The Lactation Contagion

Considering that arcanine had been a feral back when he'd been a growlithe, and had been lucky enough to get an uplift with an enhanced fire stone, he knew that there were many things that could mess with his body and turn him into something else entirely.

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The Will To Live Chapter 1: Revival

Meal was a time of silence, broken only by the occasional hacking cough of a fur that no doubt had been assigned to the fire rock mine recently.

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The Flame of Victory

Both bevan's and ruby's eyes widened, "a fire stone," he breathed. rowan set it down in the middle of the table and ruby approached it slowly reaching a paw out to touch it. she was enveloped in a white light as the stone triggered her evolution.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt1

Thankfully it doesn't become a real necessity until the college ranks, but it would be nice to be able to buy a fire stone sometime soon, maybe apply to get one through the school from the state's high school athletics fund."

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Broke back Kenny

, rock smiles at ken, who smiles and pats rock's back, they both sit on a log that have been already laid out a while ago, but since rocks has always been alone on these trips, there is only one, they sit on it while they hold the hotdogs on two metal pikes

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Trainer Tales 3

Well, the eevee, feeling curious, went through one of the cupboards and came across a fire stone. the trainer had his heart set on a vaporeon and was very disappointed at the turn of events.

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Turning blue for you, part 1 [Lucario TFTG]

Like, i could use that fire stone to get a flareon, but i could also catch a vulpix and get a ninetales using it. or prank your parents and make your family growlithe an arcanine." "please don't." sam smiled.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 2

Collect three badges and evolve your bulbasaur once ,i will give you a fire stone for your vulpix." oak finally rests a second for a reply. hakuzo didn't know what to say, quite speechless even. "finally he gave a slight nod.

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Me and my best pal Serefina pt.3 the rocket elites

Hey look what i got here it's the fire stone we always wanted to evolve you with within said. serefina didn't even look at it which started making me worry.serefina xxxgod i feel horrible i cost mr.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 11

If i make contact with a fire stone i'll evolve into an arcanine." "wow! when are you going to do that?" "huh? i didn't say i was going to. i like myself the way i am now. maybe someday i'll evolve... if i need to, but now i have no reason."

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Sinnoh Journeys Chapter 2: Panic at the Pokémon Center

Your growlithe for example, will evolve when it comes in contact with a fire stone." seth replied, watching growlithe practise flamethrower on moving projectiles. "huh, i guess i'll have to find one then."

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 35: Getting By

She said cheerily, then a little glumly "oh, and has my fire stone come in yet? i'm tired of having to deal with such a small, weak pokémon....i need something that's more....._me_."

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