Where Dragons Rule Rebirth Chapter 19

In the meantime, aeris, you need to understand right now that tanor is likely dead. what you're seeing is not her but her personality bleeding into your memories." aeris didn't know what to say to that. tanor couldn't be made up.

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WDR: Rebirth Chapter 21

A quick look around the room showed tanor had moved. she stared at something in the distance, a scowl on her face. "i'm fine," aeris said still staring at the matriarch. "something's wrong," tanor said. "do you sense it?" she did.

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WDR: Rebirth Epilogue

But to do that, the line of tanor must come to an end."_ from what she knew, it was possible aeris and tanor were related. that meant, according to jefferey, aeris had to die to bring the celestials back. that sounded nothing like the man she knew.

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WDR: Rebirth Chapter 22

"sooner or later, you'll have to start taking charge," tanor said. "a matriarch doesn't tolerate weakness." aeris wished she had someone else to talk to. but she couldn't worry about that now.

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WDR: Lyndria Chp 29

We fear she intends to finish what tanor started." eber snorted and turned away. "if my chosen had truly returned, you would know it, human." he froze midstep. "did you say, cutter?" "yes, we did, your excellence."

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Lyndria: Chapter 22

This tanor was a monster, she wanted to control everything. lyndria was defeated by her and i'm guessing it wasn't the last time, but lyndria didn't stop. she kept going because she knew she'd rather fight for her life!" "lyndria is not real!"

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Karyu's Story - The Way the River Flows

[Please Use the Link to Read the Full Story! ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IQbY74DDKMXT-8_RtvIBnw7QQJxHRgTU0FE7Cbopgw8/edit?usp=sharing) [...

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