
"well, according to authority, zootopia police department has authority in all potential crime scenes, cases, and potential arrests.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 16

#34 of zootopia billy joe sullivan and bobbie sue murphy were dead, blown away by nick wilde, and the entire zootopia police department was thrilled to hear that anthony and amanda skulk had been returned safely to their parents, and that nick had been the

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Hail to the Chief

Instead, the stern and serious face of the zootopia police department chief of police appeared in front of him.

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Insubordination - Zootopia Fan Fiction

Judy had simply asked the head of the zootopia police department why she had been brought into his office, on what was just her second day on the job. "i gave you one assignment, to write parking tickets!

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WWW.ZCC.Topia Part 1

police department) chief bogo was humming to himself while walking down a corridor, one of his college´s a wolf by the name of officer wolflord was walking down the same corridor "hey chief your newest vid is damn hot, when do i get a live show?"

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Fox and the Tiger: A Magnus and Bernard story

Bernard graduates from the zootopia police academy. as a new police officer, he is assigned to the zpd (zootopia police department) precinct in sahara square.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 11

The zootopia police department employees were given a very generous benefits that allowed for a parent to take an entire paid year off work during pregnancy and after birth.

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The Privileges of Public Service - Part Three

The first bunny and first fox cops on the force, and pioneers in the rapid transformation and diversification of the zootopia police department's entire hiring process.

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 8

"first precinct, zootopia police department, milton zazu, night shift operations chief speaking?" zazu said "chipperly." "now repeat that five times fast in reverse please?" fritz replied. "who ever this is?

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Zootopia: The Wilde Bunch - Part 1

Asked judy, seeing the gold oak leaf cluster that indicated his new rank in the zootopia police department. "good," answered nick. "feels weird to be out of the suit and back in the bag, though."

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The Privileges of Public Service - Part Two

To nick, and his single beady eye observing her and this new friend they had made here today, a woman who was all too forward and eager to show off just how much she appreciated the work which both bunny and fox did for the zootopia police department.

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 4

"zootopia police department, homicide. we'd like to speak with mister woundwart if he's available?" the hair made a quick look over his shoulder back into the bowling alley. "mister woundwart isn't available right now at this time in the morning.

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