Big Dog: Warm Cookie Version

(F tf Dog) Alei is a very beautiful young woman and quite smart as well. With a musical voice and a kind personality she has won over every man she encountered without meaning to. Unfortunately her popularity made it hard for her to discern...

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Another Day

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * With more and more kids and teenagers exploring the wild forests and...

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Pets Will Play

"Stay out of trouble, okay Kara?" The cat named Kara let out a quiet mew as her master patted her on the head. She nodded, absently fingering the collar around her neck, watching her master turn and leave. The lacy circle with a name-tag hanging from...

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Weapons of Eurynome

Weapons of Eurynome By Michael Luvar Barnes **T** urn had trouble getting into the mood for the excursion he was on. Normally such operations were carried out without his involvement. He was a Researcher, the title given to him when he completed...

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Beyond the Blinding Lights Pt5: A New Deal

Melanth sighed to himself, trying to shut out the noise of the girl's screaming. He wasn't having much success. "You know, if you want I could-" "No." "But she's not even-" "No. Shut up." The Watcher in the Dark, or whatever self-aggrandising...

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Rokuke Request, Part Two (Cub 18+)

Hanae rushed into the area she wanted to be in, closing the door slightly behind her and panting softly in the dark. She was still shaking a bit, holding her breasts and getting a feel how hard her nipples were. "Man", she said to herself, "those two...

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The Coyote and the Husky

The Coyote and the Husky An audible buzz drew a sigh from the sandy furred coyote as she reached into her pocket and removed her phone. A quick glance at the screen showed she had a new text message from her roommate. One password later, and she was...

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Chamukha - servant and misstress

Epilogue The Carpathians, a majestic mountain range rises, the fir trees stand close together and form an impenetrable green when seen from the air, but at that time no one can see anything from the air, except for the birds, when they fly. A...

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These Mountains are Bigger (After The Fight)

**These Mountains are Bigger (After the Fight)** by Xenny Diemes Some so-called experts say that one can get easily aroused after certain intense situations like pumping iron, near-death, fighting asteroid-sized monsters in the icy, dark vacuum of...

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What are friends for?

"You have no new matches." Story of my life, I thought as I brushed the touch-sensitive bezels of my twin monitors; the harsh glare casting my muzzle into shadow giving way to the softer, muted pool of light from my desk lamp. Reaching down to turn the...

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Atonia the demon-loli (Description)

It's a dark and stormy night. The thunder outside becomes louder with each blast of lightning and a crackling spear of plasma strikes just outside your window. The entire room is briefly illuminated and something is left behind when the light retreats....

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3. Forging a Bond (Adult)

Jake raises the fox costume reluctantly and hangs it on the rack where he had found it. The desire to keep holding it, feeling its fur, and being chilled by its energy makes it nearly impossible to let it go. His hands are shaking with incredible...

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