropping one foreleg to help keep himself up. He could hear the little whimpering cries of his brother as he panted. Thinking again he might be hurting his brother he tried to hold himself still even as he felt more seed surge up his length and fire inside. Eevee though was not still he kept wriggling and twisting, had he really hurt him again?

"More. Close." He could hear the words mouthed as his brother moved about. Understanding now Tavi shoved more of his weight on his brother using his back legs. At the same time he hooked one of his brother's fore legs causing the Eevee's chest to head straight at the ground. He rolled as his brother crumpled sending them both onto their sides which caused a strong tug on their tie bringing a short cry of pain to his brother as Tavi struggled to land part way on top of his brother. He did end up with one paw on his back and one over the young pokemon's shoulder and quickly pulled himself up more and on the Eevee.

Using the closer paw he reached down and lifted the rear leg exposing the fully engorged shaft and puffed knot watching as his brother gave another week moan with a short hip thrust. With a grin far more wicked that any he had that day Tavi leaned in and blew across the sensitive skin. Eevee cried out as his brother again tickled him with air while he added a few short bumps to his rear pressing against the good places inside. The young pokemon could feel the clench of his orbs as he arched his back. His moan got louder until he was howling out as his penis gave two tiny squirts before it erupted a second time spurting out as his brother humped a few more times adding more of his cream to the hole that was clenched down around his knot.

Tavi wasn't sure how long it was when he finally lifted his head off his brother and opened his eyes. He was still seated deep inside and suddenly realized still firing small amounts adding to the total he had released inside his brother. He looked over his brother feeling pleased at the goofy look of bliss on the exhausted Eevee's face. At least they had worked it out in the end and he knew his brother wouldn't be a bit upset with his rough start. He gave a tender lick to the ear before he turned his attention lower and the large sticky mess across the Eevee's belly fur. There was a sloppy little puddle under his shrinking shaft that still had strands of seed hanging off it.

Tavi leaned in and gave soft lapping strokes helping to clean and encourage the retreating member home. His first thought about the outside left him with a jolt as he lifted his head and looked to the entrance. How long before his sister would find them here. How long would she wait before she felt the need to know where they went. Tavi bent and nuzzled his brother trying to rouse him. The look Eevee gave him after opening his eyes was enough to wash any worries from his mind. No matter how his sister felt about what happened he knew his younger brother would make his wishes known.

He smiled again realizing in his mind that it would make the perfect opportunity to show Umbreon exactly how grown up and strong their brother had become. It took ten more minutes for the pair to disengage and several more minutes of cleaning before they left the little hollow. Tavi had suggested the stream just a second before they could hear Umbreon calling out their names. Eevee just shrugged as he headed towards the noise Tavi falling in step behind again smiling knowing Umbreon was in for several big surprises.

"We worked it out." Tavi spoke loudly stepping past his brother and sister. They were only a few dozen yards away from the training spot and Tavi knew his sister would only take seconds to work out their scents and realize what had gone on.

"Wait what do you men you... two... worked it.. out?" Umbreon's voice slowed and became quieter as her nose and eyes picked out the details that were on their bodies. Eevee just smiled and shrugged at his sister as he trotted after his brother who had already left although he did keep his tail low covering himself. Tavi moved quickly ahead listening carefully to see if Umbreon came charging up on him. He trotted across the training area hopping on top of the rotted log and sat down to wait. He dipped his head a little as Eevee entered the area quickly followed by their sister.

"Where is Doom?" he asked.

"Out looking around." She said watching Eevee trot across and sit in front of the log. "Did you two?"

"All the way!" Tavi jumped on the partly formed question.

"And, and you know it's wrong?!" Umbreon stated at a half question.

"I know Dad thinks it's wrong. But since Eevee asked I agreed." He told his sister.

"You, he's not old enough for that! Why would you.." "Enough!!" Tavi shouted slapping both fore paws against the wood getting a thump to sound around them. "Eevee show your sister just how grown up you are."

The young pokemon took several steps forward staring straight at his sister the whole time. "Tavi I already told you I don't like mating with females." He grinned at the remark hearing his brother's perfectly phrased words. "Is there some other way to prove myself Sis." Tavi could so see the serious expression Eevee would be wearing even though his back was to him. It was made all the better by Umbreon's confused look as she tried to process what had just been said.

"Perhaps a battle." Tavi suggested. The words were out and Eevee dashed forward passing Umbreon by. By the time she turned her brother had already gained two feet up the closest tree which he launched himself off of tackling his sister.

"Get off!" Umbreon finally reacted struggling to throw her brother off. Eevee rolled away and Quickly moved to a stalking crouch as he slowly crept around the Umbreon. "What are you doing?"

Eevee stopped for just a moment turning to face his older sister. "I am no longer a cub. I can take care of myself and make my own decisions. Who I choose to mate with is my choice. Be ready Sis I WILL show you that I am no Cub!" For a moment Tavi wondered if he had pushed this to far as Eevee suddenly crouched down again snarling out like he was ready to rip apart a real enemy. Umbreon had also been hit by the drastic change in her brother barely dodging out of the way of a full on charge and slash.

Eevee didn't slow he simply twisted and pressed forward lashing out with claws and vibrating the air with a deep growl. Umbreon was trying to cope with her brother and doing a bad job of it. She had batted out with both paws making connections with his head claws sheathed using her longer reach to try and knock him away. His answer was a swipe across her shoulder that drew blood and a bite that left his teeth and muzzle just grazing across her head as she turned away.

"Umbreon." Tavi spoke as she backed away yet again. "You had better get serious. I told you I would train him." She did a very stupid thing turning to look at her brother. She was lucky Eevee only decided to bark at her to regain her attention. "Attack him Sis you won't get him to answer any other way." He told her.

Still confused but seeing little other choice Umbreon steadied her stance and launched a Shadow Ball at the Eevee. To her utter shock and horror he didn't even move. Eevee stood there as the globe hit his body and dark energies coursed through him making his body and legs shake before he shook it off and straightened up.

"Is that the best you have?" Eevee barked. Tavi was surprised by the mocking tone but realized he shouldn't have been since he had the same sort of attitude when he forced many of the humans away. With another menacing growl Eevee started forward while Umbreon lowered her head down in submission nose brushing the ground. "You are no cub."

Tavi was at her side rubbing against her in a flash. "I'm sorry but you needed to see for yourself. We have been playing around together since I got back and not because I wanted it but because we decided together. Eevee really doesn't want a female mate and when he asked me this morning if I would mate with him I couldn't say no." Umbreon nodded still keeping her head lowered.

"Please Sis. Don't be mad at us. I just, I mean. We can never do it again. Your not mad at us are you?" The young pokemon pleaded.

"Tell him it's alright." Tavi whispered into his sister's ear as the Eevee rambled. Eevee stopped speaking as Umbreon raised her head to look at Tavi. The Flareon nodded to the Eevee before taking a step back. She turned back to her younger brother and the two stared for several moments before he dropped his head sadly looking seriously upset.

"At least you didn't run this time Eevee but you still need to tell her how you feel." Tavi's words caused the Eevee to flinch before the head slowly raised back up to stare at his sister.

"I'm sorry if you don't like how or who I am. If you want you can just ignore it and I won't talk about it ever again." Tavi used his head and gave a hard bump to his sister's rear silently urging her to talk.

"He's trying to tell you he likes males." He whispered trying to make sure the point got across. "And Dad says that's wrong."

Umbreon gave one more quick glance over her shoulder with a light nod before stepping forward to rub her chin over the top of her younger brother's head and down his neck. "Dad isn't always right, you should know that. But when I see him again I won't tell him, this will be a secret between us." she said as she pulled back giving him one little lick between the eyes. Eevee gave on happy little smile on his still sad face before he stepped in and rubbed his muzzle and face against his sisters chest. "It's okay Eevee but I think you and Tavi shouldn't mate. I don't think that it's okay."

"Well as he said before," Tavi spoke pressing against her side, "we won't do it again since I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" She asked.

"Ya, so we have to make today the best!" Eevee said pulling back and turning several quick excited circles dropping his unhappiness before he finished the first spin. They set out together picking up the Houndoom along the way and did their best to make it a truly great day. Umbreon said nothing when the brother disappeared for a short while at sunset and Doom who's nose twitched several times around the pair when they came back but he chose to say nothing as well.

In the morning Tavi ate a meal with his family before officially claiming the den now belonged to Eevee. He said his goodbyes and stepped back. "Just so you know I do plan to come back. It may take time but it still feels like home." The only other pokemon he saw that morning was Rattata.

Tavi was actually expecting it as he crossed the stream and began heading off. The rodent was standing at the edge of a broken limb right over the trail he was following. Of all the arguments and things he was planning to say not a word was spoken between the two as the Flareon walked under the tree and on his way.


Travel this time he found was a much simpler affair. He didn't worry or care about humans, most times just ignoring them instead of going out of his way to hide. The first two trainers he met saw him simply trot off ignoring even their pokemon who challenged and even insulted the Flareon as they tried to make him stay for battle.

It was something that he wished he had learned as a cub. It's nearly impossible to have a pokemon battle if you have to wait for humans to catch up or keep running to try and issue orders. Maybe it was instinct for most pokemon to defend their territory or just stand and fight against an opponent but all Tavi wanted right now was to keep moving so he left those challenges where they fell. Human towns didn't hold any problems for him anymore either, he simply walked through and ignored most reactions to his passing. It seemed now that he moved forward with a purpose he drew much less attention. In fact his straight path and refusal to hide from humans made his trip just over five weeks instead of the months it took him last time.

Tavi was again feeling the hyped up happy emotions and energy realizing he was getting very near his destination. The days were not quite as long and chilly with strong winds the last two days of his journey but it didn't slow or get him down. When he finally saw the trees ahead from a rise in the early morning his body surged forward racing at top speed to what he hoped was going to be the rest of his life, and his mate that was just ahead.

He lept brush and dodged trees at speed that were likely less than safe only slowing down every now and then to regain his breath and energy but always going forward. His mind was rehearsing the hundred of things he could say and that she would say. Sometimes he would tackle her licking her into submission; others he would just say hello standing their as she cried out or danced with joy at his return; sometimes the Eevees were there sometimes not; there were even those few thoughts where she led him into the brush and he showed her how well he could mate.

