The Party Must Go On

Dark Riders of Marblecliff 08 The Party Must Go On By Assilsasta, Cormenthor, & VerbMyNoun    ??????????? September 6, 2013 ??????????? ??????????? Where there is Smoke ???????????   Cecily sat on a blanket in front of the stage as the band played...

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The Prisoner's Resolve

Snow leopards, tigers, lions, cheetahs, lynx, pumas, panthers, and many, many others. i took in a deep breath as i looked around at the crowd. the two cheetahs removed my shackles and left the arena.

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Aeon Chronos

'it seems she is now a four part mutant, lion, cheetah, jaguar and weasel? that made absolutely no sense to include weasel dna into her if the first two were feline' thought pride. "i have to get you out of here!

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