A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 10

Docking was a routine maneuver that hardly required any attention from the human occupants of either ship, and Strong Soul left Micah and Jules to take care of the details between themselves. With a tiny feeling of emptiness, she drew back from the...

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Rocket Powered

The straining ship couldn't take this anymore, and soon sparks flew as the space ship erupted as a massive muscle rocket outgrew it and burst completely free from it's confines!

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 25

The waves of hyper flowed around the ship, seen as brilliant colors the likes of which Strong Soul could never have imagined, lighted by the sensors on the Rose, and seen through the viewscreen at the most forward point on the bridge. While she never...

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 13

"No," Firebreather said across the table, his voice firm and unyielding, "you can't hit the ship there. It's too far along in its route, we need to hit it earlier." "If it's done with most of its route, then it'll be ripe for the picking," Night Star...

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 21

"Docking complete," Micah intoned in his usual pleasant voice, accompanying the gentle thump that announced the connection between the Pride and the Hayes. Strong Soul stood silently from her usual place on the bridge, the right hand seat feeling more...

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Men In Black - Abduction

**Men in Black: _Abduction_** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Animorph324 The universe was vast, incomprehensible in its size and magnitude and the beautiful singular experiences it held. There was no galaxy quite like the milky way,...

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Guardians Downfall Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Chapter 23 Date: December 5, 2776 Location: Epsilon Indi System, UGSM Serenity Bridge. Admiral Scheck watched as the five hundred plus force took formation around the Serenity and her escort Frigates. They were going up against a large...

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 24

Strong Soul's cabin on the Rose felt larger and more ornate than anything she'd ever experienced. She remembered her Father's house when she was living under the dome and how she thought his home opulent by most standards. While he cared for the...

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The Science of Misfortune

Looking back on the situation, Dee wondered if there was a possibility of a solution that could have resulted in a better outcome than what she had managed to accomplish. What had started out as a simple, routine checkup on a refueling depot had...

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The Artful Dodger: Starry Night

The last time Jaime was released from jail, he basked in the openness of the public corridors around him. Last time, the weasel walked confidently to the impound hangar, waited in line, got the keycard to _Venom_ again, and blasted out of the star...

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Deadly Cargo - Gift Story

"..._is the H.S.S Sozdaniye...I repeat, this is the H.S.S Sozdaniye...We require urgent assistance..."_ The distress call triggered the sensor tell-tales of Nika Akulina's scout vessel as it cruised through the outer regions of the Damocles system...

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A Tail of Sparks - Chapter One

~~~ Author's Note: This story demands a quick explanation. Unlike my normal stories I write, this story relies less on correct grammar and more on remaining accurate to my character. The character in this story is a Chua, a character from the MMORPG...

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