Spell Casting [PTRN][RWD]

Calming, voice amplification, translation... these were all neat, but not quite what he was looking for. and then he came across _magnora gantuan_ - the growth spell.

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The Magic Academy - Prologue

Before she even has time to finish crying a amplification spell carries a male elven voice over the land. "to the headmaster of the magic academy. hand over any and all humans you may be harboring. we know several slipped in. hand them over now."

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Chapter 6; The Price of Recovery

amplification runes, with the eagle subtype for speed and the bear subtype for strength. he back up slowly, the symbols were drawn perfectly as though by a master's hand.

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Falcon Destiny

Her voice carried easily across the gathered crowd behind us without any need for amplification. "seyla," my opponent and i responded, as if we had but one voice. "what happens here, warriors, will bind us until we all shall fall."

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Performance Review

Unlike spanking by hand, he wasn't dealing with the same sting in his hand, and he had leverage, amplification. it only took three swats to break her focus and interrupt her reading. "it doesn't end until you finish the page, janice.

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Hearth Star: Warrior of the God-King

Whatever they were, they were still hidden too deeply in the shadows for the crude light amplification equipment in his helmet visor to make out too many details about them.

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Victernus - Chapter 1 (2016 Edit)

The sensations were an amplification of his normal experiences, and while he was aware that there were some who felt this on a regular basis, he was not prepared for the sheer intensity of it - and he still wasn't "there" yet.

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The Help Wanted Chronicles - Santa's Little Helper

The world became a confusing fusion of sensations as he now felt experience from both of them simultaneously, and the amplification effect it had on the stocking grew exponentially. and so it continued until the expected conclusion.

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Chapter 5: Playtime

"of course, they're physical amplification runes. faster stronger better, all that shit. you know i considered doing a black market deal with american sports teams but figured it to be more prudent to avoid entanglements with the common muck."

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Behind the Scenes Chapter 1

"yes i am but i do not think i will use to much amplification like in that track, there needs to be some dancing as well as some fucking a fine balance for a good time."

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Startide III -- Intro

"and here i passed on the light amplification upgrades so i wouldn't have to replace my eyes..." with a little sigh he made it to a panel, and tapped it a few times before the lights started to come up just enough for him to see.

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A New World Ch 6: Legacy

"but the others are for amplification, turning the heat from my hands into fire for me to use and manipulation so i can use the fire for actual combat."

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