Chapter 1

Anti-aircraft fire engulfed the night sky as i descended from a boeing c-17, my parachute opening to slow my descent.

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One hundred and One, falling out of the sky

I stand up, "alright men you heard 'em," i start to hand out the parachutes, "go for the courtyard....." i strap on a parachute. ".......and may an angel guide you down, let's go!"



He considered his course through the forest to the parachute. he crept up on where the parachute should be ... and found its cargo.

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A Good Day To Die Hard

Attached to it was a parachute. i glided over to it and grabbed onto the box. i reached up and pulled the string on the parachute and it opened up; just enough time before i had hit the ground.

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Son of a Dream

She sighed and opened up the parachute. it yanked her so hard a rib nearly gave; drops of saliva fell from her mouth as she struggled, exhaling and caughing.


Closed Cases - FSF Archives - O-499 First Call Blue 10-16

The hatch opened and he flew out of the glider, slowing himself to a proper parachute speed.

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The Darkness Within

The wind wont stop throwing me from side to side and just when i look up i see my parachute and the ground suddenly rush forward encasing me in the parachute and throwing me into a death spiral to meet the rocky cliff face below.

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Chapter 1: Rucidia Island Pt.2 of 4

He feels as if he is about to fall to his death, but resists the urge to activate his parachute. the wolf checks his altimeter. just a little! fortunately, his parachute doesn't give him any trouble.

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The Portal Games: Sarah's Promo

Keeping her parachute pulled tight to her back, she resumed her running leap and lunged for the hole in the air below. this was going to be _fun._

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Chapter 1 - New life

"give me the parachute and i dont shoot you with this gun!" he screamed. rick gave up the parachute pathetically. the pilot punched him in the gut and jumped out.

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Fighting for Faith; Before.

His parachute began to descend quickly, a bit more than he had hoped it would, and when he looked up, he saw the rent in the nylon fabric, which was starting to widen.

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Burning Heavens FINALE

I could see the parachute now. with all the force i could muster, i wrenched the parachute from its holder, and quickly strapped it on. in the process, the plane began to spin- with me still on it.

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