Chapter 10: Brotherhood

"Mmmmmm....." Keith groaned as he woke up from his deep sleep. Keith opened his eyes and looked around him, he was still between his two new found brothers....who were still snoring softly and clinging to Keith. Keith smiled and kissed them both...

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Chapter 9:Escape from Hell, into Heaven

Where am I? Keith slowly opened his eyes.....he was in what seemed to be an infirmary. "Comrade? Comrade! Your awake! Thank god!" Exile breathed. Keith looked at Exile, his wounds were now covered in bandages, but he still looked...

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Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell

Comrade! What are you doing! Exile continued to pound the door mercilessly trying to break it down. Comrade I forgive you for what you did with Hunter......I know it's in nature to not push away.....please don't do anything stupid! Exile...

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Chapter 7: Farewell to a friend, a brief respite

I still can't believe it.....Blitz is..... Keith was still crying into Exile's warm, strong chest. He managed to look up and Exile had his eye's closed....sobbing softly....tears running down his face. It broke Keith's heart even more seeing his...

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Chapter 6: First Encounter, First Loss

"Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!" Keith and Exile immediately untangled themselves from their own little world at the horrendous shriek. "What in the hell?! Who the hell got past our system! Come on comrade! Put on your boxers and let's go!"...

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Chapter 5: First Premonition, First Time

Keith sprinted through the cold metal halls of Umbrella as fast as he could, avoiding the encroaching guards and the gunfire that ensued. He ran and ran when he saw a stick of C4 on the ground. He lit it and threw it at the encroaching mob. It exploded...

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Chapter 4: Secret\'s Revealed, a bond is born

As they entered the shower room, poor Keith got an eyeful! Oh god! I've entered heaven! Redfield you are such a perv! Both Hunter and Blitz were stark naked and acted like nothing was wrong when Keith walked in. Keith couldn't help but eye...

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Chapter 3:Briefing, a new friendship

Keith said "The whole mess started when my master was sent on a mission to investigate some bizarre murders occurring through out the city. The victims were apparently....eaten." The entire room was silent. "Investigation ruled that a...

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Chapter 2:Introductions

"Attention Rovers, report to the main lobby immediately! It's an emergency!" "Ugh, what is wrong now?" Exile said outloud. "I don't know, but he sounds pretty panicked" Hunter said with a hint of worry in his voice. "What are we waiting...

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Chapter 1: Prologue

_This is a Resident Evil/Road Rovers crossover involving one of my original characters. All things are co to their respective creators, although Exile's past is completely my idea, along with Keith, his sub, the rover's plane and the village involved...

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Pushing Forward, New Clues

"All right you guys ready?" Keith asked, leaning against the wooden gate. "Yeah," the rest of the Rovers whispered. Keith and Hunter opened the large gate and everyone stepped in with their guns ready. "Is this.....a tribal village?"...

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Another Shadow, Genocide

The sun was high in the sky and the heat was scorching as the dogs drove along the arid African Savannah. The dogs had already removed their shirts and their equipment to help cool themselves off, but the direct sunlight was making it hard to get...

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