The new Beginning

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP B.....\*CRACK\* His alarm clock made the incessant noise as his fist slammed down upon it. "Damn.... and I was just dreaming...." said Zach as he crawled out of bed, his scales causing tiny...

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Transgressions, regressions.

Struggle- Chapter 12 Transgressions. Disclaimer: This document contains material legally considered to be inappropriate for juveniles and any under the age of 18. Whereof anyone with any...

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AnJ chapter 1.

AnJ Chapter 1. Character chart - Alex: 6 feet 3 tall, clear, normal colored Flamedramon with white angelic wings, wingspan of 10 feet, rather muscled and always...

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Fate or fiction?

November-22-09 5 Years Later The day is finally here, the day to meet my mate. As I excitedly prepare for my journey ahead, the thought of knocking on the door repetitively approaches my mind. I thought to myself, what will I say, what...

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Four Hermanos

Dedicated to my husband, Guily\_Lover, whom I miss and love very much Struggle- Chapter 11 Four Hermanos Disclaimer: This document contains material legally considered to be inappropriate for juveniles and any under the age of 18....

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SFMG:2 - Chris

STFG: 2 Tony was dreaming....he felt as if he was floating on air.... Feeling someone caress his furry cheeks, crusted with blood.... Blood from....his father.....A sudden image of an enraged wolf, raising a paw.... Grant was...

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The Damned Series-Chapter 1

The Damned Series Chapter 2 * * * When the other Flamedramon walked in, Tayu couldn't help but let out a gasp: he'd thought all of his kind had died that night... Paws tied behind his back, forced on his knees and held there by two lizardmen,...

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The Damned Series-Prologue

The Damned Series-Prologue The Digital forest betrayed nothing, with its quiet skies, filled with various concious bits of Data. All minding their own business, the infrequent bouts of violence did little to disturb the tranquility of this world. ...

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Poems from BCT Part 2

Poems from BCT part 2 The Journey By Ephemeral\_Dreams We all start anew, as would an egg but none finish the same, like gambling Even as we try and try, with coins of time All everyone wins, is relief in death. Then it is up to us,...

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Lost 3: The Test Part1

Lost:3 The Test. It's been a few days since the "lessons" took place in Blackwargerymon's basement. It's also been a few days since he'd opened his eyes... Few squints, grunts and a quick paw to cover his eyes: all of the above were done before...

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Lost Disclaimer: This story contains material of sexual activity between two males. All ideas are copyrighted and credited to Ephemeral\_dreams. I do not own digimon, Bandai does (I think). No reader under 18 should be viewing this material...

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Lost 2: training.

Lost 2 Disclaimer: under 18. get out. This is meant for us "Adults" Oh well whatever, can't stop you. Pain......his arms hurt....his legs....everywhere........ He slowly opened his eyes, the former sparkling...

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