A walk at the side of the ditch
A walk at the side of the ditch Deep in the woods at the edge of the town there is a ditch. A small groove, nothing spectacular, following the winding path leading uphill. You rarely see it. It is overgrown by thick undergrowth, repelling...
Just a short abstract story
Clock is ticking so fast and so slow My paw twitches with excitement What's going to happen next? Life sure is amazing Nothing more or nothing less The summer breeze invades my fur As I feel its whispers "You're alive" My head keeps...
The Conquerer and the Defier
I believed that the people lacked the capacity to understand and would reject my abstract science; _and i went ahead with the small-scale tests._ i threw it through hoops and checked for loopholes in physics, and tried to formulate new elemental compounds
The Beast Within
#13 of poetry a free verse poem in the abstract about what life with depression can be like. apologies to anyone in advance if this acts as a trigger.
Tiny Candles
#12 of poetry a (hopefully) inspirational g-rated poem about love in the abstract. this was my first attempt at free verse poetry; it does not rhyme or have a meter, but now you know where i stand.
Wasted (06/12/2018) A generation hasn't gone, Without becoming ruler's pawn, Sent away to serve their need, Fighting for their endless greed, Hack and slash or shoot the gun, For there is nowhere they can run, Win the fight and save the...
There Be Dragons
There Be Dragons (11/17/2017) A secret you keep tucked under your bed, Hiding it well for exposure you dread, You dare not reveal the contents of your heart, Or family and friends may all soon depart, But the world in your mind is uncharted...
Solace: A Tale of Foxes (Part 4/4)
Space of no boundaries. Oh how you have deceived me With your endless opportunities And my cheerful optimism Lunging to hug my destiny The greater unknown is what I dreamed of The misguided truth is what I lived by I can drift away without a...
Solace: A Tale of Foxes (Part 3/4)
A step into the mist. A glimpse into paradise. The mackle of early spring fog. The looming shape of a trunk, shaded by the canopy, appeared and disappeared into the vacancy, a lulling whisper trailed across the forest. The red fox made sturdy steps...
Solace: A Tale of Foxes (Part 2/4)
"Run...Keep running...." Fiery flames sprouted out of the treetops, its contours mingled with the fiery red of the setting sun. Giant torches were bundled together and set afire. "I can't move..." Pillars of thick black smoke tunneled into the...
Solace: A Tale of Foxes (Part 1/4)
The end is built into the beginning The flurry summer haze lingered in the cold. The scent of burnt soot and ash drifted across the land. The weary wind hissed and hushed in the darkness. The city was asleep; lights were dying out as the distance...
Just an old dabble for an rp I figured I can share :3 Bones crush and turn to dust, but the clock keeps on ticking, never stopping. As you sit there, in the uncomfy chair that looked far too fake with it's shining rubber, you begin to ponder things,...