All of that, everything he hoped and thought was wrong. Tavi called out to Leafeon and the Eevees as he got closer to the den wanting them to know he was coming before he got there. It was apparent they could not have heard him when he finally came tearing into the small clearing in front of the den calling out 'I'm here!' Only here couldn't have been the right place, here wasn't where he now wanted to be.

The area still held a peaceful sound the surrounding forest was untouched and full of autumns sounds and the wind blew by without a care for the fact it blew through the ruined den. Several parts of the roots had been ripped aside exposing the interior as something had tried to get what was inside. It took the Flareon minutes to finally process enough to make a move first yelling and screaming then racing through the woods trying to find some trace of Leafeon or her cubs.

With in an hour he was so tired and heart struck he simply laid on the ground not quite sure where he was and not bothering to care. The scent of smoke and food cooking helped him to regain some sense in the cool evening. Without anything to do he followed his nose nearly stumbling into a small campsite Tavi made a complete circle around the area studying the female as she cooked her food the whole time convincing himself more and more that humans were to blame for Leafeon's disappearance.

He barked out several times and growled as he entered the campsite making the female turn. Her face drained of color and with a piercing scream she fled charging into the forest and away from the Flareon. Tavi's shock lasted seconds before he finally decided what to do. The tent and everything else was nothing only the human mattered. With a growl he followed the crashing sounds made by the human as she continued to flee.

The sounds had stopped after several minutes and Tavi was close enough to hear several pokemon and water as he advanced. Stepping out around a tree he could see a small creek and the human who pressed her back against a tree trunk on the far side pointing at him. "There that's him." Her words caused the three pokemon to turn and face him Emolga, Masquerain, and Snorunt. Tavi listened to their shouts telling him to go and leave their trainer alone. As he slowly moved forward to a few feet away from the rocks at the edge of the creek when a partly eaten fruit thumped next to him and bounced forward into the water.

He turned to see a Teddiursa not far away with a mean scowl on its face. "You don't belong here. None of you do." The fuzz ball called. "Stop causing trouble in our home!" 'HOME' The word struck Tavi causing his emotions to roll. He should have a home here, this was why he had returned a home, a mate, a spot that would should be his.

"It's alright, it's okay." The Emolga repeated several times. It had climbed up on the trainers knee now that the human had slumped down the tree hiding her head between her legs shaking in fear. With a click and a flash of red light a Mankey appeared hand out rubbing the females shoulder. Tavi suddenly remembered both the new pokemon and the female trainer. In mid summer he had chased her down one of the trails until she slipped and fell. He had charged and barked trying to get her up and moving again not realizing that she had hurt her knee and scraped several large cuts into her leg. Realizing she was just huddling there he had backed off but instead of rising the human had tossed out the Mankey. It had been really upset seeing its trainer hurt and attacked. Tavi had ended up beating the simian fiercely because it wouldn't back down and the human had failed to issue any orders to the pokemon.

Tavi backed away from the creek when he realized he was actually terrifying the human and he really had no right to. He crept back through the trees trying to avoid being seen by anyone feeling a little more horrible for attacking a human for no other reason than his own anger. He made it back to Leafeon's den feeling even worse and lost as he looked over the destruction again. With a great deal of self pity and an aching heart the Flareon went inside and curled up. With in moments he was sobbing with his tail gripped firmly in his fore paws wishing with his entire soul that there was someone here now whom he could hold.

It was movement in the dark that woke him up his ears picking out a sniffing sound. "Who are you?" the voice growled out as Tavi turned his head to the noise. Not hearing any response it spoke again. "What are you doing in my den."

"Your den?" Tavi asked hearing his voice croak out in the darkness. Could this be the thing that drove Leafeon out, was she still near, was she hurt? He launched himself out one of the holes colliding with a shape and rolling on to it. The Flareon struggled to get a hold as they spun and he slammed into a tree feeling the other slide out of his paws. Tavi let out a burst of flame into the night air trying to find what it was that he was fighting. He squinted in the bright burst of orange but saw nothing but the ruined roots of the fallen tree and the area of surrounding shadows. Nothing moved as Tavi strained to listen in the darkness trying to pick out his adversary by sound. He turned towards what he thought were paw falls and readied to charge as a light yellow glow started.

Tavi watched as the light pulsed once before the spot was washed in a strong yellow light coming from a circle just a few feet away. It moved and he suddenly picked out an Umbreon in the glowing light. He knew this wasn't his sister everything about the other pokemon was different.

"It's you." He heard the light whisper before the area went dark. He was again pressed up against the tree only this time the full weight of the other pokemon was on top of him. Tavi tried struggling as he felt a sudden puff of a breath cross his face and realized the other pokemon was ready to bite him in the face or neck. It took a second to understand the rub on the side of his face wasn't an attack but a lick. He stilled as it happened again then again. Tavi rolled so that he was more on his side and felt the other shift as well so that a pair of paws were curled around his mane. The licking intensified as the whole side of his face was rubbed again and again with a tongue. "I knew you would come back." The voice told him before the lapping started again.

Even full of shock the Flareon tried to put together the most likely and for him near impossible explanations. "Umbreon?" The tongue stopped.

"Don't sound so surprised." She told him as he felt her climb off and the area once again brightened with a soft yellow light. He watched as she turned a few short circles in front of him then did a few little leaps up before walking again in a circle. "So how do I look?" She asked standing in front of him tail swinging wildly behind her.

She was certainly different from his sister but a sort of blending of both his sibs. A sleek dark Umbreon body and the bouncy happy playfulness of his brother. He watched her suddenly stop under his gaze and step back lowering her head before staring straight back at him. 'Yes, just like Eevee.' He thought seeing her sudden serious expression.

"We have to go! Mom should be happy to see you and at least you could help us out we kinda need it." She told him.

"I am staying this time." He replied standing up, "I should never have left but now I know better."

"Come on." The young Bree called keeping the light from her rings just bright enough to show him the way hopping up the roots and clawing her way up the fallen tree.

Tavi felt like smashing his head into the ground. Why couldn't he ever remember the obvious secret places pokemon would hide when in trouble. He felt a growing sense of excitement and renewed energy as he scrambled up behind her knowing that Leafeon was just a few moments away. As they walked further down the trunk and the forest opened up letting a small amount of moonlight through she stopped the light from her rings. With the new light he could see better and using Agility he charged forward jumping high over Umbreon and laughing as he dashed forward. With in second he was skidding to a halt realizing he had passed where he wanted to go hearing Umbreon giggle as she slipped down the limb and jumped to the ground below.

He dropped down next to the Bree as he heard a different female voice. "What is going on!" Suddenly everything he had envisioned that morning seemed foolish as Umbreon shed a little more light for him. Leafeon was standing over Eevee who hadn't moved with their entrance. He could see she looked worn and what Tavi would call older somehow. Tavi slowly stepped forward and watched as recognition dawned on her face. It was neither a happy nor a sad face she gave him just a small head shake as she stepped back and laid down curling up around Eevee again.

Tavi was left standing and wondering what happened as Umbreon moved a little ways off and laid down in her own space her rings still emitting a soft light for a few seconds before it winked out. He waited for his eyes to adjust enough before he moved towards Leafeon. His fur brushed against the trunk as he got close and he was unsure if there would be enough room to squeeze behind her. Stuck he decided to just lay down in front of her. "I am sorry." He whispered to her.

"In the morning." Her voice was crisp and much louder than his.

Tavi took a full minute to decide what he wanted to say and with a low voice he began. "No, I have to say this now. Leafeon I owe you a lot and not just about everything you taught me. I am sorry I left. I was stupid and had no clue what you were really offering. As much as I needed to find my family I think I need you more." Leafeon finally looked up remembering how truthful the Flareon was and how little he was able to hid his feelings.

"You owe me nothing Tavi you made your choice and I accept that." He listened to her words and stood up making his way back to the branch that would get him back to the trunk.

"Wait. You can't go it's dangerous." He watched as the light got brighter as she unknowingly showed him the path out.

Tavi stopped after he hopped up. "Don't worry I can take care of myself and I will be back tomorrow." He told the Umbreon. Tavi took a few more steps before pausing looking down at the shadowed shape of the grass pokemon. "Leafeon when I got home for a moment I thought I might die and I accepted that because I had finally found my home and family. When I returned here and saw your den every part of me wished I had died because I would never see you again. I do owe you and you mean more to me than you know."

The confession had left Leafeon shocked and unable to respond until a jolt of fear shot through her when Umbreon had jumped up after him. "NO Stop! Get Down!!" She hissed at here daughter. "It's too close to morning." As the Umbreon tried to issue a 'but' she continued. "He is a male and strong. He'll be safe enough. You won't be, get down here." Reluctantly the Umbreon returned to the ground and her chosen resting spot.

"I'll find him in the morning." Leafeon promised.

Tavi took his time making a careful path back to the trees end with the occasional bump from an unseen object. It was a little troublesome getting down but when he made it the Flareon went back inside the den curling up for some well needed peaceful rest.

There were whispers and movements that were beginning to trouble his sleep but he was brought wide awake when his mane was yanked up and his body roughly shaken. After the heavy thump back to the dirt floor Tavi tried to figure out what was going on.

"Get OUT!" The shout rang in his ears as he felt the breath from the words cross his forehead. There was an accompanying nip on his rear and a second on his front paw. Tavi growled and tried to swipe out at the sudden barrage of nips and light bites that drove the Flareon out of the den and to full wakefulness. He spun to face the gray forms as they burst from the den only to find himself tackled from the side by a Houndour.

He picked himself up amidst the barking and baying of multiple forms around him. Vulpix, three Poochyena, Lillipup, the Houndour, and lastly a Mightyena who's growl stopped the others noise when he stepped forward.

"What are you doing in my den." The canine demanded.

"Your den?" Tavi asked surprised before he suddenly thought several upsetting thoughts. "This is Leafeon's den!"

"It was, she is such a sweet ride it's to bad her and her little bitch ran away." The Mightyena laughed at his answer.

