Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 36: Altered Beasts
A an attractive female zorse said._ the female was addressing the program's host, a well dressed male anthropomorphic zebra in a chair on a nice looking set.
Places, characters and history, Earth 42
So far my rps have established two businesses, in europe, the sapphire club, a formal bdsm club owned by alice, a dominant rabbit and member of the triskellion guild, and spreader bar, co-owned by allegro (al) dante, a dom-switch male zorse (majority partner
Warhorse vs Nyteshado
Warhorse vs nyteshado "for a stallion who claims to not like zebras and zorses you sure are inside them a lot." the handsome zebrcorn growls back hotly. "yeah, but only when they don't want me to be!"
[Teaser] The Cowboy Way
The zorse was incredibly fit, and keith silently applauded his dedication and gym regimen. it took a lot of work to look like that, even if you had the free workout that farm work amounted to.
Sons and Lovers: Breakfast in Bed
His grapefruit-sized balls, gifts of his zorse heritage, always delivered, even though he'd pumped just as big of a load into his son mere hours before. when he was finally done, he continued to kiss perch, softly and passionately.
Sons and Lovers 1: Meeting
He had strokes across his upper arms that seemed to point to a little zorse in his lineage, and his wild mane lightened to a point of gold where it overhung his face. must be dyed.
Filling Station
It's the zorse in me, y'see. big delicious balls, huge fucking loads. when i came inside that slut, i'm surprised he didn't pop off the end of my prick like a balloon on the end of a hose.
A Visit from Sven
The warm light brought out the maroon zorse markings along his upper arm, partly hidden by strands of his long mane. his muzzle cast a shadow over his chest, and two blue spots looked out from under a furrowed brow.
The Order Of Things (M/M)
No, you're a... oh, what do you call it, a zorse! is that right?" she gushed all over me, showing all those goddamn feline teeth. her tail hit several people before she gathered it and wound it around her leg.
Ranch Hand 2 - Off Into the Sunset
zorses and geeps and things like that. now a canisian scientist was looking for ways to preserve animal species on his world for food. turned out it can also help people of different worlds, too.