Midline Shift 36 - Songs and Visions

Will they still be able to focus towards their next mission, concerning the mysterious message upon a c-sec terminal? all eyes are on them now.

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Midline Shift 27 - Back on the Citadel

Stealing from c-sec computers, that is something people care about, that's the police!" "you wanna say that a bit louder?" asked fg.

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Ch.7 Change of Ownership

"don't quit c-sec. just take an extended leave for now. i think you should come back after this with a fresh mind and all." garrus looks at her a long moment, "c-sec isn't going to change shepard. no matter how long i'm gone...."

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Midline Shift 28 - Rail-Line Shootout

Nothing seemed to be out of place, the cars hovering back and forth as he kept a watchful eye now and again on the c-sec windows in case davis might come back.

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Mass Effect: Interspecies Bonding

Didn't you used to be a member of c-sec or something." garrus nodded in response. "before i joined with shepard, yeah." he answered "do you miss it? working with c-sec?" "hah, nah." garrus shook his head, "not at all.

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Freelancers, Chapter Sixteen

"a c-sec officer can't do this to you. a systems alliance security agent can't do this to you. an officer of the turian hierarchy can't do this to you." she stopped and faced him again. "a spectre _can_."

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Ch.1 The Beginning

"normally yes, but if one goes rogue i would guess they would revoke their status and have c-sec arrest them." chakwas answers. jenkins scoffs nearly cutting her off, "oh please. c-sec wouldn't stand a chance.

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it could happen,,, part 5 abandoned chapter.txt

I opted for an immediate c-sec and unfortunately, the young female died before the process was completed. no abnormalities were found and she would have been the most beautiful child i had ever seen.

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Midline Shift 23 - On The Beat

"oh much more than that, trust me, i had to study a whole file on humans alone when i started up on c-sec.

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Midline Shift 43 - The Death of Drumarien

Standing in front of jarren and shara, stood a turian c-sec officer in pure blue wielding a thick and heavy handgun, the sound of a tiny bell accompanying him from beneath his armoured chest.

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A Very Special Fill For A Very Special Prompt

And then there's the fact that he would still be a whiny, failed c-sec officer if not for shepard's influence! but garrus has a sexy voice and a penis that has ridges so i don't care!" the tali-sex-juice had now flooded the room up to john's knees.

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