"We'll get her." / "She's ours." / "She won't get away." / "She didn't get far." The Flareon listened to light shouts around him which turned to much more rude comments from the pokemon around him. The air around Tavi's body turned cool and his body grew still as he listened to the Mightyena when it continued. "This is all my area, all the dens and all the females belong to me. I don't have any use for a week little fire type like you since I already have one. Run away little Flareon. I'll give you one whole minute before I release my pack on you."

Tavi's mind had been working fast behind the scenes even though his body was still there was a mass of power and anger growing inside. Six pokemon and a Mightyena. It should be a pack but the way the leader stood and a few of the odd things reminded Tavi of trained pokemon and when the Mightyena threatened to release his back the last ideas clicked.

A pokemon who wanted to be a trainer, a owner of everything around him. Sure he could rule out part of the forest but Tavi could tell he wanted to control and order everything around him. "You have a very low opinion of a Guardian." Tavi spoke calmly. "But I want to ask, just to be sure, you mated with the Leafeon."

"Mated?" The words came out as a guff followed by a heavy laugh, "No, I screwed that bitch till she squealed and I will again once I find her. She thinks she can hide but it won't..." The dog trailed off hearing the growl from the Flareon increase in volume as he kept talking. "Fire types can be so..." He didn't get to finish as Tavi flung himself forward Rage in full effect as he kept his center wrapped up tight.

The words were far to close to his previous trainers attitude and visions of the Leafeon being raped only drove his anger higher. It was entire chaos, the multiple forms of the pack dashing in to work every opening while the Flareon held its defense making sure that each real opening was because he was ripping or tearing at another form. In between the Mightyena tried to order attacks working to take down the Flareon from the sidelines getting more upset when a few of the pokemon had backed away injured.

"Everyone go now, All at once." His orders echoed across the area spurring everyone forward. Tavi braced himself feeling claws and teeth pierce his skin.

"TAVI!" Her voice echoed not just through the clearing but through his body and soul. Her cry of fear hurt him in a whole new way bringing an even greater power to bear.

"Get that BITCH!" Mightyena bark triggered the full release of the Flareon. He had kept all his flames compressed inside not allowing a bit to escape to warm the air around him. Locked inside they had grown to a molten like fire which shot out in short bursts from his mouth. The nearly white flame hit the first pokemon and caused an instant scream of agony. Tavi ripped himself away from teeth and claws twisting his body while opening his mouth with short blasts of flame and intense heat.

As the pokemon fell away he spun in a circle aiming his head and releasing out the fires inside. It was like some twisted water sprinkler watching the fires erupt from the central point and shoot out into the surrounding area. Most of the fire was so fast and intense it just blackened and seared the tree trunks and bushes, scorching the earth when it landed there causing the debris to burst into flame and wither to ash. When it connected with something else it melted fur and burned off skin leaving screams of pain echoing in the clearing.

After his third turn he stopped and centered in on Leafeon who was standing at the top of the tree trunk looking down at the black charred roots where one of his shots had scored. "Leafeon did he hurt you?" His words seen to cut through the clearing passing the cries and moans. She didn't have to answer every part of her body spoke the trauma that he had inflicted on her.

Tavi turned back surveying the area looking over the pokemon who were either laying around him or crawling or limping off trying to escape. Mightyena was untouched and staring around him trying to figure out what had happened. The Flareon finally released his heat and anger warming the area while he listened to the whimpers of the closest Poochyena to reach him as it tried to roll away from the heat. "If I see any of you again I will kill you. YOU though," he said staring at the Mightyena, "had better run because if I catch you you're dead." The dog growled out at the Tavi watching as the small Flareon advanced. He jumped forward attacking with Bite into the Flareon's shoulder sinking his teeth in but instead of a yip or a squeal Tavi turned his head to stare into the Mightyena's eyes. It was the same short burst of the white Flamethrower that seared down the canines side causing it to let go with a scream of pain.

"Leafeon please leave. I don't want you to see this." He watched the Mightyena's eyes dart through the clearing and the fear that began to ooze off the dog as it backed away realizing it had no support. Tavi was close on its heels as it bolted, tearing through the brush as it tried to get away.

Tavi returned to the den near noon tired, injured, and very grim. The area now truly looked like a battlefield now. Besides the ripped apart den there was now the smell of ash in the air and several areas of the ground were soaked. It seems he had several small fires, one had burned a good five feet of brush along the fallen tree leaving the trunk black and the bushes near by nothing but thin black fingers reaching into the air. He hopped up onto the tree roots and began moving down the tree wishing he had time to rest. It had taken a long time to catch the Mightyena once it realized he was following, terror had given it the power to ignore its wounds and flee at top speeds.

There was a Grovyle and a Breloom with Leafeon and her family as he returned. Breloom asked the first question as his feet hit the ground. "Where's the Mightyena?"

Tavi sat down while answering. "He won't be back!" Seeing the group look around at each other he added, "Ever." He looked around himself before his eyes fell on Eevee. It was definitely bigger but at the same time thinner and looked like it wasn't moving. Before he could ask what was wrong the Grovyle stepped in his line of site.

"What about the others?" It asked.

"They are probably gone or will be once they heal." He told it.

"And if they don't. What do we do if they come back." The Grovyle seemed very upset and agitated that Tavi wasn't worried about what it considered was a serious threat.

"I already told them I would kill them if I saw them again. Leafeon," He spoke in a softer voice, "what is wrong with..."

"Listen! This is important!" The Grovyle shouted. "We need to decide now what to do before they come back and group together. We can get them now while their alone."

Tavi growled and crouching stance was enough to make it back away quickly with an even more worried look. "I am a Guardian! Ranger tested and approved. That may mean nothing to any of you but it does mean a lot. They won't be back and if they do I will kill them." The gecko had backed as far from the Flareon as it could looking like it was ready to tear though the dense bushes to try and get away.

It was Umbreon that solved the problem of his anger and malice even the heat he was generating she ignored stepping up and giving him a light lick on the side of his muzzle. He turned to look at her seeing the serious grown up look again. "What is the problem?"

With a great sigh Tavi tried to let it go, All of it. "I'm tired Umbreon. Hungry, hurt and I feel sick with myself." She hopped up placing her paw on his shoulder shoving lightly trying to encourage him to lay down.

She pulled away as he let his legs start to slide. "I'll go find something to eat and help with your wounds."

"I think we will leave too." The Breloom said. "Now that the fires are out there is nothing so urgent that it need to be taken care of right now." When the two had left Tavi slowly got up and walked to Eevee as Leafeon moved to his side. Up close he could see the problem with the young Eevee. Discounting what looked like puncture wounds at his shoulder and several good claw marks down its back the Eevee's entire back leg was a mess. A large healing tear along with gashes and holes were scattered across the leg and he could smell a strong infection smell with a hint of what he thought was a rotting smell.

"I just don't know I can't do anything else." Her voice sounded strained and dead tired.

"How? Was it Mightyena?" He asked.

"No he was chasing me. They were supposed to run and hide. I think he was worried about his sister. She only changed to Umbreon two days earlier and was having a little trouble. I came back at the same time she did and they were dragging him around by his leg. We broke them up and Umbreon helped Eevee run but.." Tavi could just imagine watching her shiver.

"Mightyena caught you." He spoke quietly.

"NO! Tavi I stayed! I had to make sure they got away." He stepped closer leaning in against her side while placing his tail over her back trying to draw her closer and comfort her.

"He won't ever come back." He told her firmly.

"But Eevee." She dropped her head down in defeat. Tavi could only press closer in support, the only pokemon center he knew of was a good two days off and even if he left there was no guarantee he could bring humans back to help. Even if there was some where closer how on earth could they get the Eevee back to the other side of the tree.

"I am sorry Leafeon. If there is anything I can do, I will do it." He told her.

"Three days Tavi," she said pulling away to walk around the Eevee and lay behind it, "if you were just here three days ago." Her words were just a plaintive wish but ripped the Flareon inside, if he had only known.

"Shouldn't you be laying down?" Umbreon asked form the limb above having dropped a small bunch of berries behind him.

He rested until evening staying to watch Eevee when both the females left to gather herbs and more food. The young pokemon never really woke up from its infection caused fever and the mumbles it gave made as much sense as its whimpering. By the time evening had set he had already explained to Leafeon about trying to find humans to help. After a short discussion she could only agree that if he could find some humans they could help but it was pointless and stupid if he was going to take days to get them here. Tavi didn't have a solid argument to give nor a way to give Leafeon any hope especially since she now seemed to accept the fact that her cub would die. She still used herbs on her sons wounds and squeezed what liquid she could out of the berries carefully trying to force him to swallow the juices.

The next morning they were awakened by the agitated Grovyle who insisted that the Flareon had to take care of the Poochyena and Lillipup who were hiding nearby. Tavi asked simply if they were injured or hiding. "What does it matter you have to get rid of them. NOW!"

Tavi was suddenly reminded how it seemed everyone wanted him to solve their problems. He shook his head as the Grovyle continued talking demanding action until the Flareon was finally given enough space to place an answer. "Tomorrow if they are still there or if they cause any sort of problems I'll do something." Seeing the pokemon bristle he added, "Burns are very painful if they are hurt bad let them be and if you don't believe me I could always show you how much it hurts." The threat had the Grovyle quickly backing up the limb. When it was finally back out on the trunk and what it thought was safety it called back that the Flareon was no better than Mightyena he had gotten rid of.

Umbreon was quickly up the limb barking out her protest as Tavi moved closer to Leafeon. "Will you come with me for a walk?" It took him more than an hour to convince her and that was only because she would gather more healing plants and berries while they were out.

It wasn't very far from the den that they ran across Breloom. At first Tavi thought it was the same one until it asked if he was the Flareon who started the fire. "First it's the Mightyena, then all those stupid Poochyena, next its a Flareon, and now it humans everywhere. If this keep up I'll leave whether Breloom agrees or not."

Tavi was making the decision he liked this one less because he guessed that it was a whiner where the other Breloom had seemed quiet and thoughtful. "There are humans?" Leafeon asked interrupting his assumptions. He could see her staring at him almost with a glimmer of hope.

"A trainer won't help." He told the grass pokemon.

"Excuse me, did I say a trainer. Noooo there are humans loads of them. I'm supposed to tell everyone to hide because they are walking all over the place." Breloom spoke.

He didn't wait to hear more, "Leafeon go back make sure Umbreon is with Eevee. I will take care of this."

