Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Liza and Tate and Water Exploration

Back on the ocean an ace trainer sent out a torkoal and i sent out my new luvdisc who already proved to be decently powerful defeating torkoal with water pulse.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 118 and 119

Next two interviewers battled me with a magneton and a loudred and i sent out my torkoal to deal with magneton and my delcatty to deal with loudred. torkoal used flamethrower defeating magneton while delcatty managed to defeat loudred using play rough.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Preparing For Wallace

Camerupt would not be battling wallace since he was very weak to water type moves and that was the same for torkoal however, torkoal did have a slight advantage to camerupt and that was he could use sunny day to weaken the power of water moves and allow him

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Fiery Desire - (Quilava TF)

Then, there were the fire-types roaming and lurking around every corner, ranging from benign, like the steady torkoal, or vicious, like the rampaging charizard. then, rather surprisingly: there were the humans. trainers and volcanologists, mostly.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lilycove City and Mt Pyre

Against the girafarig i sent out my dustox and against mawile i sent out torkoal. dustox defeated girafarig with bug buzz and torkoal defeated mawile with flamethrower.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Training for Lavaridge

torkoal was much like the newly evolved camerupt, his power had increased thanks to the atmosphere. his fire type moves had been growing stronger as he levelled up as well. torkoal desired this strength to repay his master for showing him such kindness.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Challenging Victory Road

Heading up a level i was challenged by an ace trainer who sent out a mawile and i sent out my torkoal having him use flamethrower defeating mawile.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto

torkoal too found himself in the presence of my fire type flareon who found torkoal to be a worthy adversary in battle. grumpig bounced his way around the park greeting everyone pokemon he could.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

torkoal was very confident in his battle abilities. a trainer with a skarmory challenged us but torkoal overwhelmed skarmory with a immense flamethrower defeating skarmory. grumpig loved bouncing along with me as we traversed through the routes.

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A Devilish Pokemon Professor (1/2)

"hmm..i was expecting a torkoal or magcargo. this does not match my data. so she's decided to change things up. machoke! engage attack algorithm twenty-four b!" the machoke and emboar disappeared in unison.

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Love of Disaster: Part Two

Right now, he has earnd five gym badges and is now on his way to fortree city to earned his sixth badge along with the help of his team of pokemon, pikachu, absol, taillow, treecko, and torkoal.

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