Sad is the memory of sweet. "i like you," the wolf said, those sweet, sweet words in the too-sweet voice through the saccharine smile--all sweet, sweet music to darren's ears. his mouth hung open.
Pony Poets - Washing Day (3rd in series)
Washing Day The monster waddled up the path to the wash house, squelching with every step. It stalked it's prey, a salmon coloured mare, busying herself in an outhouse. Lowering its slime covered head, the monster approached with caution. "Not the...
Melodies of the Heart
As seen in my writer's blog: http://sirenscoast.wordpress.com/2013/05/27/the-final-day-comes-and-goes/ 'tis sweet the melodies of the heart, two lovers hum while they're apart.
In Silence Speaks the Heart
What words do I use to describe my love? What songs do I sing? What must I say for you to understand the thoughts that dwell within? What enchanting phrase? What savoring verse could speak my hearts content? No words, song, phrase nor verse could...
Home Sweet Farm Chapter 13 "Ultimate Weapon Ultimatum"
Home sweet farm chapter 13 it was amazing how much power he could feel surging through his arms it was like the device had enhanced them not only with weapons but with pure brute force.
Home Sweet Farm chapter 8 "Man in the Black Cloak"
Home sweet farm chapter 8 life was good for kevin a week had only gone by and he had already made a bond with everyone that lived at the farm. he loved the work and he loved hanging out with the girls in the main building.
Home Sweet Farm chapter 3 "A New Friend, A New Employee
Home sweet farm chapter 3 the goons seemed tough but on the inside there were nothing but wimps they wouldn't use that knife on him. kevin raised up his arm to deflect the blow of the blades.
Once in a Blue Moon
She smiled sweetly at matthias, before slipping into the shower room. and as the hiss of water broke the silence of the apartment, matthias found himself contemplating.
Ferret Chronicles- Then we met.
"I just don't have the gas" said Maria, my cow roommate indifferently. Her guy friend who she "wasn't" dating had just graduated as a super super senior. Tyler was a sarcastic asshole of a alligator but also a very close friend of ours, Anyway Maria...
_This is my first completed story. Unfortunately, I can't say it is original, as it was based off of another story. But hey, we all have to start from somewhere. Please feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments bar. I could use some...
The unexpected life of a puppy Ch.2
She's really sweet and i'm sure she'll let you see her pony collection if you ask her nicely,'' she told her daughter and kissed her on the forehead before standing up to shut the passenger door and open the door to the backseat.
The unexpected life of a puppy Ch.1
Lana felt her heart skip a beat at how innocent and sweet the child seemed, and she took her chance to speak before the lady could. ''you've done nothing wrong, sweet little thing.