"Idiot!" The Breloom shouted after him, "There have already been enough hurt humans."

Finding a human wasn't a problem, slipping past their pokemon was difficult. Tavi carefully crept around two trainers each with a pokemon out. To his eyes they were definitely looking for something. 'Or someone' He thought as he watched a Seviper and Ariados web and wrap two Venonat who had bolted from a hole under a tree.

"Not them keep moving." An adult female called out. Quickly they turned the pokemon loose and began combing through the undergrowth again. He moved away from the group and onto the next who he could hear were rather close.

For a moment he was sure he was caught when he stumbled and a Dusclops turned his way. "Come on Wraith we have to catch up." He held back his small sigh of relief as he slipped away when the pokemon turned around. He took time to sit back and try to figure out what was happening since he had just past two more humans both much older than he would expect to be out wandering in the woods they were obviously searching for someone but who and why but most importantly could he figure out a way to get them to help the Eevee.

His ears picked up what seemed like a conversation between a human and a pokemon and he slipped off to investigate. "Alright Delibird is this the one?" "YEP!" "Alright capture GO!" Tavi peered around a bush seeing a ranger aiming his device at a Teddiusa. The Flareon used Agility flying forward to snatch the buzzing piece of plastic in his mouth as it made its second circle around the bear. The human looked shocked taking several steps back and lowering the white wand it held as the Delibird flapped emitting a startled squawk.

Tavi trotted over to the ranger dropping the piece at its feet before standing on his hind legs and offering a paw up to the human which was completely ignored. "Mary, Marrry, MARY!!" The ranger called out taking another step back from the flame pokemon.

With more hope than he could dream was possible he let out a howl of his own. "HANDY!!" He could hear immediate movement in the trees and the rustle in the brush as those who had been called approached. As the ranger Mary came around a tree an Aipom hung from a branch over head and dropped onto her shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing here Tavi? And why are you harming people!" He could tell she was upset even with out hearing a word, this was not starting like it should. "You had better start explaining." Handy started in hopping off her shoulder.

"I haven't harmed any humans!" He stated back firmly.

"Then why was there a lady yesterday screaming about how the Guardian was stalking her. What are you doing here!" Tavi choked down a reply suddenly realizing that there was a great deal of truth in what Handy was saying even if it was not entirely correct.

"Flare Flare/ I will show you." He said staring at Mary before walking several steps away and looking back. "Can you get her to follow?" He added to Handy. It seemed like the Aipom following him did the trick and after a minute Tavi was able to run through the forest with Handy overhead and the ranger running along behind. When they reached the Leafeon's den the destruction was obvious. The wrecked den, the burn marks, and the lingering smell of smoke made a definite impression he hopped up onto the tree and headed down the trunk. He slowed down allowing the ranger to take her time weaving through the broken branches as they made their way.

When he started down the branch Leafeon jumped up saying, "I can't find Umbreon."

"Relax Eevee is more important now. I brought a human, a ranger. Please, Please don't be upset." He tried telling her calmly hoping she would accept.

"Hello." Handy spoke dropping down next to the Flareon. It took some movement to make room for Mary to sit down and drop the foot or so into the area. The ranger had already seen the injured Eevee and had knelt down as soon as she was on the ground. "Handy you need to go find Richard and bring him here. Be quick." She added as the Aipom scurried off.

"I have to ask, did you do this Tavi?" The Flareon shook its head to her question. "Well.." What ever the ranger was going to say was cut off by a beeping at her belt.

"Mary here." She spoke when the device was near her ear. "Yes, but we need to continue the search. There was a battle here and an injured pokemon. I think the Guardian is here for the same reasons we are. I recommend the search continues until we find the pokemon responsible... I disagree she wasn't harmed in the encounter just terrified. Also we didn't even hear anything about the Guardian being here until yesterday and the reports date back nearly three weeks and we know the Guardian was at Skyback then. Also I find it impossible for so many people to mistake a Flareon for just some canine pokemon especially one so memorable."

Tavi had been slowly putting together all the information as the ranger spoke. There had been humans hurt and the search was to find those responsible. His actions the day before had made him a target for the search. He also understood why they didn't know who they were looking for, with several different types of pokemon the reports would have been different with him being the most recent one.

Leafeon walked behind Eevee and laid down as the ranger continued talking. Tavi squeezed around the ranger and sat near her head giving her a lick while he kept an ear out for anything else the ranger might say that would be helpful. When Mary finally squatted down again it was to give a soft pet to the Eevee. "There is nothing I can do to help right now but we will try to find some help as soon as possible."

They waited until they heard someone tromping down the tree even as Handy popped up, "He's here." The large male didn't bother trying to enter the small area he just laid on the trunk and hung his head over the side. Tavi did not suppress the instinct as he lept up snarling at the head of the human he recognized.

"Oh I see you still remember me." Richard spoke or as Tavi knew him 'Ledge' the gym leader of Lightbar gym. Remember him the Flareon had suffered more from his loss to the gym leader than for any other failure he had and was never allowed to forget it.

"Listen just toss me a pokeball and backup." Mary spoke.

"Sure thing sis." Richard answered, "But I thought I was supposed to be catching a seriously dangerous pokemon."

"Then you had better have been smart enough to bring more than one ball." She said tartly snatching at the outstretched hand and the ball. By the time Mary had used the pokeball to capture Eevee and hand it back Leafeon had begun a quiet cry that turned into a full throated howl of pain. Tavi quickly jumped over laying on top of the female trying to comfort and stop her if he needed to. The humans backed and after a long time he convinced Leafeon that they now needed to find Umbreon.

When he lead her back to the den Leafeon went berserk when she saw the humans again. The Flareon was just able to restrain her as she struggled to get closer after he had jumped on top of the grass pokemon from off the top of the tree base.

Mary's answer was to move away and fire the capture device. Tavi waited until the ring was closing fast and almost touching him before he jumped up and out of the way. The capture was unsuccessful but the struggle had forced Leafeon to pause which gave Handy enough time to use his tail slapping her head hard enough to almost knock the grass pokemon to the ground as he shouted at her. "Do you want the Eevee to die!? Your stopping them from saving him."

"You can't take him." Leafeon cried out. Tavi was at her side keeping his head pressed under her chin.

"If he stays he dies, please listen.... Trust Me." He could feel her body shake as he continued. "These humans will take Eevee and try to heal him."

"We will bring him back." Handy promised.

"Leafeon please it's the only way." As he spoke she collapsed and he was only half able to catch her head and upper body as she gave into her tears.

"The vehicle should be ready Richard, GO!" Mary told him. The gym leader took a moment walking forward and squatting down in front of the pokemon.

"We'll get him fixed up good as new." With that he jogged off into the forest causing a fresh crying moan from Leafeon.

"Stay with her." Tavi ordered Handy as he lept back up the roots and onto the tree. Once there he let out a loud barking howl before screaming out Umbreon's name and that of Grovyle and Breloom as well. He repeated his call several moments later and heard a rustle in the brush soon after. "Come out." Tavi spoke hopping down the tree. After waiting what he felt was to long he stared hard into the brush stepping forward slowly as Grovyle suddenly twisted away trying to run.

With a quick pounce he pinned the pokemon demanding to know where Umbreon was. "Where she should be. We're all getting ready to drive the Poochyena out since you won't."

"Stupid." Tavi growled, "Show me where now and be quick." He barked. It took a moment before the Grovyle scurried off with the Flareon close behind.

There was more than a dozen pokemon gathered when the Grovyle stopped. The first thing Tavi did was send Umbreon home telling her that her mother needed her now. He realized from the look of horror on her face and how swiftly she fled that he probably said that wrong. "The rest of you need to leave NOW!"

"You can't tell us to what to do." One of the Breloom stepped forward. "There are three now and we won't wait for them to get back together."

"You don't have to do anything." Tavi told them, "The humans are here to find and take them away." He looked around the group wondering how many of them actually believed him. "Just go home, I'll make sure..." There was a hiss with a light paw stamp from a Buneary who had been had been half hidden in a bush watching.

The group gathered closer so they could all see the Vulpix with a slight limp move along to what looked like a very old burnt out tree which shadowed a large gap that the Vulpix slipped inside of and disappeared. "That it! We can't wait that makes four." The Breloom agitation was more than apparent as Tavi tried to calm it. "NO! You say Mightyena won't come back and you tell us not to worry. Then you promise to stop them but won't do anything. You've only been here a few days and you think you know everything that's been going on."

Tavi started with a bark. "Mightyena Won't come back! And the humans..."

"How do you know?" Before the Breloom could interrupt him further he came close to losing it. "Because I made SURE he stop moving Before I LEFT!" Tavi screamed out. "What do you think I can't KILL!" He turned to the other Breloom seeing it cower under his gaze. "YOU go get the Aipom and tell it to bring the ranger. The rest of you had better leave if you want to stay safe." He shoved pokemon out of the way and probably would have walked over the Buneary if it hadn't hopped straight out of the bush and scurried away.

He ripped his way through the bush and stormed into the clearing in a wave of anger and hate planting himself a few feet away from the gap in the ground. Heat oozed out of the Flareon as he tried to control himself. He hated the fact that these stupid pokemon chose to be cruel, he hated how the others had expected him to protect them from the Poochyena. He hated everything, especially the fact he was forced to admit he had totally lost control.

Tavi stood up and gave himself a strong shake mentally blocking himself from thinking about what had happened. He had lost control, he had killed a pokemon, and now he had to live with it. Mary and Handy were quick in responding to the spot. As the Aipom walked close Tavi told him who was waiting inside. They could both hear the shifting and scuffling coming from inside even an occasional whimper. Neither the Flareon nor the Aipom had to try and explain to the human, Mary was already on a secondary walkie talkie calling out to any trainers in the area.

In less than ten minutes four trainers and their chosen pokemon had answered Mary's call and were waiting for instructions. Tavi had said nothing the entire time standing a silent sentry near the underground entrance.

"So how are we going to do this?" One of the trainers asked.

In answer Tavi stood up and waked the few feet forward, "I promised to kill you if I saw you again." He spoke down to the shadows. "So now I will let you choose. Come out NOW and face the humans for what you have done. I give you my word that I won't harm you, however if you stay down there I'll simply burn the whole place till the ground caves in." He stepped to the side as he finished waiting to see what would happen.

