Guns of Legend: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen The moon was more than halfway across the sky when Adlis crept back into town, followed closely by Kilo and Za. The zik moved as slowly as she could without attracting attention, convinced that there was somebody watching her from...
Snippet 2
The commander, who had jumped slightly, removed his hand from the grip of his pistol, and looked over to the enlist, who still held his sidearm at the equine's head. commander: "stand down soldier."
Guadalupe (3)
.** max's strapped 9mm pistol remained stashed firmly and securely on his person.
Syn's Pack Chapter 2 - Pistol
pistol whines as she regains some control and leans forward.
Battle the Zzuragg
**Battle of the Zzuragg** By Dustin Feyder Commissioned by Rogueybear A gloved hand reaches over slapping Kauri on the side of his mask. "Hay pup, you doing all right?" the hand belongs to prvt. Maize, she is a silver haired fox with shimmering...
Singularity - Epilogue
Vasily placed the pistol back in its small chest and closed the lid. "thanks, carbon. i'm sorry i've been acting like an ass." "no need to apologize. you're more or less like your mother in that sense."
Syn's Pack Chapter 1 - Peg
pistol shrugged, "oh there was..."
Breaking her bondage
After i walk out of the bathroom i pull a pistol out of my discarded backpack. it is a very heavy pistol, and the silencer i thread on only adds weight.
Terror Fox. Chapter 2
The drug dealers had not just pulled out pistols but micro machine guns and machine pistols. everything moved in slow motion as maza had put bullets in the closest guy, a hyena. he had then made quick dive into the apartment and towards the kitchen.
Seen, the Primal
It was an early morning. So early, the Sun was barely half risen when a large dire bear walked out of his cave. Naked,groggy and smelling heavily of debauchery. The dire bear named Seen did a few simple stretches; doing his best to keep body from...
Pete Fantasizes about his daughter Pistol 1
He had to catch his breath, clean up and get home to pistol.
Summer in Spoonerville, part 1
He then started where pistol had left off by applying the protective substance on pistol's left arm. the process felt good for both cubs, since max enjoyed feeling up pistol's soft skin and pistol enjoyed max's warm hands caress her softly.