Red Skies: Part 1

What little i do know is this, i am a genetic alteration of an animal and a human.


Team 8 Ball: Arena Mechanized Combat

The genetically altered human bowed in respect. mac wrapped his arm around the youth's shoulders in camaraderie. "if this had been an actual arena fight, you would have been disqualified for that." "duly noted." mark said with a smirk.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 4

"placentals, of course, were the most common mammals that were genetically altered; but, marsupials and monotremes also accepted human dna.

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Amongst the city - chapter 1

A program much like pup's, where they called for people to be test subjects for genetic alterations. this was in effort to prepare people for the future when surviving became important and not just monetary gains.

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The Tales of Sorath (chapter two)

Nobody just put human blood and fox blood together they were genetically altered." "could you just say that in english?" said the sergeant with an impatient look on his face. "you are looking for an anthro. i wish you the best of luck."

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Aurora Cross character sheet

Their surprise was only heightened when they discovered aurora, the first successfuly geneticly altered anthro. upon reviving her from stasis, her reintegration into society went....well...less than desireable for her.

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Chapter 11: Rise of the Anglar Empire

"due to the lack of a proper leader for venom, and as andross' first foray into bioweapon creation, you should know that i am a genetically altered fish capable of surviving in the corrosive seas of venom's oceans.

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Taking a Clucking Vacation

The signs displayed the universal biohazard symbol with the text "warning: genetically altered crops." a serial number of some kind was displayed in large bold print under the text, "rt-675."

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Genesis Part One, Skupples

Time went on and skupples held on, some countries and nations banned the genetically altered pets, and some embraced them as the wonder they were. due to the cloned nature of skupples, people could not breed their pets and raise litters.

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The Modern Slave

_"genetic alterations cannot be patented by law, but understandably the research for doing so is quite costly, so the big companies thought of another way of protecting their products.

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But the genetically altered cat had been put to sleep in the hangar bay. mysteriously it had remained pressuriced just long enough for her to make it into the shuttle. the shuttle did not have the juice to make it home.

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Ventaar species

Humans have been surprisingly easy to genetically alter. the easiest the ventaar have ever encountered. this has allowed them to be very creative with their newest slaves. making wolves a highly successful addition to their ranks.

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