The first to stumble out was Lillipup limping forward several feet before collapsing with a cry. There was silence for several seconds before the three Poochyena and the Vulpix burst out barking and growling in a group. The four trainers had spread out enclosing the canines with Mary and Handy at the center. Tavi slipped inside the hole taking a few seconds to listen to the darkness before he pulled back out in time to hear Handy's directions.

"Each of you may choose a human. Defeat them and you can go." He didn't bother to continue and tell them what would happen if they lost especially since the three Poochena had already pulled together and were growling quietly with each other while eyeing over the humans.

"So there is one here for each of us? I want a Poochyena!" One of the humans called.

"What about the extra one?" Another asked. At nearly the same time as Mary spoke, "Wait for the pokemon don't attack until they do." At that Tavi stepped forward giving a shove to one of the Poochyena that was in the way. It turned with a snarl of teeth until it truly met with the Flareon's gaze. It whimpered quietly as it turned and made a quick jump so that it was between its brethren and the three together made growls and huffs at him as he moved past.

He gave a firm nose and light shove to the Lillipup, "Get up. You can't fight and you'll be hurt if you stay here." Handy also moved forward and between the two they moved the burned Lillipup behind the ranger where they allowed it to sink down in the shadow of a tree.

It seemed that the fight was nearly half over by the time Tavi was able to pay attention. Two Poochyena had made a direct attack at the human trainers not the pokemon. One was blindsided by a Vigoroth while the other was flattened out by Lickilicky which used a body slam driving the imprint of the canine into the ground. The third tried Scary Face against Sableye and that fight was quickly becoming one sided and not in the canines favor.

The Vulpix had slowly approached the last trainer and its intimidating Rhyhorn. The little fire fox darted forward several steps before backing off while the Rhyhorn just stared at it awaiting the trainers orders. With in two minutes all the pokemon were disabled except the Vulpix who was still making short dashes forward before quickly retreating. It jumped sideways from the light thump as a pokeball hit the dirt next to it.

"Your choice Vulpix step into the ball or my Rhyhorn will put you in it. Either way you not leaving here." The trainer spoke firmly.

"Voooool." It gave a little cry looking around to see the other trainers tossing out balls to capture the disabled or unconscious canines. "Piiiiix." was its mournful little cry as it stepped up and nosed the ball.

The band of trainers were gone by evening leaving behind the five rangers who had organized the search. They were having a meeting which Tavi was listening in on. It was decided that they would return on the next day to do a second sweep through the area. When the Guardian was brought up he stepped closer as the small group turned to him.

"He's obviously here for a reason," Mary started, "and from the looks of things he already took care of most of the problem."

"You mean the Mightyena, are we sure its not just hiding somewhere?" One of them questioned. Another pointed back at the Flareon who was staring off in the direction where he had left the other pokemon. Realizing he was being watched he turned back to the group and shook his head. The humans continued talking for a while longer before they left. Tavi was glad one of the last things they agreed on was to let the Guardian be for now.

He spent the next three days working hard dragging small limbs or flexible branches and used them to try and repair the den. Previously the roots had been covered with debris and leaf litter making a natural barrier and also provided a camouflage for the den. That no longer being an option Tavi wove branches and stuffed limbs making a more solid barrier and sealing the areas that had been ripped apart.

He spent his nights snuggled close to Leafeon in the shelter of the fallen tree waking up in the morning feeling both ecstatic and lonely at the same time. On the forth day he suggested they move back to the den. Umbreon was excited with the idea and immediately went out looking for food to start building a new storage supply. Tavi looked for at least a little of the excitement in Leafeon but could only watch her back as she slowly walked her way down the tree trunk. He had been unable to get much out of her since they took Eevee and although he slept at her side at night he felt further from her than he had ever been before. Tavi knew she was upset and worried about Eevee but she totally refused to discuss it.

When they had finished a small meal outside Tavi had thought of something he hopped could help. "Let's go inside. It's a little chilly and it feels like rain." He added. That only seemed to get half of the two females attention. "Please I have somethings I wish to say." Umbreon was already heading inside while Leafeon paused as if deciding. As he moved close reaching out to touch her side she walked away almost flicking him with her tail. Tavi worked to puzzle that out as he followed and when he got inside she had already moved to the back wall and sat facing the entrance watching him.

Tavi sat down next to the entrance so he could easily see both of them. "I wanted to tell you what happened after I left, where I've been, and about my family."

"Your family?" Umbreon asked. Tavi nodded in response as he began explaining it all. It was in the afternoon when he began the part about finally arriving on Skyback Mountain. He had stopped just before that explaining how he felt about humans and how some of his ideas had changed. He took special care to emphasize Handy's remark about treating humans like pokemon.

He decided not to bypass his sexual encounter with Eevee stopping to truly thank Leafeon for her gift of knowledge and pleasure after he finished. She had seemed much more interested as he told his story and by the time he thanked her she had smiled. "You really were lost and hopeless. I'm glad you figured it out."

Tavi felt a rush of joy as he returned her smile continuing through to his revelation at finding his family even the turmoil his fathers words had caused him. When he started explaining about going for his father who had just been caught Leafeon finally jumped up and headed for the exit as Tavi quickly blocked the path.

"MOVE!" She growled.

"Would you just listen." He spoke.

"Why so I can hear how you lost your family so it's okay for me to lose mine." She spoke pushing against him.

Tavi shoved back hard toppling the grass pokemon. "I didn't lose my family! I opened the pokeball and let Dad out. Please Leafeon if you would just trust me I..."

"It's not about TRUST!" she yelled at him. "It's about My CUB!"

He took a breath trying to keep himself from yelling back. "I know that! That is why I am telling you this. So that you can believe. I know Eevee is still alive because they would have comeback otherwise. They will comeback and if you would just sit and listen you will understand why." He took one more look at her defiant stance and shook his head. "I am a Guardian, the humans made me one and I will help you understand them."

With that he scooted back just a little more and sat planting his rear over the entrance. "I opened the latch to the pokeball and watched as a red light came out and left my father laying on the ground. I also slipped my paw inside...." After several more minutes Leafeon finally sat down but still kept an irritated look on her features. That was until he started talking about his plans with the Bayleef.

When he had gotten to the shed and was talking about rubbing against Leaf he had to stop and decided to lay down being that he was getting aroused by the retelling and felt the need to try and hide it. As he got comfortable Umbreon asked. "Did you two really umm, mate?" She finished with a little blush.

"Almost." He answered before looking at Leafeon. "Should I continue or skip forward?" He asked giving a slide look over at the Umbreon.

She gave a short look at her daughter before finally laying down herself. "I think we're both interested in what 'almost' means."

Tavi got a very small smirk in return for his grin. "It's your fault in a way. I wanted nothing more than to return the gift you gave me." The Flareon kept at it for a while catching up on what had happened, his new position, and his problems with his family. They were both impressed with how far he went to try and save his father even though it seemed Leafeon shook her head several times at how he explained how the humans were helping. The only real interruption came later when he was talking with his brother and Umbreon realized they were going to play around.

"You and you brother really did stuff?" She asked.

"Yes we did everything eventually. Why does that upset you? Is it the fact that he's my brother or the we're both males?" Tavi piled on the questions hoping he would have to ask them again.

Umbreon stopped considering. "Well I just don't know. I mean at first you didn't know who it was but now you say Mom is your mate and you're still going to mate with Eevee?"

"I didn't mate Eevee then and I'm sure your mom could tell you mating is different from having a real Mate." He told her.

"You'll understand much more soon and this is certainly not the first time I've heard or seen males together. Although I do wonder how you consider yourself my mate." The words left Tavi uncertain and it took him nearly a minute to answer.

"I made my decision a while back. If you don't want me, just tell me to go. I only ask that you allow me to spend the night." He told her.

"Of course we want you and you are staying the night." Umbreon stated. "Now what happened with Eevee?" She asked trying to direct the conversation.

He took a moment gathering his thoughts and almost lost them again looking at Leafeon and the odd expression she had. "well I started out with Eevee on his back." He began again. He ended up having to pause several times almost losing his place each time he glanced over at Leafeon. Tavi outlined the rest of the summer realizing that not much had really happened except the day to day routine until his sister came. Since they had both paid avid attention when he spoke of his exploits Tavi took his time explaining exactly what he did finding it suddenly hard to keep a grin off his face which Leafeon seemed to now be mirroring. He finished by telling them of the fight and how strong his brother had become then added the he left the next day.

Tavi stood up and moved away from the entrance. "I hope you understand now Eevee was taken by a ranger not just some human. Someone who works with pokemon everyday. She will comeback and every day it take is actually better because it means he's healing. Understand humans might seem bad but I know which I would trust and she is one of them. He will be Back!" He spoke with as much conviction as he could.

When Leafeon looked away she stood up and left not speaking a word or giving him another glance. A few seconds later he follower her out but realized she was running away and by the sounds already a ways off.

"Let's find something more to eat." Umbreon spoke behind him. Tavi was remembering the last time he had been out with the young energetic Eevee compared to the now more adult Umbreon. She quickly led them to some berries then over to a tree that was dropping most of its nuts. They ate their fill and he watched as Umbreon skillfully pulled together several leaves folding them into a little pouch which she stuffed with nuts for him to carry.

They returned adding the nuts and berries to the small stash in the den. Tavi waited through the evening and into the night before Umbreon was able to coax him inside. She had fallen asleep at his side before Leafeon had finally returned. The grass pokemon spent several minutes just standing at the entrance before her paws took her away from their breathing.

"Stay there." She hissed as he moved to stand up. "I mean it Tavi." She whispered at she herd him and take a step forward and Umbreon's sleeping mumble. "Please stay there."

He was more than tempted to ignore her request except he could hear a strain to the quiet voice which seemed in pain. "I'll stay Leafeon, I will do whatever you ask, just don't forget to ask." The two spent a sleepless night each aware that the other was listening. In the morning Leafeon left with the first light still without saying a word leaving the Flareon with thoughts of following her.

Umbreon had Tavi working with her the entire day gathering more supplies for the winter. He listened and watched the Umbreon's excitement as she tried to pull information about humans and trainers out of him. "How do you know if it's a good trainer or a bad one?" She finally asked.

