Freelancers, Chapter 22
"You know, it just now hit me," Dr. T'Lura said as they waited for the airlock's decontamination cycle to finish. "We're actually going to meet Commander Shepard and his team. The ones who saved the Citadel from Sovereign _and_ stopped the Collectors...
Arena, Chapter 5
"Okay. So far, so good." Dylan turned slowly, taking in their new surroundings, and let out a slow breath when no new instructions popped into his mind. He and the females had found themselves standing on the corner of a street in another alien city....
Harbinger, Chapter 4
"No news on Airachnid yet," Arcee muttered as her remote-controlled body held the door open for Jack, his mom, Miko, and Ashanti's team. "Optimus said he's holding off on reviving the two dormant 'Bots until after we view the new records. He didn't say...
Elsewhere, Chapter 14
"I'm guessing this is where that critter came from," Morrison said as the others entered what appeared to be a storage room--with curved sections cut out of the floor, one wall, and the ceiling. The edges glowed red-hot, indicating the damage had been...
Elsewhere, Chapter 13
"Jump completed," Astra said. "Initiating scan." Kamala slithered over to the central console, coiled herself up to keep out of everyone's way, and braced her lower hands on the panel. Roger put his left arm around her as she stared at the graphics...
Project: Phoenix (Neon City, Book 3), Chapter 11
"Holy_shit_, Jack," his mom said after he finished telling her as much as he could about their last few jobs, the events leading to their employment at the Justice Foundation, and their side-gig on the reality show with several of their friends and...
Reactivated, Chapter 1
_Ugh. I need coffee._ Lydia Castillo turned off the shower, stepped onto the soft, burgundy rug on the diamond-pattern linoleum, and yawned. The aroma of the pot brewing reached her and she smiled and inhaled deeply. She often forgot to set the timer...
Freelancers, Chapter 21
"Two more minutes." The girl tapped a control and a set of blast shields retracted, revealing the blackness of space outside the cockpit. She touched another glowing, holographic button, and the lights in the compartment dimmed until Chasca's night...
Arena, Chapter 4
"No!" Dylan shook his head and backed away from them. "I won't do it!" "None of us want to." Grishnag sighed. "But if we don't--" "Fuck this. They can torture me for the rest of my life, I still won't do it." He glanced around, threw his hands up,...
Arena, Chapter 3
The light faded and Dylan found himself in a seat. He blinked, shook his head, and glanced around. He and the females appeared to be in the back of an oversized van or passenger carrier. The interior had just enough room for two rows of seats and a...
Project: Phoenix (Neon City, Book 3), Chapter 10
"Thanks for the lift, Hoshi." Jack stepped out of the van, took a few steps away, and stretched as Corona and Taura squeezed through the door. "You're welcome. Machiko will notify you when you're needed again." Hoshi offered them a small smile before...
Harbinger, Chapter 3
"Wanna watch the sunset while we eat?" Jack held out a tray. Arcee jumped slightly and turned toward him. Her thoughts returned to the present, and she accepted the tray with a smile. "Sounds good. I could use something relaxing right now." She held...