Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs
Lost archives of the xenomorphs: prologue after the events of ellen ripley and her companions, destroying all the evidence of the xenomorphs, scietist have tried to recreate the aliens.
Vivid's Bio-Suit Training
recreational features, enabled or disabled?" asked the suit. vivid had no idea what recreational features meant, but if it was like a radio or games that could be fun, so he selected enabled.
Runaway Experiment Redux: Part 1 - Recreation
But it was now almost ten o'clock at night and on any other night most of the scientific staff would be asleep or doing some recreation. the daytime security guards had long since changed their shift with the night watch.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever
"a post recreation room- lie down on the platform if you would." the chubby wolverine boy did as ordered.
Drifting through the long night
Timing is crucial here, the boy is allowed to refuse his offer to recreate since they are different sexual classes but he can still talk the boy into spending time with him. "i would like to recreate with you boy but i'm rated at a class c."
The Lusty Argonian Maid 3:2
Tali smiled and continued to clean the massive recreational room. she looked out the window and saw the sun was beginning its descent. she smiled again, thinking of the romantic evening she and varic had.
Life in the Facilities
One of the more recent, technology driven recreational activities that has recently become a large sensation is magnetic gravity impulse vehicle racing, more commonly known by its colloquial name, hovercar races.
Mesozoic Park (Part 11)
Marks karingson in my park" "so you'll do it, you'll recreate the indominus rex?" someone questioned. i nodded again "of course i'll do it" i replied before saying "recreate a hyper intelligent, hyper aggressive movie monster?...
The making of a book cover - A heresy story
As it is, there are so many software specific variations that it is pretty much impossible to recreate an image.
The legend of Tigersight Part I The Begining of the End Prologue
I have made choices that i can not say i am truly proud of, the choice to defend against the recreation of my world, and with my dieing breath, i will not let my knowledge, my world recreate itself.
Vivid's Deal
He made sure to select the dominant ai and enable the recreational features. he laid down on his bed and began scrolling through the list of options. he focused his eyes on the recreational features menu.
Death To Nightmare Chapter 7
I think we have curbed that desire in the recreated personality but won't know till it's in a body." before selene could try another plea the door behind them opened and several figures emerged.