Tavi stopped sitting down. They were far enough away from the den that he was sure Leafeon wouldn't accidentally show and after listening carefully hoped they were alone. "What would you do if I showed you a good trainer. Are you hoping to be captured?" Umbreon had her back to him sniffing along the ground for a few more nuts when he asked her. Tavi watched as her tail stilled but her body quivered. "Tell me. Do you want to be captured?" He asked again.

"Well maybe. I just, don't want to stay here. I want to go and see stuff, only I'm not very strong." Umbreon answered quietly. "Not that I want to leave mom." She added quickly turning to look at him. "We talked about it once right after I evolved. She told me it was foolish to try and leave here until I could protect myself. Mom was right though, I couldn't keep more than one Poochyena away."

Tavi took a moment to consider his words. "A trainer is probably best they could teach you and make you stronger while at the same time keep you safe. Just remember one important thing Umbreon. Once your captured you no longer get to decide anything. You go where your told, do what your told, eat what your told. You might see the world or be stuck for the rest of your time in some humans backyard. There is no guarantee you'll get a good trainer or a bad one and you might very well find yourself only out to eat and battle."

"So how do you choose?" She asked.

"That's just it young one, you can't choose so it's always better to not get caught. Listen even if you wanted to get caught you should always fight to the end. Also if you ever do get caught watch the human carefully you can learn a lot more if you pay attention." The two continued with their task still discussing some human things through the afternoon until they were joined by Leafeon. She helped them finish collecting and then store the food. With that done they all ate a small meal before heading into the den for the evening.

That night Tavi again slept with Umbreon only stepping close enough to the grass pokemon to wish her a good nights sleep before he whispered. "I am here all you have to do is ask."

The next morning all three were up and shared a few berries together before heading outside. Umbreon pestered her mother to join with them and gather food with no success. When she added that she really wanted to talk with her Leafeon told her later and hopped up the roots then on to the tree trunk. The Umbreon then asked Tavi if he would go talk with her and he answered with a short little head shake. "I don't want to force her."

"I thought you were her mate." She huffed with irritation.

"Not if she won't accept me." He told her quietly. "I only hope they bring Eevee back soon."

It was two more days before Tavi and Umbreon heard a odd sounding cry calling out 'Mom' as paw steps thudded closer. The voice was different and higher pitched and when a male Glaceon charged into the area both were stunned.

"Umbreon!" He shouted charging forward and tackling the female. The Glaceon ended up on top furiously licking the chest of his sister. She couldn't help but return the licks to his forehead asking a simple question between licks. "Eevee?"

"Uhh, ha." He said squeezing and licking harder. Tavi could hear the approach of humans moving towards them as he lept to the tree trunk. With a deep breath the Flareon howled out its name making the area echo with its voice in the hopes to call Leafeon home. It worked in a moment both the humans and Leafeon entered the little clearing from different sides.

Glaceon rolled off his sister prancing out to stand in front of his mother. "Eevee?" She asked.

The young male gave a bark of happiness as he strutted a few circles in front of her doing a little hopping dance at the end. "How do I look?"

Tavi had jumped down and was stepping closer when Leafeon turned to him growling. "Is this some stupid game to you?" He stopped from the serious fury she was aiming at him and worried that this might go very wrong, until he looked at Glaceon.

"Lay down." He ordered to the male. "And Leafeon you had better look a lot closer." With a paw Tavi pointed out the Glaceon's haunch and leg. A jagged white line ran over the area and down the leg along with a second wider line that crossed near the knee. He continued by poking at several dark blue circles that also marked the light blue coat of the ice pokemon watching at the leg twitched as he ran a claw back over it.

"I'm sorry." The young male spoke looking sadly at his mother. "I.. They let me out and I ran around. At first it was kinda fun to have them chase me. I kept running in to different spots and more humans started chasing me. Then I ran into a few pokemon and humans. Well I sorta crashed into a human and knocked him over. Then there was a lot of noise and shouting and a flash and more yelling and I changed... I sorry Mom I thought you would like it if I evolved. Everyone else kept telling me how handsome I look."

It took only a few seconds for Leafeon to change rubbing her sons muzzle and giving a few light licks before she told him he did look handsome and that she was very proud. Tavi stepped back as Umbreon moved forward trying to rescue her brother from a spontaneous love attack filled with tears and a mothers relief.

He turned back and walked back to the humans. There was Mary, Richard, and a third he didn't know. Tavi sat down watching the family reunion seeing Glaceon again prancing around for his mother and sister showing off his new form. As he watched he considered if he should follow through with his plan that had started from Umbreon's talk days ago.

"Tavi." He heard Mary's voice behind him. "What are you going to do now?" he ignored her and the Aipom when it hopped down and repeated the question. The problem was he didn't exactly know what he was going to do since he had not really had time to speak with Leafeon.

Several minutes later the family finally remembered the humans. "Over here mom. These are the ones who helped me." Glaceon stated. As he saw them approach Tavi finally decided he would go through with his idea standing with a snarl.

The growl was firm and menacing as he took several steps forward making everyone stop and stare. "Leafeon your son was returned and now I will have to make you choose. You are going to lose one of us." Behind him Handy turned and waved the humans back so they wouldn't interfere.

"What do you mean." She finally asked.

Tavi sat down and started. "I am a Guardian. I can't stay here unless I was your mate that would be the only reason I would have to stay and give up being a Guardian. I know you love your cubs and I know how special they are to you but I need to know if you think I am special too. Give up one of your cubs and choose me as your mate."

"Tavi, you can't be serious I don't have to choose." She responded watching as he scowled and shook his head.

"I'll go." Umbreon spoke up stepping forward to stand next to the Flareon.

"Wait! This is crazy." Leafeon said with a slightly worried tone.

"No it isn't. I know someone is going to have to leave with the rangers and..."

"Then LEAVE!" Leafeon shouted at him. "How can you expect me to force one of my cubs to leave."

"Your not forcing me I can..." She didn't get the chance to finish as Leafeon shouted. "Umbreon Quiet!" The females response was to turn and growl at her mother baring fangs. Tavi waited for just the right moment seconds before the two females actually looked like they might attack each other. He pounced landing on the Umbreon's back driving her to the ground with the surprise attack and licked the back of her head as she began struggling underneath him.

"You told me they would be grown. Your daughter will leave sooner or later and is willing to fight you for that chance." He stopped giving Leafeon a small frown as he stood up. "You do have some choices to make. I am serious, I won't stay if you can't claim me as your mate."

"Then you should go." She spoke quietly. Tavi felt a wrench in his gut but kept his expression set he had hoped the return of her son might make her want him.

"Mom!" Glaceon said giving her a hard head bump to the side. "I always thought you said you wanted him to come back. That you hoped he would."

"Enough. You don't really understand. He spent all year thinking of me and even considered himself my mate. Tavi," She looked at him, "I never expected you to come back. I never really thought about you. You can't expect me to just take you as a mate." Leafeon could barely stand there and watch him. He was trying so hard to hide the hurt inside tight jawed and super still body. She felt bad but more than that she felt it was wrong he had such conviction of their relationship and she had none.

"I'll take you as my mate Tavi." Both the Flareon and Leafeon stared at the Umbreon as she spoke. "You have shown me nothing but kindness and always shown me how special I am. I want to stay here with you and be your mate." Part of Tavi almost laughed at her earnest plea.

"And yesterday you wanted a trainer. NO!" he said shaking his head stopping her from speaking. "I made my choice without a mate I can be nothing but a Guardian and you are not the one who I dream about."

"That's just it Tavi," Leafeon burst out, "how can you say I'm your mate if I never dreamed about you. I couldn't even really believe or trust you when you said Eevee would come back." He had walked forward as she spoke licking her nose as she finished speaking.

"I dream of you. I want to be with you. I'll do anything you ask even leave. I love you." Tavi licked her nose once more waiting on an answer.

She watched him lost at what he expected her to say, she couldn't return any of those words. "You can stay the night." She finally said feeling the need to give a small smile in response to the one that glowed on his face.

"Then maybe we can talk later. But for now your still faced with a different decision. Umbreon wants to leave. She could go out on her own and you might never see her again or you could let her leave with those who brought your son back." He stepped aside allowing her to look at the humans.

"Which one?" Umbreon asked quickly already scanning the humans.

"The male in the middle." Tavi responded while leaning in to whisper in the Leafeon's ear. "Your choice, do you trust me, even a little?" He turned and with a quick bark ordered Umbreon several feet away to the edge of the brush on the far side while asking Leafeon and Glaceon to get on the tree and out of the way. With a little confusion he got the gym leader to step forward facing the Umbreon.

"I don't capture or train pokemon anymore." Richard spoke out although he did have his hand on a pokeball behind his back."

"I think your about to make an exception." Mary told her brother as Handy climbed back up to perch on her shoulder.

Tavi joined the two on the tree trunk and spoke down to Umbreon, "Remember what I told you."

"Well I can't seem to refuse such an odd challenge." The male spoke holding his pokeball and releasing Infernape. Tavi hardly had to calculate out the differences between the two even as Umbreon charged forward with Tackle.

"Go Umbreon." Her brother called out trying to encourage his sister. The Flareon watched as the fight progressed Infernape either blocking or dodging the weak and unskilled attacks that were put forth. He also watched Richard who had yet to issue a command to the simian. Once in his boredom the gym leader glanced at the Flareon who met his eyes intently before nodding back at the battle. Intrigued he watched as his flame ape caught the Umbreon by its chest holding it in the air from her ineffective leap. Infernape growled in anger as the dark pokemon bit hard into its hand and wrist. Drawing his arm back he flung the Umbreon through the air where she collided with the side of the downed tree with a solid thunk before the form dropped heavily to the ground.

Tavi reacted swiftly hopping on Leafeon wrapping his paws around her neck and pulling back. "You can't interfere." He hissed at her as she began to struggle. The problem was Glaceon who had barked loudly leaping into the air and landing between his sister and the Infernape. Tavi's mind was cursing all forms of stupidity at the foolish pups moves and his total ignorance about the opponent he chose.

"Glaceon get BACK!" He called out allowing Leafeon to struggle free. The male ignored him growling at the Infernape until he heard his sisters voice.

