Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 5

(cut to tranquility coming across a large hotel with a bunch of bikers just outside, a huge portrait of montana himself, and the neon text: "montana's illegal stuff that's now legal in this alternate reality!"

Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 4

(cut to montana emerging from the pizza hut.) montana: a blockbuster? haven't seen one of those in... thirty years. (cuts to tranquility jr. leaving the pizza hut.) tranquility jr.: (to the blockbuster as it flies by her.) hey watch it!

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Final Scene

(cut to montana max outside, waxing the car.) tranquility: ..... :| serenity: now, monty, make sure to apply two coats of wax on the car! montana: halfway done with the second, (to himself) narc. serenity: now, monty!

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All-Time High S1E16

It's a tall order considering the nature of the police here, but if we can get them to believe how bad the school is, they can have it shut down for good," explained montana.

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Epilogue

Lexi bunny, montana max, and elmyra duff belong to warner bros. slick l. e. d. void, the creature that eats montana and elmyra, pietro the pizza, and gary the cheeto belong to me. miranda fox belongs to crabula290e. (on da.)

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Relaxing at the Spa

"yes, montana, bathouse 6 is clear." "oh cool. put it on my tab, okay?" "this isn't a bar, montana. so just..." the macaw blushed as she looked over the sculpted body of the orca male, "...give me your card, okay?"

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 2

Coyote: well, montana, i didn't expect anyone to use it, since it's currently my house. i did not. oh, hi tranquility. now can't you pay for the damage? montana: it's your car, serenity! you pay! anyone home? think coyote... la-fume, think!

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 1

(cut to montana max emerging from the mansion.) montana: hey, tranquility! i just wanted to show you these... (notices the blockbuster.)

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Serenifi: Double Z Training Video

montana: i knew i should have roped that teenager on the streets into an interview. (cut to an exterior shot of the building, where we see montana get kicked out the door.) montana: mark my words... random porn-stars...

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A Special Message From FSD99...

Pinky, elmyra, montana, and the brain announcer: coming whenever we feel like it: "pinky, elmyra, montana, and the bra..." wait, what? who did this? who's responsible for this defilement of my construction plans? ha-ha, very funny!

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 4

montana: good. (to tranquility.) what're you lookin' at, narc? (back to serenity.) remember, before monday! elmyra here can never have enough pets you know...

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Kevin Foxboy 01

Biosyn montana facility, dna line k, variant n, trial 47.
