Zero Hour: the Meth Lab

That was because we were clearly dealing with close-quarters combat with a lot of enemy units and only me to fight them. i packed two 30-caliber magnums with automatic and semi-automatic fire settings.

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Last Chance - Prologue.

Usually used to bolt heavy machinery together, the rivets proved recently to be very effective against these, things, in close quarters. it lunged, and gray put the rivet gun out in front of him.

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Terveta-Chapter 3: Payment (Part 1)

The other terveta warriors began to take up defensive positions, ready to fight in the close quarters if needed. "yes, but you did a good deal of damage to my buildings, not to mention the few civilians that got in the middle of your little conflicts.

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Reaper: Hades - Winston Boswin

_ **secondary class:** spec-ops - subterfuge, deception and assassination are this class' speciality with an emphasis on firearms and as little close quarters combat as possible. _"spectre was taken.

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One Memorable Journey Pg.1

The one who entered was a jackal with unusual red fur, known as jackie who specialized in stealth and close quarters combat, being very fast on his feet and quite speedy with his hands. "permission to speak sir?"


He worked on a ship, in close quarters to his colleagues. unfortunately, as i determined from his _note_, he felt the need to jump overboard with weights tied to his feet because of external pressures from his peers.

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The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 8 - Wrestlers

close quarters means they got used to bumping each other when they crossed the room, or pressing together to fit on the couch when they watched tv. not that physical contact with guys was much of a problem, since they were on the wrestling team.

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The Story of Shenzi

In an unexpected and fortuitous turn of events, a researcher at the los alamos lab happened to be examining his girlfriend's shenzi-suit at close quarters and noticed that the thin string had some very unusual properties.

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But in a sudden, subtle moment, the man's throat was blown out, his vocal chords severed by a single calculative bullet as a silenced gunshot sounded off in such close quarters, the poor professor collapsing upon the desk with an empty and unsounding cry.

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Species List

While very powerful, and reasonably accurate, it takes a lot of energy to perform, and is difficult to perform in close quarters. best used at mid range only.

The Shadow Walkers of Morveria

Conventional weapons are all extremely effective, as their hides are not thicker than a conventional sabaarii, despite their increased size, but their nocturnal nature and propensity for ambushes makes close quarters combat highly dangerous, even for the well-trained

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Genetic Children-Log 16- A T-84 and a busted Leg.

It fired accurately up to 600 meters, which would be fine for the close quarters battle that korm was anticipating.

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