"Get out of the way brother!" Everyone turned to watch the Umbreon finish standing. Half stunned and seeing triple she tottered forward towards the wavy blue forms. "My chance." She spoke, "This is my battle. MOVE!" Umbreon growled at her brother even as he stared at her in shock.

"Sometimes it's better to accept a dream, instead of holding it back." Tavi spoke quietly to Leafeon giving a lick to her shoulder hoping the double meaning would come through.

"Sister you can't beat him." Glaceon spoke. Her growl was the only answer she gave walking more solidly past him.

"I don't want your help. So move." Glaceon dropped his head and dragged his tail as he moved out of the way. When she finally faced her opponent she realized the human was standing next to the Infernape.

"Reckless, young, and foolish but with a determination that outweighs all of that. It would be a challenge training you and a pleasure I think too. Alright Tavi I accept your offer." Richard spoke tossing the pokeball in an arc at the Umbreon. She watched the ball sail towards her. She should move, she should fight, but this was her chance. Umbreon ended up closing her eyes as the ball finished its path hitting her on the back.

Tavi woke in the early morning. It was his second night since Glaceon had come back and he was sleeping between the ice and grass types. He had spent most of the previous day talking with Leafeon, actually he had spent most of it listening. What talking he did had been mostly to reassure her that he wanted nothing more than to be at her side even if she didn't share his feelings. He felt he finally ended most of her arguments the previous afternoon when he asked her if he was special. With her positive affirmation Tavi reminded her that all she had told him was that he would need to return before winter or she would not accept him in the spring. All he asked for was to spend the winter and find out her answer when the weather changed, and the weather was changing.

The Flareon breathed a light mist of in front of his nose. He gave a sudden thought of trying something new. Tavi allowed his internal temperature to rise slowly as he held his mouth open allowing heat to seep out and slowly warm the air of the den without really warming his body or disturbing the two next to him. He stopped when he rid the chill in the air before he lowered his head and eyes to get some more rest. A few moments later Leafeon shifted pressing closer to him. "That feels better." she mumbled rubbing her chin over his back giving a quiet relaxed sigh.

From then on Tavi warmed the den at night before they went to sleep and in the morning as well Leafeon really appreciated the fact especially a few weeks later when the first light snows fell. Although Glaceon started complaining about how warm it was inside compared to how cold it was outside. Seizing the opportunity Tavi suggested the other male stay closer to the entrance and he would only partly warm the air to the back since the young pokemon would be a natural block to the cold air. What he didn't mention was that he allowed his body to become warmer pulling the Leafeon in and cuddling close later in the night.

In the morning he woke early, still holding a habit he had gained over the course of the summer trying to wake before his brother. He slowly began licking Leafeon's ear waking her with a light rumble. Tavi hadn't had any sexual release since his last time with his brother and now holding Leafeon instead of just sleeping next to her had him feeling a bit worked up. She didn't react or move much to his quiet rumbles or ear licks but she was enjoying the attention he was giving her.

"Have you dreamed of me yet?" He whispered when he stopped licking. Tavi accepted her silence as something that could mean many things. A few more licks across her cheek and he leaned in pressing their muzzles side by side. "Do you want me to wait until you do?" he added.

"What do you mean Tavi?" She asked him in a much louder voice.

"I mean," he said holding her tighter and lifting his hind leg over her body so he could grind his privates against her lower back, "I want to mate with you."

"CRAP! Come On!!" Glaceon barked from across the den. "You are trying that now?!"

Tavi looked across the den giving a little growl. "Go out and play in the snow cub!" Glaceon gave several huffs of his own before standing and leaving.

"That wasn't very nice." She told him quietly.

"Well I just hope he's gone long enough." Leafeon wiggled till she was on her back and looking over at him.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked him.

Tavi calmed himself enough to give her a serious and proper answer. "I have waited a long time for you. I have no doubts. The question is are you sure because I plan on give you all I have and more." Leafeon gave a little grin at his arrogant little attitude.

"Relax I'm sure we have all morning." She told him when she felt him give a little jerk poking her hip with his shaft.

Tavi was standing up and stopped to look back down at her. "Then we may end up with company later Leafeon because I promise you I have no plans on stopping until the afternoon when I'm to tired to continue."

Tavi leaned down and licked across her chest. Although she had not dreamed of the Flareon her mind had envisioned several fantasies ever since he had told his story. Every time before she had been used or tricked into lifting her tail for a male and had ended up learning a few hard little lessons. She gave a little shiver as he began a slow decent down her body with his tongue. This time she knew he wouldn't leave her lacking in any area.

He looked back at her head she had her eyes closed an a smile on her muzzle. Well he didn't want to disturb her with questions so he carefully explored the small raised bumps that ran down her stomach in two lines. He had not noticed anything like them on Leaf and hadn't bothered to look on his sister. He licked each one working across and down watching as she shifted just slightly to encourage him to the the next. When he got to the bottom he paused for a second before he worked his way back up. Tavi of course knew what they were, he had just never actually seen them before at least not that he could remember. Instead of licking the top left he lowered his muzzle and set the teat between his teeth and suckled.

The grass pokemon's eyes popped open breathing quietly, "Tavi you.." Leafeon stopped as he sucked harder squeezing lightly with his teeth before easing the pressure back and squeezing again. It was a slight modification on his brothers technique and when he used his tongue to flick and rub the top she shuddered and closed her eyes again.

He slowly pulled back feeling the teat pop out of the vacuum of his mouth before he blew gently over the tip gaining another short gasp for his effort. Tavi moved onto the next teat with the decision to explore each and every part of her body no matter how long it took.

Leafeon laid there as he teased each of her nipples enjoying the odd pleasure that brought. She was relishing every second of attention he was giving and wondered how long she could wait before she would want to beg him for more. He had finished with the last one and she felt the light breath as he caressed her hard nipple. His tongue began working back up between her breasts climbing back up before he pulled away and gently breathed out across her stomach swinging his head back and forth. She couldn't control the wriggle or the light giggling that escaped her mouth as the breeze tickled her body. She took several deep breaths keeping her eyes closed wondering what would happen next. When she felt his tongue again it was lower between her hind legs and licking across the area. Leafeon tried to be still and prepare herself as his tongue washed the area making sure not to miss a single spot ash he wet down the area including some of her legs. She felt his paw press firmly against her stomach and tried to brace against it as he opened his mouth. Leafeon gave a little squeal before pressing her mouth closed. Now she really understood what it was like, his warm saliva now slowly chilled by the cool air he blew across making her skin seem more sensitive with each pass.

When Tavi stopped it almost seemed like a mini explosion as she let her breath out and began heaving and panting. He gave a little laugh allowing it out past his smirk as he stared at her realizing now why he hadn't heard a single sound from her. The Flareon gave her a moment until she could look at him almost with a glare as her breathing started to return to normal. He could still only grin back as he pulled her legs together and rolled her onto her side. Tavi knew things would have to be different as he laid down behind her gently muzzling her private area while his chin almost touched the ground, after all Leaf had been much bigger and his sister had been standing the entire time.

He crawled in closer allowing his chin to rest on his paw as he slowly worked his tongue around and over her folds. He could already taste a dribble of her feminine juices as he swiped over the slit realizing how ready she was. That made him truly happy inside, that she seemed eager for him but he wanted this to last. Tavi worked his tongue over leaving her pussy behind and nosing further under her tail. He swiped his tongue over her tail hole several times finding a new and unpleasant taste as he cleaned her but the fact that she gasped and twitched several time more than made up for any bad flavor. He pulled back far enough to blow softly and was slapped several times against his face and head with the flat green tail.

Tavi jerked back with a half growl looking up to see her still laying down eyes closed, but lightly snickering at her idea. He thought about pinning the tail with a paw and teaching her a lesson but he actually liked her little resistance. He blew from farther away aiming at her folds and slowly moving forward watching as she wiggled then suddenly rolled onto her back again. She moved trying to pull her hind legs and rear up more. He suddenly understood and could not ignore her invitation to dig in. The Flareon reached forward with his paws pinning her tail but also forcing part of his fore arms and paws under her rear helping to steady her as he pressed his muzzle against her folds. Tavi's first strong lick parted her lips dipping slightly inside before sliding back out.

"Yes Tavi." Her voice seemed loud to the previous panting and muffled noises they had made so far but it was not something that went unanswered. He shoved inside probably more forcefully then he needed to. Opening his mouth he pushed a little deeper using his lips to suckle her around his tongue while it began dancing inside. He worked every spot he could find from the deepest recess he could reach to the lips which were teased with lips, teeth, and tongue. He even found the small bump that had grown in the shallow area just inside which caused her to yip as he ran his tongue in circles around it.

Tavi continued up and through her orgasm listened to her cry his name several times amidst her bodies shaking as her juices flowed over his tongue and dribbled down his chin. He finished cleaning up before crawling up on top half laying on her as she panted. The Flareon did a quick check of the entrance glad they had yet to be disturbed like every time he had been with a female before. He started licking her chest then her chin and lips as she raised her head to look at him.

"Are you ready to keep going?" He asked shifting upright.

Leafeon reached up wrapping her fore paws partway around his neck and lifting her hind legs to squeeze his middle. "What's stopping you?" was her reply.

Tavi took a moment watching her grin before he realized she was actually serious. When he tried to look between their bodies she burst out laughing gripping him tighter as she continued to chuckle. "I'm ready for you just take a step back and aim down." He suddenly felt she was right just one step back and a slight shift lower and their privates were rubbing together tantalizingly close to fitting together.

She allowed him several tries with a little giggle and sometimes a slight moan each time he missed or slipped past. He had just started taking a little offense to her laugh staring hard at her when she gave another little smile. "Fair is Fair." Leafeon told him.

The next time though when he pushed forward she lifted her back end just a little higher gripping a little harder with her rear legs. His tip poked against her folds and slipped inside just a little. Trying to push forward though threatened to pop his tip back out. Tavi leaned his head next to her neck and pushed their chests together aiming down as he slipped deeper inside. By the time their privates were nearly flush he was pressed against her and squatting down so he could fill her.

Tavi pushed up some before dropping back down moaning as she suddenly squeezed several different parts of his body hugging him tight. He realized this was possible although it would be some work, still if this was what she wanted he was more than happy to put in the effort.

