Worlds Apart - Epilogue

"the united world space authority has reported that an alien force identical to the one which attacked the planet earth in 2120 and 2163 has returned and is currently bombarding the planets venus, earth, and mars, the moons luna, io and europa, titan,


The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 2: Reign of Chaos

The effect of these seemingly unimportant deaths left the entire planet earth unprepared for when chaos decided to strike.

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Full Throttle - August Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)

He was actually ready to report to the high counsel on his continued success on planet earth. he'd managed to capture one of his hated enemies; one of the biker mice from mars.

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A Krystal Encounter Ch.6 The Return

A little shaken, i gripped the controls, "yeah can you give the coordinates to planet earth?" i asked. "searching...searching...aquired." rob sounded. "planet earth: sol cluster, approximately 3.2 au's from current location. lightspeed vector 11257.

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The Game Of Coyote: Chapter 1 (Preview)

As i did, i got attention more abundant than all the water on planet earth; guards from every sector were heading to my direction. down the hallway, there was a dead end with a window on the left and a hallway on the left....

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Lands of the Goddess' (Mass public RP idea, WIP)

This is the planet earth, ages after the fall of humanity. since the destruction of the before, anthromorphic beings dominated the planet. there are many species, many countries, and many creatures that did not exist in the before.

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The humans, who enslaved and abused the beautiful animals of planet earth, even driving them extinct.

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Oblivion a short story

The solidarity he felt with the sky was greater still than his love for anyone or anything he had known on the planet earth. what greater thing to love than the stars?

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Tremor City Primer 1

It was basically a complete and total loss of magic from planet earth.

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Introduction to 'The Student'

Furton served as a sanctuary for some while it remained a prison for others of the hybrids of planet earth. while most humans want nothing to do with the hybrids or their city, a select few choose to enter it of their own volition or when called upon.

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A Druidic Wolf Walker: Prologue

Somewhere other then planet earth. . . bright light, a sound of something sniffing around my head. a ruffle of what sound like leaves was what i heard as my mind came into focus.

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Chronicles of the Justicar Act III Part II

Necron402: yeah, i was surprised too ----------------------------------------- [planet; earth, year 3,586, sunday november 22nd, 5:40am.

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