Romantic Dreamland - short poem

**Romantic Dreamland** My dreams have been set ablaze, By her gentle presence. In these scenes we prance and play, Under the Moon's silver light. Her eyes shine bright, Like sequin roses. Her dark fur reflects the silver, Magnificent frost,...

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The Paths of Destiny - medium poem

The Pokémon of evolution, A small, foxy being, Covered in shades of brown from ear tip to tail. Beautiful dark brown, intelligent eyes With all emotion painted within the glassy stare. It carries the strength of normality, hidden deep within. It...

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A Mind of Confusion - short poem

I am a horse of confusion. A horse of the dark and the light. The horror horse of the mind. I'm plagued by an ever changing perception. A consciousness that cannot decide who to be. My personalities of happiness, anger, sadness, and anxiety Are...

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An Unexpected Date - poetic story

Standing in front of the mirror, is Skyler. An albino hamster with short, green hair. She scans her reflection. Searching heavily for flaws in her appearance. "My clothes look good. My fur is clean and neat. I freshly dyed my hair yesterday. I...

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Soul Shattering Collapse - medium poem

How do you move on When your dreams have become flawed? You've watched them build up. Nurtured the fields of success and hope Just to watch it burn and decay With the smallest wrong breath, The one wrong question. How do you move on When the...

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Tell me - medium poem

Tell, tell me how, I've offended your being. How I could impact you so. When I don't even know you. Tell, tell me how, Your betrayal is my fault. How my trust is lacking. For helping one in need. Tell, tell me how, I'm supposed to feel,...

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An Early Discovery - poetic story

A walk through the woods, That's how the day started. The day that my priorities shifted. I remember the scents, The wildlife and plants. The leaves rustling in the wind, Brushing past my silvery fur. My eye catches a strange patch of trees....

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To a Suffering Soul - short poem

Never, are you alone. Through your pain and strife. Loneliness is an aliment of your past. Love is the blanket that now warms you. Trust in me to provide, Everything your emotions crave and demand. Never, will I fail you. I'll put my entire...

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A Pure Winter - medium poem

The snow silently falls. Trees have shed their leaves. The wreaths hang on doors and walls. Lights of many colors are twinkling, Beneath a thin layer of snow and ice. Heavily decorated trees litter homes and streets. Shredded wrapping paper is...

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A Fighter - short poem

**A Fighter** Light, weightless, I'll buzz through life. Cunning, quick, I'll overcome. Wise, understanding, I'll listen. Passionate, watchful, I'll protect you. Strong, fearless, I'll fight for us. Vigilant, knowing, I'll be ever...

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Autumn's Memories - short poem

We begin to wave farewell, To the hot and sunny days, Welcoming the chilly air, and the nights around the flames. As the leaves change their color, To begin falling from the branches, They bring to life our youth, and our years of constant play....

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A Missing Piece - short poem

Please forgive, My wandering heart. A soul that has no clue. Desperate desires, Fleeting, yet passionate. Consuming my temporary present. I yearn for more, Yet know to settle. Confusion at my core. Unhappiness plague, Our everchanging lives....

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