They worked together Tavi lifting up and pushing down while she kept lifting her back end to meet each push. He knew he wasn't going to last long even at this steady pace it was hard not to just shove as deep as possible and hump with little jerks buried inside her warmth. The fact that she clenched hard on his member every half dozen thrusts and gripped his body so tight he had trouble pulling back was only making it harder for him to keep going. He was left wondering if she wanted him to continue or stay hilted deep inside because when they moved she moaned and seem to beg for more while she would cry a loud 'Eeeeon' of pleasure when she gripped him tight.

It wasn't indecision but shocks of pleasure that caused Leafeon to grab a hold each time she felt a surge of pleasure radiate through her body erupting with a scream. She was slowly being overwhelmed feeling her body kept at such a high arousal for so long. Even half remembered part of her spring season she had always reached a peak and came back down to a warm glow of pleasure, relaxing before starting over. Tavi had kept her worked up for longer than anyone before and even though she had already orgasmed the small peaks of pleasure where wearing on her even as she wanted to beg for more.

"Don't stop." She tried saying only to have it break up in a shuddering moans. "More!" She finally articulated screaming out as she gripped him again.

Tavi strove to work his legs faster banging his swollen knot against her folds. There was not enough strength or force for him to push any further inside and with a sudden rush he felt his privates pull together to start an orgasm and squirting semen down his length. He pushed down hard trying to use his weight to grind his swollen flesh against her allowing his legs to relax and their connection to take more of his weight.

Leafeon bit the inside of her lip as her jaws clicked closed and her eyes squeezed shut. She felt the throb of his shaft along with the warm burst of wetness that was shot in and began sliding deeper. She latched on with everything pulling as hard as she could as her muscles nearly locked while her orgasm blasted through her. With millions of synapses firing and nerves exploding with electrical pulses the Leafeon hardly moved except her nostrils which flared into overtime trying to draw in air as she stayed glued to his form.

As his body finally slowed its pulses tapering off in its seed injections Tavi tried to pull his legs back. With in seconds he simply gave up, resting on her body. He did turn his head enough to lick across her chest and armpit with an occasional swipe across her front leg. The Flareon felt her chest rise as Leafeon suddenly drew in a huge breath panting out raising his body up and down with her efforts. She let go allowing all four legs to drop as she spread out. Her movements almost forced him out with the angle change as he tried to press harder against her seeking to keep receiving her warmth.

Leafeon gave a weak struggle under him unsuccessful at shifting his weight. With a light paw she tapped his head. "Off." He was quick to look at her in concern at her word. Tavi gave a little nod while rolling with her and even as he slide out he used his own paws around her to pull her close.

He half dozed as his knot shrank and his shaft retreated. Regaining full awareness Tavi started with long slow licks running up her chest, neck and chin rousing her from sleep. She gave a little grunt before a long slow sigh hugging him as he licked.

Tavi pulled his arms and paws back trying to shift himself up so he could look at her. "Again?" He asked.

"Now?!!" she asked shocked. "I don't think I can do that again right now."

"Of course." He spoke at her tenderly, "But I did promise you all morning and afternoon so when your ready." Ste stared at him smiling at the joke till she realized he was quite serious and ready to respond for as long as he could.

"I love you." His words sent a ripple of both fear and joy that ran through her entire body. He was here for her, all for her, willing to do all he could to show his love.

They did nothing but stare at each other which slowly stretched out as seconds and then minutes ticked by. Leafeon watched his ear twitch and listened hard herself hearing a light crackle or crunch as paw steps came closer to the den stopping outside before several sniffs sounded. He licked her muzzle a few times before struggling up and heading for the entrance.

Glaceon had backed away as he came out. "Your welcome to come inside as long as you understand we aren't done yet."

"I was just going to grab something to eat." Glaceon explained.

"Just let her rest or sleep. I will be back in a few minutes." Tavi said stepping out into the cold day looking around at the few bits of snow that had gathered on some of the brush or had settled in the shadowed spots on the ground. She hadn't repeated nor rejected his proclamation of love all he hoped was that with a little time she would find strong feelings for him that hopefully echoed his own.

His walk lasted about ten minutes and when he returned she was sitting up eating a dried berry off the small pile in front of her. Tavi walked over snatching a berry and eating it. Leafeon licked his muzzle when he looked at her before he went back for another that was how the meal finished with her giving him a lick as he ate the last five berries one at a time. As he licked his muzzle her tongue was there again and the two spent a moment cleaning each other before pulling apart.

"Now?" Tavi asked. Her response was to step away and turn lifting her tail hight and off to one side staring over her body at him. He had already stepped forward and muzzled her wet folds before he realized he would always have trouble refusing such an offer. The Flareon went down as low as her knees cleaning up the mess that was leaking out actually enjoying their combined flavor believing that this was how they should taste, together.

She had slowly been pressing her rear backwards one again getting worked up by that wiggling muscle which danced over her folds and occasionally wiggled inside. Leafeon gave a little yip of excitement when he finally stood up placing a paw on her rump. She took a step back while he took one forward meeting in the middle with Tavi leaning over her backside and hooking his arms around her middle.

A few simple pokes and he found her wet mound two more and he slid inside feeling her walls clutch him as he entered. To Leafeon this felt nothing like when she had been with another male or any time before. She pushed back with his next thrust and felt him slide home filling her tunnel. The pause with the gentle licks on her shoulder only helped to enforce the fact this was more like heaven than any place she had been before. Even now that he was properly mating her she could tell Tavi was trying to show how much he cared. He started slowly gliding in and out of her and Leafeon began to feel great waves of pleasure that rapidly built as he mated her, no this wasn't even like the need to breed in the spring but something far more.

It seemed there was also a small separete part of her mind that was now free and active allowed her to think about all the things he had offered her so far without truly asking for anything. When she had made her offer the previous year it was in the hope that he would help with the Eevees and protect her and the cubs. She had also wanted his company, a companion and a male, certainly a chance for a mate but not one that would devote his life to her. Leafeon had been surprised and worried by the strength of his convictions. That she already was not just his mate but a life mate wanting no other. She had felt more than a little undeserving having a male return and ready to start the rest of his life when she had never even consider the concept beyond the fact that he might return and that thought had dwindled as the year progressed.

Her body yanked her attention back causing a yip as his knot strained her lips before he pulled back. His next push had way less energy as she tried to push back which accomplished nothing. "Are you... ready?" He called between thrusts. Her answer was to lower her front end spreading her hind legs farther apart. Tavi increased not only his power but speed as well beginning to slap his hips to her rear forcing her folds to spread against his knot. Leafeon steadied her body with her front legs before pushing against the ground forcing her rear into his humps. The Flareon only gently nipper her scruff pulling harder with his legs driving his knot home with several sharp humps that pressed it forward till it popped inside.

Leafeon cried out feeling him enter and lodge into place, tip pressing her cervix and his knot growing and filling her tunnel full while pressing against all the good spots inside driving her to and explosive scream as she came to his jerking motions that played the full measure of her tunnel as his shaft thickened to its fullest throbbing hard.

Tavi barked twice with two final jerks that started his release. With a howl that echoed not just in the den but out into the small clearing he unloaded pulse after pulse of seed inside his female. She was his now he was convinced of that as he kept firing away inside feeling as his cock was massaged and pulled as Leafeon continued through her own orgasm.

As the strongest pulses subsided he felt a weakening in his legs easing his weight against her back allowing her to support him. After a few seconds he could feel her shake straining to stand. Rather than try the conventional method Tavi gripped her middle hard and shifted his weight toppling both of them onto their sides feeling her suddenly squeeze painfully on his sensitive shaft but also causing him to hump slightly in response.

A few minutes later when he was licking the back of her neck she had enough breath to speak. "You could have just gotten off."

"Never! I want you in my arms to hold, I want you to be mine." He told her with more forceful possessiveness than he planed.

She leaned back when he began using his tongue again feeling full inside as he continued to inject small portions of his essence inside while keeping it lockup with his shaft. "I accept." Her words stalled his motions and even though she couldn't see him she could still feel his feeling of surprise, yearning, and hope! "I don't need to wait until spring Tavi." She almost squealed in pain at his sudden forceful movements yanking on their connection as he strained to pull himself to her muzzle and bath her head in an attack of licks unable to think beyond her words and his need to thank her somehow.

That evening when the two were finally up and able to speak with Glaceon, he simply told them that he would stay at the sheltered hollow further down the trunk. He squashed his mothers first protest, "I need somewhere to sleep and stay but here is still where the food is. I'm not leaving just sleeping somewhere else." After a few moments she reluctantly agreed and Tavi told them both that even if things change it just means more opportunities for them all. He offered true training lessons to the Glaceon over the winter and anything else the young male wanted out of him. When Glaceon left Tavi pulled Leafeon close and hugged her knowing that she would be worried about losing the last of her cubs.

"Never forget. I traveled a long long way to find my home and family and someday I want to take you there. But I don't think Glaceon is going to go so far, I think he will find someone close and your son will be here to see our cubs grow. Also I have been to Lightbar gym before I'm sure I can find it again if you really want when the cubs are strong enough we can take them to meet Umbreon and then take them to meet my family." Tavi told her.

She couldn't help hugging him tighter seeing the possibilities he offered her. He would do anything she asked and all he wanted was to be at her side. Leafeon rubbed away the few tears against his fur and leaned over to give him several licks on the muzzle. "Let's just get through winter first we have plenty of time after that."

Pokemon: Domestic to Feral: Heart part 2

"If it were just that Tavi it wouldn't be much of a problem but I'm telling you he is really acting strange." Umbreon tried to explain. "Like yesterday he was showing Eevee something then just walked off and left him. I'm telling you something is...

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Pokemon: Domestic to Feral: Heart part 1

Tavi had just finished one of his new morning walks and sent his younger brother back home. He wasn't sure if he should call them patrols, after all he was just aimlessly wandering the lower areas of Skyback mountain. He believed he had pinpointed most...

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Pokemon: Domestic to Feral: Mind: Part 2

Tavi could hear the wind blow through the trees overhead wondering it there might not be more rain soon, still the warm day had felt good. Not to mention the attention the Eevee had given him. He would definitely have to try to copy the suckling...

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